Way of Choices

Chapter 898: Swordsmanship

Infinite Bi couldn't figure out the answer, and didn't understand why the two juniors teamed up to be able to resist the blow of their life-long cultivation.

She, as the party concerned, couldn't understand it. The people on Yaping who didn't have time to see it clearly naturally couldn't understand it.

In fact, even Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong did not want to understand how this happened.

They looked at each other and made some guesses, but they were not sure.

"This is impossible!"

Infinite Bi was angry and unwilling to the extreme. He held the dust and hit the ground again. The blue lotus leaves danced violently, exuding the meaning of countless silence, and the sea seemed to have produced countless giants, raging towards the shore, as if the law of heaven and earth , Enveloped this cliff.

For a monk who is a little weaker in the realm, not to mention resisting, just looking at this scene, Dao Xin will be shocked and will not be able to mention war.

Gou Hanshi and Hu Sanjiu and others knew that the battle at this level could not be interrupted and stopped outside.

This battle reached the most critical moment. Tang Sanxie could no longer control his emotions. He no longer stared at the other kind of red, but looked over there.

The girls of Nanxizhai, the strong men of the court, the worshipers of the two great families, the elders of the denominations of Tiannan... All looked at there.

The monks on Yaping each have their own positions and tendencies, but at this moment, it is wonderful that everyone has the same kind of expectation.

Such a thing has never happened before, it is too shocking, it seems ridiculous to think about it logically.

But today everyone has seen the scene with their own eyes. Since it has happened once, will it happen again?

The gusty wind roared, and the endless blue dust brought the piece of seemingly virtual silence to the sea of ​​lotus, slamming into Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong.

Zhaijian broke through the sky and sprinkled countless holy rays towards the lotus sea, which was particularly bright.

At the same time, or only after a very short time fragment, the non-scaling sword also broke through the sky, followed by the Zhai sword, and gave birth to countless flames, especially bright.

The two sword lights reflected each other, illuminating the dark lotus sea.

The two swords and swords confirmed each other, and Li Li was better than the previous one. It was so beautiful that he cut out the meaning of the silence that shrouded Yaping.

The two strokes of Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong seem to be a combination of swordsmanship, no, more precisely, their swords seem to become a sword.

The sword momentum has suddenly increased countless times, even if the lotus sea is real world law, it seems to be able to cut open!

The smoke suddenly rose and then gradually fell.

Standing in front of Xu Yourong, Chen Changsheng had a bleed of blood at the corners of his lips. Several tears appeared in his clothes and he was not hurt lightly.

Xu Yourong's temples are also slightly chaotic, with several strands of green silk fluttering in the wind and half-covering beautiful eyes.

Infinite Bi is also somewhat embarrassed, the front of the robe has been broken, the bun has been scattered, the hair is scattered on the shoulders, and the wind is floating everywhere.

These are not important.

What is important is that Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong have not stepped back.

Infinite Bi did not make a step.

The two sides were tied.

This is something that anyone can see, and something that no one can believe, even if it has been seen for the second time.

The two monks who have not yet entered the sacred realm have actually tied with a strong man in the sacred realm in a frontal battle!

They did not rely on any magical means, only by their own swordsmanship and realm to achieve this!

This is something that has never happened in history!

Since the Tianshu monument fell to the Middle-earth mainland, it never happened!



There was still no sound on the cliff, because people were so shocked.

Whether it is Gou Hanshi or the vice president of Huaiyuan, whether it is the old lady group of the Muzhe family or the head of the Wu family, whether it is the white tiger **** general or the king, they are shocked and speechless.

No one noticed the corner of Yaping. There was a monk dressed in Tsing Yi and a hat in a Tiannan school, who moved closer to the field, and no one noticed that there was a very The entouring sergeant moved closer to the position of the white tiger **** general.

Infinite Bi fell on the cliff, looking at the dust in his hand, his expression looked a little sad.

She has been immersed in the sacred field for many years, and the history of monasticism is extremely long. I don’t know how many strange things I have seen.

But there is no one thing that can have a greater impact on her spiritual world than what happened in these two days.

How could anyone dare to kill my favorite son?

How could these two juniors actually tie themselves?

She recalled all the swordsmanship she had seen in her life in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, and couldn't understand what was going on.

Previously, Xu Yourong should use the eight types of iftar in Nanxizhai's swordsmanship, and Chen Changsheng should use Su Lichuan's burning sword. Don't talk about the similarities between these two sword moves. I noticed that there are some diametrically opposite moves, and they are out of tune. Why is it so good when the two moves are combined?

This is definitely not an ordinary joint sword. The degree of perfection of this kind of cooperation can even be said to have far exceeded the level of intentional cooperation. It is more like a kind of natural behavior that secretly caters to the laws of the world. The defense is called seamless. When attacking, mysterious and unspeakable, the sword surged sharply, and the power became more than several times!

Like Infinite Bi, many discerning real powerhouses on Yaping are thinking about this issue.

Chen Changsheng and Xu Yourong are also thinking.

For the first time, Xu Yourong broke through the barrier, and the phoenix danced violently. He wanted to use the sword spirit of the two years of retreat to realize the savings.

She did not expect that the sword that Chen Changsheng would follow would bring such a big impact.

When his sword and her sword met between heaven and earth, there seemed to be a connection between them.

That is a very mysterious connection, which is difficult to describe in words, and can only be felt.

They used different swordsmanship, but because of that connection, a certain kind of cooperation naturally occurred, and even the sword intentions of each other seemed to blend into one.

The second time, this feeling was more obvious and clear.

They can accurately perceive each other's thinking and thinking.

Between the two swords, it seems that they can also determine the trajectory and angle of the next moment.

The sword moves are still different, but the sword intentions are interlinked.

It is like two beautiful stones hidden under the skin of moss stone, through the grinding of each other, the true appearance is revealed, and then a piece of peerless beauty is synthesized.

But what is going on here? How did this happen?

Xu Yourong looked at him with a smile and asked, "When did you learn the art of sword fighting?"

Chen Changsheng said: "I went to the summit to see you yesterday. I have nothing to do with it. I read a few books."



(At the request of Xing Xing, this chapter ends here. It is said that this will be particularly accentuated?)

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