Way of Choices

Chapter 866: I can stand taller

The smoke was slightly condensed, and the figure of folded sleeves appeared in front of Xiao Zhang.

He was dressed in a single coat, and his cuffs and trouser legs were cut short, unable to cover the thorn-like hair extensions.

Ten extreme sharp but tenacious claw tips came out of the front of his hands.

Even more frightening is that his face is covered with hair, his teeth become extremely sharp, and his eyes are full of crazy red.

Seeing this scene, the crowd burst into a horrified shout, desperately retreating like a tide.

Folded sleeves didn't pay attention to these things at all, just stared at the few Tsing Yi Taoists.

The real power of these Tsing Yi Taoists is very strong, but even more terrifying is that they are very dangerous.

The strong do not necessarily represent danger, and no one knows this truth better than folding a sleeve.

So he didn't hesitate to go crazy at the first time, facing the enemy with his strongest state.



The sword with several handles buzzed, trembling with a high frequency in the morning light.

Several Tsing Yi Taoists looked at the folded sleeves, frowned slightly, and did not speak or attack.

Although Folded Sleeves have lived and fought in the snowfields of Northern Xinjiang since childhood, they have been well-known in the hinterland of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The people in Tsing Yi Road only glanced at it, and they recognized this young strong man from the wolf clan.

The man who folded his sleeves was the most dangerous one among the younger generation of monks.

This is a well-recognized fact. Although he has not shown his terrifying experience and perseverance in combat for many years.

If you fold your sleeves and insist on protecting Xiao Zhang, you will surely fall into a bitter battle today, and may even be a **** battle.

But the people in Tsing Yi Road are just vigilant, not afraid.

They judged calmly that folding the sleeves could not change the final outcome, and Xiao Zhang would die.

The reason they stopped was not because of the sudden appearance of the folded sleeve, but because they knew where the folded sleeve had gone and who it had been with since it left the snowfield.

Sure enough, the crowd just below the stone steps receded to both sides like a tide.

Chen Changsheng walked up the stone steps.

The whole county of Fengyang has become extremely quiet and silent.

No one here knows Chen Changsheng, but the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty are all believers in the state religion, and who would not know the magic wand in his hand?

Who is qualified to hold this magic wand across the continent?

Someone finally woke up and gave a cry of exclamation, so the whole Fengyang county woke up.

Still like a tide, countless people knelt down on the ground and bowed to Chen Changsheng. Countless pious and awesome voices joined together like a thunder.

"See your Majesty the Pope."

Chen Changsheng came to Fold Sleeve and turned to look at the Taoist Taoist.

Those Tsing Yi Taoists bowed down to Chen Changsheng with a polite attitude and no reluctance.

Chen Changsheng nodded.

The officials present and the court masters from the Criminal Department also knelt down.

Chen Changsheng looked at Xiao Zhang, looked at the already worn white paper on his face, and thought about the scene when he first met in Xunyang City.

Until this time, he did not glance at the Zhifu master.

Master Zhifu's complexion changed for a moment, after all he lifted his official clothes and knelt down.

Xiao Zhang did not kneel because he had no strength, of course, even if he still had a lot of strength, he would not kneel to Chen Changsheng.

Chen Changsheng has been the Pope for three years, especially in the recent period. As he reappeared and the events of Zhu Sha Dan, his reputation on the mainland is getting higher and higher.

In Xiao Zhang's eyes, he was still a young man with good talent and hard temperament in Xunyang City, but as boring as Wang Po.

In short, in his view, Chen Changsheng is a junior, so why should he worship?

Xiao Zhang asked: "Why are you here?"

Chen Changsheng said: "Just passing by."

This is naturally an excuse and no one will believe it.

Xiao Zhang then asked: "What are you going to do?"

Chen Changsheng said: "I want to forgive your sins."

After saying this, he raised the wand in his hand.

Next, all he needs to do is kneel down, and then he taps the top of Xiao Zhang's head three times with the tip of the scepter to complete the pardon ceremony.

"Slow!" Lord Zhifu forcibly suppressed his inner fear, watching Chen Changsheng tremble and said, "When will the palace be able to interfere with North Korea's politics?"

According to the law of the Great Zhou Dynasty and some unwritten old examples, the Li Palace is generally not allowed to interfere in North Korean government affairs.

Chen Changsheng finally glanced at the governor, but he still didn't speak.

"According to the law of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the first order was punished, and the crime of non-rebellion, His Majesty the Pope has the power to rule."

Hu Sanjiu didn't know when he came to the field, and he looked at the Zhifu Master with a blank expression and said, "Which number did you test for in the Dynasty? Why didn't you even know this?"

Master Zhifu’s face became very ugly. He read the law and the Scriptures well, and he should know that His Majesty the Pope has the power of ****, but the previous Pope has not used it for hundreds of years. Don’t say it is him. I'm afraid even the princes in the forgotten have forgotten this matter.

The words he said earlier were so clanging and powerful, and they sounded loudly at this time, as if there was still an echo.

"You kill the innocent indiscriminately.

"So, you are not forgiving."

However, not long after he finished speaking, the pope appeared before him and said that he would forgive Xiao Zhang's sin.

This is the prerogative of the pope, whether you are dead or unforgivable. I will forgive you, and you will have no sin.

Tang Thirty-six also came to the field, pointing at the few Tsing Yi Taoists: "If the state religion should not interfere with the political affairs of the state, why do these Taoist priests in Changchun dare to kill people on the street? Did Master Zhifu send these people first? Caught in the jail?

The people in Tsing Yi Road didn't change their expressions, and Master Zhifu's face was more ugly.

At this moment, Xiao Zhang suddenly said: "I won't kneel on you."

If he insists on not kneeling, how can the ceremony of **** be completed?

No one thought that things could be solved at first sight, and suddenly there was such a problem again.

Tang Thirty-six watched Xiao Zhang prepare to say a few harsh words, but was stopped by Chen Changsheng.

"I just stand taller."

Chen Changsheng walked up a few steps and turned around.

At this time, his position was several steps higher than that of Xiao Zhang, and the height was just right.

Xiao Zhang doesn't need to kneel down, and the magic wand he lifted can fall straight on top of his head like a ruler.

No sound sounded, the tip of the wand gently touched the top of Xiao Zhang's head three times, and the ceremony was completed.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Zhang did not speak, and could not see what his expression looked like under the blank paper. Was he stunned or angry?

After a moment, he reached over and touched the top of his head, and said, "Itchy."

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