Way of Choices

Chapter 882: The arrival of the imperial mission

Huairen failed to convince Chen Changsheng.

In the same way, Chen Changsheng failed to persuade the uncle of Nanxizhai.

Huairen said: "You should be very clear that this time the retreat of the Holy Girl could not come out in a short time, or ten years, or twenty years, or even longer."

Chen Changsheng was indeed very clear. In the letter that Xu Yourong wrote to him, everything was clearly explained.

The Virgin Peak needs a true virgin in order to maintain its sacred status in the state religion and Tiannan.

Similarly, the state religion needs a true saint, so as to have a stronger voice in the confrontation with the court.

The south also needs a true saint to overcome the disadvantage of the strong man in the sacred realm of the north after Su Li and the previous saint left.

If Chen Changsheng can enter the sacred realm, many problems can be solved.

But he is the pope and needs to lead the state religion and hundreds of millions of believers.

Saint Maiden is far away in Tiannan and has relatively few affairs. She has more time and energy than Chen Changsheng.

So Xu Yourong decided to retreat, hit the high threshold, and strive to enter the sacred realm in the shortest time.

Since the historical record, most of the monks who entered the sacred realm have to experience at least hundreds of years of monastic practice, such as the elderly in heaven.

Even those truly talented geniuses need at least a hundred years of hard work, such as a different kind of red.

Except for those records that are too far away, the people who entered the sacred field the fastest in the millennium are probably Zhou Dufu, Chen Xuanba, Emperor Taizong, Su Li, and Wang Po. But whether it is Su Li, Zhou Du|fu or Wang Po, it is only after forty years of age that he can see the magic.

Even if the rumored talent is high enough to shock Xuanhai Chen Xuanba, it is only when he is thirty that he has the opportunity to cross that threshold.

Xu Yourong, with the bloodline of Tianfeng, is undoubtedly one of the most talented monks in history, but it will not be stronger than these previous legends.

Based on this calculation, her retreat and retreat will impact the sacred realm, even like Chen Xuanba, it will take nearly ten years to come out.

"You said that this matter requires a saint to make a decision. She can't get out of the border. What should I do? Nanxizhai needs to face this multiple choice question after all."

Huairen said: "I don't have the wisdom to make choices, so I will let Nanxizhai gather for ten years and wait for the saint to go out and make a decision."

Chen Changsheng said: "You should know how she would choose if she did not retreat at this time."

Huairen said: "Even if the Saint agrees, I will still find a way to prevent Saint Virgin from becoming the forerunner of the state religion's war against the court."

Chen Changsheng said: "Don't you find that none of the hundreds of disciples at Nanxizhai supported your decision?"

Huairen was silent for a while, and said, "That's because they are still young, and they don't know how terrible the war is."

Chen Changsheng said: "The difference between warlike and warlike is clearly written in Daozang, and I don't want to repeat it."

Huairen said: "Nanxi Zhai's attitude, I have also expressed very clearly, do not want to repeat."

The night suddenly arrived, and more than ten mountain peaks turned into ink color.

At the most critical and tense moment of this negotiation, Huashu was suddenly illuminated by lanterns, and Pingxuan hurried over with several female disciples.

Ping Xuan gave Chen Changsheng a salute and said to Huairen: "Master, Yamashita sent a letter saying that it was the court's mission."

Chen Changsheng's expression was slightly condensed, and he didn't expect the court people to come so fast.

Huairen asked: "Who heads the mission?"

Ping Xuan said: "It's Xiang Wang."

Hearing Xiang Wang’s name, Huairen’s expression seemed unchanged, but in fact his mood became a lot lighter.

She took the risk of irritating the divorce and pushed the Hezhai forcefully. She was under great pressure. This conversation with Chen Changsheng made her exhausted. At this time, the embassy's mission arrived, and the one who had just entered The prince of the sacred realm would like to help Nanxizhai share a lot.

Chen Changsheng was a little strange not to hear the name of Infinite Bi.

Huairen asked who led the mission, but if Infinite Bi was in the mission, a female disciple like Ping Xuan, who was proficient in the affairs of the world, would definitely mention it.

No matter how disgusting Endless Bi's temperament is, after all, it is one of the most powerful sacred realms in the mainland. If it is not mentioned, it can only show that she is not in the mission.

Outside of Wenshui City and when Xiao Zhang saw it, Infinite Bi was with Xiang Wang, where is she now?

Then more news came from Qianshanmen.

The longevity sect sent people, as did the Muzhe family and the Wu family. The vice president of Huaiyuan came. Representatives from all major denominations in Tiannan came.

"Your Majesty forgive me, I'm going to meet him in front of the mountain."

Huairen said sorry to Chen Changsheng and left the cliff.

Someone in Nanxizhai naturally arranged for Chen Changsheng and his party, led by the forgiveness of Ziyi Dao.

This Dao aunt could only guess that her temperament was extremely violent, but when she walked with Chen Changsheng alone, she never said a word.

Under the status of Chen Changsheng, Nanxi Zhai naturally wants to give up the best and most noble Zhaifang building.

Ye Xiaolian and other disciples were busy tidying up the utensils in the fasting room. Tang Thirty-six was talking about how this was made, but he refused to reach out and help.

"This vegetarian house has not been opened for many years. It is inevitable that there will be some dust. Please also be patient and wait for a moment."

Huai Shu said: "Because no Pope has visited the Virgin Peak for many years."

Chen Changsheng said: "Please give pointers."

"The State Church is the Taoist Church, but the Taoist Church is not the State Church. At least Saint Virgin Peak has never enjoyed the treatment of the State Church, so no matter how the same door in Kyoto views this matter, no matter how the textbook describes the differences in the year, after all, the palace has never looked down upon us. "

Huai Shu looked at him and said: "Now the divorce is in desperate need of us, so you will come and use us. Do you think this is appropriate?"



As the night came, after using dinner, Chen Changsheng stood in the Zhaiyuan, looked in the direction of Tongjiang, looked at the faintly visible silver belt, and said after a quiet moment: "The investigation can be done in a hurry, now the priority It is necessary to prevent Hezhai, if these three attitudes are still so determined, we can promise not to mention the return."

It has been a long time since we left Wenshui City to Saint Maiden Peak. The three princes and ancestors of Nanxizhai returned and there was such a big event as Hezhai. The palace had never received any news. This is something very worthy of vigilance. It seems Baishi Taoist's death did not completely solve all the problems.

Hu Thirty-two led his life away, and had his own method to send Chen Changsheng's decree to Kyoto and the nearby Taoist Temple by the fastest method. And when he returned from the Zhaiyuan, he had got the latest news. Just half an hour ago, the person who left the palace finally rushed to the Saint Maiden Peak. It is said that Mao Qiuyu sent him urgently.

This news made Chen Changsheng relax a little, but there was a problem he still didn't want to understand. Where did Infinite Bi go?

Tang Thirty-six also felt very strange and said: "The old Dao Gu likes to join in such a lively favorite, and there is no reason to leave halfway."

Chen Changsheng thought about the uneasiness of being born in front of the stone wall of the peak.

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