Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 155: Perfect clearance

In the darkness, Ye Hao felt swept by a layer of soft water, and the whole figure seemed to be in a hot spring, being drawn to somewhere involuntarily.

After just a few breaths, this soft power dissipated, and what appeared in front of him was an endless void, dark and deep. Under his feet, there was a volley platform, just floating quietly.

"This is the first floor of the Profound Sky Tower?"

Ye Hao looked around, and in the entire dark world, there seemed to be only him and the Taoist platform under his feet, which was extremely mysterious.

Although Ye Hao knew about the first level from the hot introduction of Han Yitian by those old disciples, but at this moment, he was still slightly shocked.


Suddenly, in the dark void in the distance, a little spark appeared strangely, and then, the fire gradually spread vigorously, like a bonfire being lit, and the dazzling light reflected the entire world.

Looking at the emptiness ahead, Ye Hao's eyes shrank like the sun floating in the fire ball between the sky and the earth, and his heart shook violently.

The fire ball, the flame tip constantly beating, seemed to have a special rhythm, glowing and heating, shining the entire dark world like day.

At the same time, Ye Hao felt a very familiar aura on the huge flame floating in nothingness in the distance.

This Qi machine is generally the same as the Taoist Spirit of the Ancient Tianyan Classic.

"This first floor of the Sky Profound Pagoda is actually related to the Tianyan Ancient Scriptures?" Ye Hao couldn't help but squinted, his eyes flickering.

Before entering the Profound Sky Pagoda, those veteran disciples once introduced that the key to passing this first level is to comprehend this flame and get its approval.

But Ye Hao didn't expect that this flame would have the same aura as the Dao Soul Yin of the Ancient Tianyan Classic.

Ye Hao sat down with thoughts in his eyes. He knew that no one in the academy had ever obtained the Ancient Heavenly Flame Scripture. Therefore, others might not know the origin of the flames in the first layer.

However, he was also a little confused. The Ancient Tianyan Scripture was listed as one of the thirty-six unique techniques. It is rare and powerful. It goes without saying that the flame in front of him is the Taoist Soul technique of the Tianyan Ancient Scripture. ?

As soon as this speculation emerged, Ye Hao was the first to shook his head to deny it, because every disciple who ventured into the Profound Pagoda would enter an independent space and face the same test. If this flame is the sky The Yan Gu Jing exercises are a bit too bad.

However, there is one thing Ye Hao can be sure that this mysterious flame must be related to the Tianyan Ancient Scripture.

"Understand this flame, can you pass it with its approval?" Ye Hao stared at the beating flame in the void, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

Because he was inspired by the ancient Tianyan scriptures, he had a wonderful feeling in his heart for this flame related to the ancient Tianyan scriptures.

Moreover, he was also on that flame, feeling a faint affinity. Obviously, although the Dao Soul Yin of the Ancient Tianyan Scripture was absorbed by the Dragon Sword Commanded in the sea, it should exist in another way, and it is in front of him. This flame can echo each other.

With this advantage that others could not have, Ye Hao believed that he should not have any difficulty in passing the first level of the Sky Profound Pagoda.

"Try it."

After the thoughts were turned, Ye Hao let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes appeared to explore the unique rhythm of the beating flames. At the same time, he also separated a part of the divine consciousness, inspiring the lingering silk on the dragon sword in the sea. Fire lotus.


In an instant, the flames that quietly burned and throbbed in the void, like a pile of dry firewood, burst out suddenly, strands of mysterious aura, like being pulled by inexplicable power, and appeared in the whole world.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Hao's heart was overjoyed, and the astonishment on his face grew thicker as the light in his eyes grew.


In this way, half a month's time passed quickly.

Outside the Sky Profound Pagoda, many academy disciples are now surrounded by a huge stone tablet.

The stone stele is dozens of feet high, flowing with a mysterious halo, with six lines on it, representing the passers-by on each floor of the Sky Profound Tower.

At this time, everyone's eyes were staring at the stone tablet. The second pattern had several light spots flashing on it, indicating that someone was rushing to the second floor of the Profound Sky Pagoda.

On the third floor, there was only one spot of light. As far as it went, it was a bleak. Obviously, on the third floor, no one could step into it except the Qingyunban Tianjiao in the inner courtyard.

"The new one who stepped into the second level should be Han Yitian, who can break through the first level in half a month. His talent is really amazing." A veteran disciple said with emotion among the crowd of onlookers.

"Senior Sister Ningxue is still in the third floor, and I don't know if she can succeed."

"Well, among the newly promoted disciples this time, he is the only two of them with the most amazing talents. I don't know where I can go in the Profound Sky Pagoda."

"As long as you pass the third level, you can be promoted directly to the inner courtyard, and you can even be exempt from the assessment. I think both of them are hopeful of success."

When everyone outside talked about it, Ye Hao was still sitting on the platform on the first floor of the Sky Profound Tower.

At this moment, bloodshot appeared in his eyes and a look of excitement and ecstasy on his face, and in this emptiness, there were a lot of magical runes.

Look carefully, these runes are all diffused from the huge flame that is burning.

In fact, on the first day Ye Hao stepped into the Profound Sky Pagoda, he was recognized by this flame and was able to pass this level.

But with the deduction induction, and the attraction of the fire lotus on the Dragon Sword, a large number of runes appeared mysteriously in the burning flames.

And under Ye Hao's enlightenment, he discovered that these runes were actually a magical secret technique.

Ye Hao felt that the mysterious horror of this magical secret technique was even faintly stronger than the Dragon Elephant Seal.

It definitely belongs to the category of spiritual goods.

Spiritual supernatural powers are rare and powerful, so needless to say.

According to Ye Hao's understanding, even in the Profound Sky Academy, only the inner courtyard possesses supernatural powers of this rank, and there are not many.

But being able to comprehend a spiritual supernatural power on the first floor of the Sky Profound Pagoda was far beyond his expectations.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ye Hao kept deducing the magical runes circulating all over the sky.

Finally, after another three days, Ye Hao, who was sitting cross-legged on the platform, suddenly got up and waved his palm fiercely.

Suddenly, the rune all over the sky seemed to be drawn by some kind, like a school of migrating fish, rushing towards the Daotai and submerged in Ye Hao's body.

Until the last rune disappeared in his body, Ye Hao's closed eyes suddenly opened. In his black eyes, two flames appeared mysteriously, and they disappeared in a flash.

"Burning Heaven and Fire Lotus" Ye Hao murmured, with strong joy on his face.

The moment Ye Hao opened his eyes, the surrounding stone stele outside the Sky Profound Pagoda was as silent as death.

I don't know how long it took, a shuddering voice full of shock and disbelief sounded fiercely.

"Someone has a perfect pass on the first floor! How is this possible?!"

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