Way of Choices

Chapter 858: Before and after the sun sets

Chen Changsheng didn't even know what to do in the old house from the thirty-sixth of Tang Dynasty, and he didn't know why he wanted to play this game with the old man.

It wasn't until Tang Thirty-six said his request that he understood it.

Chen Changsheng took everyone in the state religion and took the risk to come to Wenshui City. He took the toughest posture and changed the idea of ​​Mrs. Tang.

Tang Thirty-six was released from the ancestral hall, and the second prince of the Tang family didn't know where he was detained.

If it is an ordinary person, it would probably be grateful to Chen Changsheng and those outside the house, and then think about how to return in the future. But Tang Thirty-six is ​​not an ordinary person. He does not take the usual path. He knows very well that such feelings can only be repaid with the Tang family.

The old house is very quiet.

The snow along the well was melted by the sun and ran down the wall of the well, silently.

Mrs. Tang said with a blank expression: "If the state religion eventually lost this war, how can you threaten me even if you understand the Tang family without a card in your hand? Since you have been thinking in the ancestral hall for half a year, it is impossible I didn’t think about this, so what exactly do you want?"

"I want my uncle to die and die immediately. I must die before the sun sets today."

Tang Thirty-six looked at Tang's eyes and calmly said, "Then I want the Tang family to remain neutral in this war."

Mrs. Tang was silent for a long time, and said, "If I say no, the words on the file will be turned into real means by you?"

Tang Thirty-six said: "Not bad."

Mrs. Tang looked at the emerald green bamboo cards on the table and frowned slightly. "You are a mess of cards."

Tang Thirty-six said: "Chen Changsheng and I are both young people, and the ones outside the house are certainly not as good as you. But we have the courage to lift the table at any time, because we can have another game, but you can't, Because you are old."

Looking at Tang Thirty-six, Grandpa Tang suddenly said, "Have you ever thought about it, maybe after yesterday, I was ready to let you be the master?"

Starting purely from the interests of the family, after yesterday’s incident, it now appears that the best heir of the Tang family is of course the thirty-sixth.

If the firm's boat and the court win, Tang's grandfather still has enough time to change Tang Sanshi's view, or directly change the person's choice. If Chen Changsheng wins the state religion, Mrs. Tang only needs to put the Tang family in the hands of Tang 36, and Wenshui City will not be affected in any way.

Chen Changsheng did not think about these things. These things are a bit complicated for him.

He is not good at dealing with the world's many things, only good at seeing people.

Those days in the National College of Education made him very clear that Tang Sanshi did not want to be the owner.

But Tang Thirty-six must have thought about these issues, so why is his attitude so intense today?

"Even if I am the head of the house after many years, I am more concerned about the attitude of the family in recent years."

Tang Thirty-six said: "And the unilateral commitment will never be firm under the agreement reached by both parties under threat."

Mrs. Tang said, "You don't believe me?"

Tang Sanshi said: "So many things have happened, don't you think it's not funny to believe this kind of word?"

"From the first day you were born, you are my next generation Tang family head. Don’t forget, it’s you, not your father! How much did I do to help you take over the family head? The Tang family paid How much? What about you? It’s foolish to be on his side because of the so-called affection!"

Mrs. Tang said that the more angry he became, the louder and louder he was, and when he said the last sentence, he pointed directly to Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng moved to the side silently, avoiding that finger.

"Stupid affection? Without this affection, I still play dumb in the ancestral hall."

Tang Sanshi finally got angry and shouted, "If Chen Changsheng was not my friend, I would die three years ago!"

Mrs. Tang looked at him angrily: "Do you think I really will kill you?"

Tang Thirty-six sneered, "Of course you will kill me, anyway, you only need to wash your hands and eat a few tables of vegetarian food, you will feel no sin!"

This is the second time the word Su Zhai appeared in the Tang's old house.

Yesterday news came from the ancestral hall that Tang 36 asked someone to go to Jiming An to raise a seat of Su Zhai.

It's just that Su Zhai hasn't done it well, and all things are over.

Just like yesterday, after hearing the word Su Zhai, Mrs. Tang's face became very ugly and his hands shook.

Not knowing how long it took, Mrs. Tang finally calmed down and asked, "How does it taste?"

"That table Su Zhai was sent into the ancestral hall at night, it was already cold."

Tang Thirty-six was silent for a while, and said: "It tastes ordinary, but it is not real meat. It is not as good as the former Chenghu Tower, nor as the canteen of the State Education College."

Mrs. Tang was silent for a long time, and said, "Really? After I die, I don't know if anyone wants to eat it."

"Grandpa, this is our biggest difference."

At this point in the long conversation today, Tang Sanshi finally shouted these two words for the first time.

But these two words did not make the atmosphere in the room warmer, but colder, just like his next voice.

"Yes, in order to train me to be the Tang family, you have really treated me very well in the past two decades, and the family has paid a lot, but you have not thought of it... those are not what I want, nor are they family Everyone here is willing to accept, such as the matter of Zhufang Wuhou!"

Tang Thirty-six said angrily: "Yes, my Tang family has its own monastic talents, and Shou Yuan is long. In the future, after thousands of years, I will be in full charge of the family business, and every room will be born as much as I want. Those brothers and sisters are much younger than me. , Can't threaten me anymore... but have you ever thought about doing it too hard?"

"Aunt Sui secretly conceived a child that year, and returned to her mother's house for five months on the pretext of being sick. But you still knew it. You asked the uncle to force Sishui to drop the child! Have you ever thought about it? How painful is Auntie Si? What does the hatred of the long room receive compared to it?"

"As for Su Zhai of Jiming Mountain...you don't have to worry because I am not you."

Tang Thirty-six looked at the old man with disappointment and got up and walked outside.

Chen Changsheng also left.

There was only one old lady Tang in the room.

He was sitting alone at the table, not knowing what he was thinking.

The emerald green bamboo cards lay quietly on the table like this, never moved again.



Clouds reunite, the river at night is quiet, very dark,

If it were before, the river here should be illuminated with many lights.

Tang Thirty-six sat by the river and looked at the opposite side of the black paint, thinking about the days before.

Chen Changsheng is also here. Today, he once again came to Tang's manor house as a guest, but not as a pope, but as a friend.

Not long ago, there was news from the old mansion that Mrs. Tang agreed to the request of Thirty-six. I did not know whether it was because of the game, or because of the determination of the young people to dare to overturn the table.

Or, it's just because of Ji Ming An's vegetarian restaurant.

Tang 36 asked suddenly: "Want to know this story?"

Chen Changsheng said: "If you want to say."



(Too busy in the afternoon, I forgot to update. Let’s take this chapter today. Tomorrow will leave for Hubei. There are a lot of things at home. The update will slow down. It will last for a month and double changes. My mental state is much better. It’s also quite interesting, it’s really good, thank you everyone. The update is only a few days, the journey is over, and I will definitely continue to work hard after I arrive at Yichang’s house.)

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