Way of Choices

Chapter 851: There is a sedan outside the city

Chen Changsheng has not spoken, but just listened quietly.

The conversation between the father and son of Mrs. Tang did not hide his meaning.

So he heard a lot of secrets, not the real secrets of the Tang family, but the deep secrets of the father and son.

Especially when he heard the last paragraph, he was a little surprised, but this does not mean that he knew nothing about it.

In fact, the reason why the man who made the Tang family jealous and uneasy appeared in the old house three days ago was originally at his request.

"Now that you know that he is coming, what chance do you have?" said Mrs. Tang.

The second prince of the Tang family recovered calmly and said indifferently: "He refused to change his surname, so he was not qualified to take care of the affairs of the Tang family,"

Mrs. Tang looked at him blankly and said, "If I let him take care of it?"

The second Tang family said after a moment of silence: "I asked someone to drag him out, he couldn't come."

Mrs. Tang said: "Even so, what else can you do?"

The second grandfather of the Tang family said calmly: "There are not many things I can do, but at least I can kill my good nephew."

When he said this, he was too calm, as if telling a very ordinary thing, so neither Chen Changsheng nor Mrs. Tang had the first time to react.

"If Brother Tang is dead, your father will have no other choice but me."

This time, Mrs. Tang and Chen Changsheng heard his words clearly, and then thought of a story in Daozang.

That story is too old, without evidence, more like a legend, or myth.

According to legend, in the ancient times, there was an unusually powerful empire. One day, the emperor suddenly died of illness while patrolling the front line. The accompanying queen and prince were stuck on the wasteland by a heavy rain, and the one who stayed in Kyoto. The prince forged the edict with the support of his sisters and ministers, preempted the throne, and the empire fell into civil strife.

It was then that all countries in the world waged war against that empire, and the situation was very dangerous.

Decades later, the Queen Mother and Crown Prince returned to Kyoto under the protection of a minister who ordered life.

The Her Royal Highness Princess who supported the New Emperor and the Minister of the DPRK and China expressed their willingness to pay enough for this matter, hoping that both sides would abandon their previous suspicions, unite all forces, and resist external aggression forces. At that time, the forces of the New Emperor were still strong. For the sake of the overall situation, this seems to be The only way out, but the minister who ordered life did not think so.

At the Dacha meeting early that morning, the minister who ordered the life cut off the head of Xinjun directly.

Then he said to the high princess and ministers loyal to the new king, there is only one emperor in the empire.

You don’t know what kind of future you should choose for the empire? Then I will help you to exclude a waiting option, so that you do not need to worry and suffer.

Because the only choice is the best choice.

(Note: This story comes from a very powerful novel, Ye Ye. But please Ming Jian, this does not mean that the story of Ye Ye happened before the selection of the sky. I can clearly say that it is not that way, I am Recently I'm reviewing Jiang Ye again, I can't help but want to write fun, this man is cheap...)



At this moment, what the second Tang family said and what he was about to do, is somewhat the same as the myth story mentioned in Daozang.

If Tang Thirty-six died, what other options can Mrs. Tang have?

Of course, first he has to do what he says.

"Do you think you have this ability?" said Mrs. Tang, staring at the eyes of Mr. Tang.

The second prince of the Tang family thought about the information that had been received previously, and the pictures that occurred in the granary, the five people on the riverside, were a little distracted.

"Yes, until today I didn't know that I never really understood my own family."

He looked at his father and said, "The Tang family is just like you. It is still a bottomless old well, but after all, I am a member of the Tang family. I know very well that there is no arrangement on the side of the temple, as long as my people pass by, You will be able to kill him."

Then he looked to Chen Changsheng and said, "Of course I would also like to thank His Majesty the Pope for coming. Wenshui City has been nervous for two days. Today's chaos is your handwriting, but the more chaotic, the easier it is for me to arrange things ."

Chen Changsheng did not speak and stood up directly.

Grandpa Tang looked at the second Tang family and said, "Do you think you can still move?"

What happened today has proved that the Tang family is still the Tang family of the old man. No matter how many years the second man of the Tang family secretly operated, as long as the old man of the Tang family speaks, those subordinates who are loyal and devoted to the second family of the Tang family in normal days still dare not dare. Just take a step, and even dare not breathe out loud.

"If it is from the Tang family, I can't move it naturally."

The second prince of the Tang family said calmly: "Fortunately, the dean of the business gave me a group of good assassins."

Which force is the best assassin on the mainland? Former Tianji Pavilion.

In the current Tianji Pavilion, most of the industry has been owned by the Tang family, but the power in the dark night belongs to the court.

To be more precise, those terrible forces in the dark night are now handled by Luoyang Changchun Guan.

These are of course secrets, but it is impossible to hide Mrs. Tang and Chen Changsheng.

So they knew that the second Tang family did not lie or bluff.

If the assassins of Tianji Pavilion took advantage of the chaos to sneak into Wenshui City, they had already entered the ancestral hall at this time...

Chen Changsheng walked outside.

The second Tang family looked at him and said, "It's too late."

Chen Changsheng stopped.

The old house was quiet, almost dead.

No one thought that the second Tang family directly used such thundering methods.

Looking back now, his previous silence, even incompetence, was naturally a disguise that made the Tang's old house and state religion less vigilant.

Grandpa Tang’s eyes are extremely deep, probably because he knows that his grandson will really die this time.

The Tang family's worship is still in the ancestral hall.

But the second Tang family did not mention it.

What this means, Mrs. Tang is very clear.

The second grandfather of the Tang family looked at Chen Changsheng's back and said, "Your Majesty, you may also be dying today. Are you mentally prepared?"

If Tang Thirty-six dies, Chen Changsheng will definitely find a way to kill the second Tang family.

Mrs. Tang, who had no other choice, could only stand by his son.

There will inevitably be a war between the state religion and the Tang family.

So what will Mr. Tang do?

The answer is unknown.



Wang Po stood on Jiming Mountain outside Wenshui City for three days.

It's snow and wind, he is an old man.

Not afraid because of being close, so dare not enter.

He went into the city three days ago, went to the old house, and had a long conversation with Mrs. Tang, but failed to persuade each other.

What can I do if I can't convince each other? Is it true that they draw their swords at the same time?

Mrs. Tang has looked at the world coldly for hundreds of years. Even if he is extremely cold to his own son, he is very good and impeccable.

In any case, he would not be able to shoot to Mrs. Tang. Of course, even if he did, he might not be against Mr. Tang’s opponent.

Even he doesn't know how deep the well in the old house is.

But when he stood outside the city, he supported Chen Changsheng like a custody.

But at this time, he felt the movement in the old mansion, watching the turmoil in the ancestral hall, he still did not go down.

Because two sedan chairs came to Jiming Mountain.

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