Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 158: Gambling Agreement

"Han Han Yitian?!"

"How could it be you?"

Seeing the figure teleported out from the Profound Sky Pagoda, the only four people left in the field were shocked and their voices were full of horror.

Seeing the inexplicably weird looks of these people, Han Yitian curled his lips and said, "What's so surprising? The fourth level is not easy. It's not surprising that I can't get through it temporarily?"

Hearing that, the faces of the four people in the field convulsed even more. They looked at the golden light spot on the second floor of the stele, and then turned their eyes to the former with a faintly unpleasant face. The voice was a little dry and said: "Junior Brother Han, just now in the fourth Is it really you?"

"Nonsense!" Han Yitian frowned and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with you? What irritation does each one feel like?"

However, the four people turned a deaf ear to his doubts. They all stared at the stone tablet with sluggish expressions. They had entered the third level, and they were a light spot for restoring the ordinary.

At this moment, they really understood that it turned out that it was not Han Yitian who passed the first and second floors perfectly, but someone else.

Who will it be?

Perfect clearance, even the evildoers of Qingyun ranking can't achieve it. Is it possible that the talents who are breaking through are more powerful and terrifying than them?

Thinking of this, the four people couldn't help but see the stormy waves in their hearts, and they couldn't calm down at all.

If it is only the perfect clearance on the first level, they may be able to understand it as luck, but even the second level is the case, it is not simple luck that can explain it.

The person within may really be a talented enchanting Tianjiao.


We must figure out who the perfect passer is.

At this moment, the four of them all sat down in front of the stele in unison, and even the upcoming selection battle for the inner courtyard was left behind.

And Han Yitian, after asking the four people clearly about the reason, his face was also strange.

The person who passed perfectly, he thought with his **** and knew that it must be Ye Hao's freak.

After pouring his lips secretly, he stopped paying attention to a few people, and went straight away.

"Hey, Junior Brother Han, how did you leave? Don't you stay and see who is inside?"

Seeing Han Yitian leaving, one of them couldn't help but keep alive.

Han Yitian weighed the Inner Court disciple token in his hand, waved his hand with a weird smile, and said, "Forget it, it's more interesting to watch the Inner Court selection battle than waiting here."

Han Yitian had the answer in his mind for the person who passed the customs perfectly, and he didn't know how long it would take Ye Hao to come out. He, who has always liked the excitement, would naturally not wait here with them.

Seeing him leaving, all of them shook their heads, and immediately stared at the only spot of light on the third floor of the stele, and waited solemnly.

This wait is ten days.

Until the early morning of the eleventh day, the four people who closed their eyes and sat cross-legged seemed to have a reaction. Their eyes suddenly opened, staring at the light spot on the third floor of the stele, which was golden glow again.

"It turns out that even the third level is perfect!"

"Who is this person?! When did this number of Tianjiao appear in the academy!"

"Out of the ordinary, absolutely extraordinary!"

"Could it be that this Sky Profound Tower will be completely cleared by him this time?"

"If this is the case, his talents may be able to compete with the six-time champion."

The golden light flashing on the stone tablet for the third time, almost scattered the shocking souls of the four people waiting in the room, and on each person's face, there was a thick unbelievable and shocked appearance.

auzw.com Although I don’t know who is in the tower, the four of them have reached the culmination of their evaluation.

You should know that apart from some unreliable rumors, no one has ever reached the top completely.

Moreover, the four of them have placed the people in the tower in a position to compete with the myth of the inner courtyard, the sixth crown king.

Of course, even if the people in it can climb the Profound Sky Pagoda, they will only be able to compete with the six crown kings who have broken through the fifth floor, and it is still possible.

It can be seen how powerful and terrifying that Qingyun leader is and cannot be shaken.

But at this moment, in the third layer of space, Ye Hao's face was pale, and he was paralyzed on the ground exhausted, looking more embarrassed and embarrassed.

At this level, the test is the physique of the practitioner. Although he still persists to the end, he can also be said to have reached the limit completely.

You know, his current physique has been baptized by the supreme essence and blood, and even opened up a half-step supreme life sea, its physical strength needless to say.

And to make his physique reach the limit, this third level test is really abnormal and excessive.

"Perfect passers will be rewarded with a five-tier elixir, a disciple order from the inner courtyard, and a spiritual empowerment once."

"It's worth it."

As the voice spread, Ye Hao, who was lying on the ground, grinned hard.

After two spiritual empowerments, he ordered the spiritual fluid in the sea to become more and more filled.

According to Ye Hao's estimation, as long as one or two more empowerments, he will definitely be able to step into the middle of the life sea.

Enduring physical exhaustion, Ye Hao put away the five-rank elixir and the inner courtyard disciple token, sat up cross-legged with a grin, and began to absorb the spiritual power waterfall pouring down from above.

The absorption process lasted for three days, until the spiritual power waterfall above completely disappeared, Ye Hao let out a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

"It's still a little bit, and we will be able to break through the mid-term of the sea immediately."

Feeling the liquid spiritual power that is gradually filling in the world, Ye Hao's state is returning to its peak again, and his face can't help but feel joy and excitement.

"Boy, there are four days left in the inner court selection battle. Don't forget the gambling battle between you and that girl from the Bai family."

Shen Jiuyou watched Ye Hao's madness for nearly two months of training, and couldn't help but remind.

"So fast?"

Indeed, with the joy of rising realm during this period of time, Ye Hao had long forgotten other things.

"It seems that there is no time to break through this fourth level."

Ye Hao sighed slightly with regret. He also wanted to settle the betting agreement with Bai Ningxue as soon as possible, so as to save the trouble from coming to the door continuously, which was really unbearable.

"Anyway, there are still four days. Go to the fourth floor first." Ye Hao muttered, walking towards the light gate and stepping into the fourth floor.

"He is on the fourth floor!"

"It's crazy! Does he really want to get through the sixth floor of the Profound Sky Pagoda in one go?!"

"Haha, that group of idiots, there is something to watch in the inner courtyard selection. Only the four of us are fortunate enough to witness such a big drama, happy!"

When Ye Hao's light spot jumped into the fourth line on the stone tablet, the four people waiting outside were all excited and screaming, as if they had successfully passed the first three floors.

Of course, if the four of them knew that the passers-by in the tower were wastes they had always despised, they would not know what they would think.

But at this moment, as soon as Ye Hao stepped into the fourth floor of the Profound Sky Pagoda, his eyes shrank sharply as soon as his divine sense came out.

"this is"

Looking at the scene in front of him in a daze, Ye Hao couldn't help showing ecstasy after shaking his face.

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