Way of Choices

Chapter 868: Jiang Shangfengqing

The three-day dose was drunk once. If it was changed to an ordinary person, I was afraid that something would go wrong.

Xiao Zhang will not have a problem, his resilience is extremely powerful.

After half an hour of sound sleep, he woke up and said, "Energetic."

Chen Changsheng said: "Really don't walk together?"

"It's not the same person, why walk together."

Xiao Zhang got up and took the dry food and medicine box handed over by Chen Changsheng, and lifted the iron gun and walked out.

Instead of leaving, he went to the Chengbao Pavilion at the top of Qibao Village and took the box of ancient tea.

Then he looked at the Tsing Yi Taoists and the court masters and said, "Come on, continue."



Xiao Zhang is gone, and those Tsing Yi Taoists, court masters and Divine Cross Battalion are gone.

Chen Changsheng and others are naturally leaving.

People in Fengyang County on both sides of the long street did not leave.

They bowed to Chen Changsheng more than once, prayed piously, and even many elderly people with limited mobility were carried to the street by their nephews, hoping to be blessed by the Pope.

If it is placed at another time, Chen Changsheng should stay in Fengyang County for a period of time to show the believers the disease, or to perform a light sacrifice as stated in the canon.

But now that he has no time, he must leave, but fortunately, the thirty-two neighboring Taoist Temple has already made arrangements for the distribution of drugs.

According to Chen Changsheng's request, there should be one or two other priests who are good at Holy Light.

"May the Holy Light be with you."

Chen Changsheng told the people in Fengyang County.

The people fell down again, like a tide.

After leaving Fengyang County, crossing the iron chain, I came to the sparsely populated Xia Mountain.

Thinking of the previous pictures, Tang Sanshi said: "Until just now, I didn't feel that you were really a pope."

The Pope is sacred and will surely be awed by countless believers, but love from the heart is not that easy.

Generally speaking, this requires the accumulation of time, so that the accumulation of prestige occurs.

Chen Changsheng has been the Pope for only three years. In a remote and small place like Fengyang County, if the Taoist Temple is not good enough, many believers don’t even know about it.

He was able to get the heartfelt love of so many believers, largely thanks to the promotion of Zhu Shadan by Eucalyptus, the state church's sacred activity played a very important role.

Chen Changsheng didn't want to say these things, and turned to the topic: "The little monster that Xiao Zhang encountered should be Chu Su."

Tang Sanshi said: "Probably, if Xiao Zhang was not seriously injured in advance, how could he be successfully attacked by him."

Folded sleeves said: "It may not necessarily be seen, except Su also suffered injuries in Wenshui City, so you do not order."

Tang Thirty-six understood what he meant, and said in a slight shock: "Is that monster so troublesome."

Chen Changsheng said: "It's really troublesome."

When he said this, there was anxiety between his eyebrows.

Not because of the removal of Su, but because of the thing Xiao Zhang reminded him, Saint Maiden may have some problems.

Tang Sanxie and Zuoxiu also knew what he was worried about. After leaving Fengyang County, the speed of travel was much faster than in previous days.

But Chen Changsheng still felt not fast enough.

If something really happened to Nanxizhai, would she be in retreat at Saint Virgin Peak, would there be any danger?

After scoring dozens of miles along the right bank of the Xiajiang River, Fengyang County was no longer visible, and boats on the river became scarce.

Chen Changsheng took the Nanke out of Zhou Yuan, and then looked to the folded sleeves and others.

Tang Thirty-six was a little bit resistant, saying, "How do I feel like I have become a cat."

Folded sleeves said: "Have you ever seen a cat cage as big as Zhou Yuan?"

Hu Sanqian said condescendingly: "It would be a great blessing to stay in His Majesty's small world for a while."

Folded sleeves frowned.

Tang Thirty-six sighed and said, "It's over."

Chen Changsheng said: "Hurry up."

After seeing them being sent to Zhou Yuan, Nanke asked, "Chen Changsheng, where are we going?"

Now she already knows and remembers Chen Changsheng's name, but she still doesn't know who she is and is as ignorant as a child.

"Let's go to Saint Maiden Peak." Chen Changsheng spread out the map and gave her directions.

Nanke's eyes were still dumbfounded, wondering if he understood the map, and asked, "How fast?"

Chen Changsheng said: "As fast as you can, of course, you can't be injured."

Nanke said: "I see."

Then she grabbed Chen Changsheng's neck and jumped towards the river beyond the cliff.

Jiang Feng was slightly cold and roared, and Chen Changsheng felt calmer.

Then, he looked at Jiang Nian, who was facing him, and couldn't calm down.

Only then did he remember that after the **** battle in Xueling, Nanke's wings disappeared, so how did she fly?

There was a trace of consternation in Nanke's dull eyes.

She only knew she could fly and jumped into the air instinctively, without any fear or hesitation.

However, how did you fly before?

With his lightning-like body, Nanke made several terrifying and teleporting skies in the sky beyond the cliff, but he continued to go down.

The two are falling faster and faster, and the river is getting closer.

She closed her eyes nervously.

Chen Changsheng sighed, thinking that squeak was not around, what method would he use to quickly dry his wet clothes later?

Seeing that it was about to fall into the river, two voices rang behind Nanke.

The sound was somewhat like the blank sheet of paper on Xiao Zhang's face was blown by the wind in Xunyang City.

It was Xunyang City instead of Fengyang City, because the blank paper on his face was complete in Xunyang City.

Some are like sails rising in the shortest time.

Of course, the most like is to spread wings.

More than ten feet of long green wings spread from behind Nanke, took her across the turbulent river, and then flew up.

Chen Changsheng was closer to the surface of the river, and his soles even stepped on the water of the river, leaving a little ripple.

From a distance, it's like a dragonfly spitting water.



Pope Chen Changsheng left Fengyang City, but the people in this small town were reluctant to leave for a long time.

In a restaurant by the river, a young man looked at the people who were still looking at the Xiajiang River with disgust on his face.

"Really a fool."

A beautiful and beautiful girl came out, it is the wine poem.

The young son is alien.

Seeing the poems of Mu Jiu come out, Don Tianxin suddenly changed his expression, and said in harmony: "Lin Jiang is windy, be careful."

When the poems of pastoral wine were expelled from the palace, the inheritance of the state religion was abolished, but the state strength derived from Daxizhou still exists, so how can one care about Jiang Feng.

Don't mind just want to express your concern.

Mu Ji poetry smiled slightly, and naturally accepted his concern, and stood closer to him.



(Fengyang County is Fengjie and Yunyang, the stone steps are written according to Yunyang’s Wanbu ladder, Yunyang is my hometown, Jiang Shangfeng is the big characters written in front of Zhangfei Temple, a famous place in Yunyang. Profoundly, when I first started using QQ more than ten years ago, my friend Chen Yong had a headache. What name should I use to cheat the little girl? I dedicated these four words, and then he used it until today, except his wife. , I didn’t seem to lie to anyone... In the end, Xiao Zhang was slightly handsome when he left.)

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