Way of Choices

Chapter 861: Tea Fragrance

Hearing this news, Chen Changsheng was silent for a long time.

A few days later, a group of people came to Fengyang City.

Fengyang City is a county town under the jurisdiction of Fengcheng Prefecture, which is much smaller than other counties, but it is already a very lively and prosperous place in the canyon.

Standing on the cliff, looking at the lights of the county town in the distance, everyone decided to rest here overnight, and then enter the city again in the early morning.

Thinking that Nanke's identity was a little sensitive, Chen Changsheng sent her into Zhou Yuan.

She has completely forgotten what happened in Zhou Yuan that year, but she likes the environment inside very much, showing no resistance.

At that time, Tang Thirty-six did not enter Zhou Garden because of the observation of the monument in Tianshuling. He was a little curious and asked Chen Changsheng to send himself to play.

But not long after he entered, he came out.

He thought Zhou Yuan was very boring, and Nanke thought Zhou Yuan was very good, for the same reason.

There are no people in Zhou Garden, only countless monsters.

Nanke instinctively feels relaxed, and this will only make Tang Sanshi feel bored.

Something that surprised Chen Changsheng was that the folded sleeves also asked him to send himself into Zhou Yuan.

He sat quietly on the grassland for a while, and came out to Chen Changsheng, saying that this grassland is boring now, and the sun will set.

The prohibition of the sunset grassland has been broken, and the level of monsters living in Zhouyuan is constantly rising.

Chen Changsheng knew that it was not because of these reasons, or because the sun would set, but because the girl who had accompanied him to watch the sun was gone.

At five o'clock in the morning, Chen Changsheng felt calm and opened his eyes to the Xiajiang River under the cliff.

Throughout the night, he used his consciousness to spread the two sides of the canyon, trying to find the trace of Su Su, but found nothing.

The climate in the canyon is much warmer than the plain outside the mountain. The temperature of Fengyang County is much higher than that of Wenshui City. Even in the winter season, there is still no snow, and even wearing a cotton jacket will still feel a little hot, just like the river. Several extremely thick iron ropes, irradiated by the sun, have no iron cold at all, but make people feel very hot.

Fengyang County rose up from the mountain and walked from the cliff to the city. All the trees along the way were tea trees, and it was obvious that those tea trees had been picked.

Looking at Chen Changsheng and others' puzzled expressions, Hu Sanji explained: "Here is a lot of wild tea, and this batch of wild tea in winter has the best taste. The reputation of Fengyang wild tea has become more and more loud in the past ten years. Dongye tea has also become a precious thing, and tea parties are held at this time of the year. The prefects and bishops personally attend the meeting, and there are countless tea merchants gathered here."

It was still early in the morning, and Fengyang County was already very lively. On the two sides of the main road leading from the river to Qibao Village above the county, dozens of tea shops had opened their doors. To the quite simple tea fragrance with the morning breeze floating on the stone steps everywhere.

Under the leadership of household thirty-two, Chen Changsheng and others first went to visit Qibao Village, then went to the riverside to look at the famous Bailong carved stone, and when the sun was getting stronger, they looked for a place near the ferry. The relatively quiet tea house sat down and rested a little while waiting for new news to return.

Qibaozhai is like a reduced version of the county town. It has seven floors on the mountain. It is not surprising that the three floors above have been sealed because of the preparation for the tea party. This year also coincided with the winter flood season, and half of the Bailong carved stones were submerged in the river water. Tang Sanshi was a little unhappy. After drinking tea, his mood did not reply a little.

"I didn't expect this tea to be really good." He raised the teacup in his hand and glanced at it, somewhat surprised.

The wild tea in the cup is steaming, the tea is strong and not greasy, as if there is some kind of wild fun hidden in the middle.

"When it comes to tasting tea, the first person in the world often thinks of Wang Liangsun, but Xiao Zhang, who paints his armor, despise Liang Wangsun most and thinks that he is exhausted by his reputation and has lost his true interest. Those who had good deeds once asked specifically Wang Liangsun, Liang Wangsun said with a smile, I don’t accept him in fights, but I have to do it when it comes to tea."

Hu 32 said: "At this time, people in the world know that Xiao Zhang was also a tea lover, and he always didn't like those famous teas. He only loved to find wild tea in mountain forests and small villages in the ugly village. The reason why wild tea is famous also depends on the publicity of Xiao Zhang over the years."

When drinking tea, if there are no snacks, it will be interesting to talk about, so it is the tea narrative. Hu 32 is the most knowledgeable and interesting person in the state religion.

Tang Thirty-six is ​​a child of the family, and it’s interesting to hear naturally, but Chen Changsheng has nothing to do with folding sleeves and Fengya. After listening to these words, I wasn’t thinking about the tea in Fengyang City. These anecdotes between Xiao and Zhang, but some very boring things.

"I don't know who is better than Liang Wangsun and Xiao Zhang." Chen Changsheng asked.

Everyone knows that this is the time when the wild flowers bloom in the practice world, and this time was started by Wang Po, Xiao Zhang, Wang Liangsun, Xun Mei, and the second Tang family.

Among this generation of flamboyant figures, Wang Po is undoubtedly the strongest one, but Xiao Zhang and Liang Sun are also very remarkable figures.

In the city of Xunyang, Chen Changsheng had seen Xiao Zhang and King Liang Liang once, and then on the day he killed Zhou Tong, he had seen Xiao Zhang again.

On that day, he was in the snow and the sky, he rushed in and out of the Qing Dynasty government office. Wang Po broke his arm on the Xuehe, broke the sacred field, cut the iron tree under the knife, and was finally rescued by Xiao Zhang.

No one can understand why Xiao Zhang did this.

If the goal pursued by King Liang and Sun in this life is very clear, and the whole continent knows, what exactly is Xiao Zhang pursuing?

"Xiao Zhang is better than Liang Wang Sun Qiang."

The person answering this question is the folding sleeve, and he said this based on the ranking of the Xiaoyao list, of course.

"His lifelong pursuit is to become the strongest, with clearer goals and simpler means, so relatively speaking, it is more terrible."

What martial arts did Xiao Zhang pursue? It's not Zhou Du's husband's killing, or Wang Po's straight, his way is war.

Regardless of whether he can beat it, he has to fight, and the more he can't fight, the more he is fighting, so he will be considered a lunatic by many people.

For decades, he has played against Wang Po countless times, and he has never won, but he has never lost.

Now Wang Po is already a strong man in the sacred field. The strength gap between the two sides is many times larger than in previous years, but I believe that Xiao Zhang will not give up.

From this point of view, Wang Po was right on Snow Street. The second prince of the Tang family was much worse than Xiao Zhang, Xun Mei and others.

Household thirty-two suddenly said: "Xiao Zhang has been miserable in recent years."

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