Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 162: In the past

"Come out, he is out!"

"Continuously break through the four-story Sky Profound Pagoda, and achieve an unprecedented level of perfect clearance!"

"I want to see who he is!!!"

At the moment when the ripples of transmission appeared, the faces of the four people who had been waiting in front of the stele trembled slightly, and their bodies shuddered because of excitement.

Perfect clearance, even the evildoers of Qingyun Bang can't do it.

But they have witnessed such a miracle.

Under the excitement of several people, the ripples of transmission on the open space finally fully condensed.

A slender young man with a beautiful face walked away from it calmly.

It was Ye Hao impressively.


The moment the teenager's face was clearly seen, the four people waiting outside, their eyes widened suddenly, their faces full of fiery, and they were instantly stiff.

They opened their mouths and stared at the young man blankly, with a thud in their minds, and their thoughts went blank.

"How can it be?!"

"Why is it him?"

"This is absolutely impossible?!"

After the roar and concussion in the heart, the four people screamed together, with unbelievable madness on their faces, it seemed that they could not believe that it was Ye Hao who walked out of the Profound Sky Pagoda.


The four of them shuddered back a few steps, their lips kept moving, and their eyes seemed to be cast on the stele. There was no light spot on it, proving that after Ye Hao walked out, there was no one in the Sky Profound Pagoda.

At this moment, even if they didn't want to believe it anymore, the iron-clad fact was in front of them, and the perfect pass through the fourth floor of the Sky Profound Pagoda was indeed the one in front of them. It was contemptuous and disdainful by everyone, and was a well-known waste.

And Ye Hao, looking at these inexplicable four people, frowned in some doubt, and immediately clasped his fists, "Dare to ask, has this inner court selection battle started?"

"It's over there."

One of them looked sluggishly and pointed in the direction, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock in his heart.

After Ye Hao nodded and said thank you, his figure disappeared instantly.

Until Ye Hao left for a long time, these four people gradually recovered, but their faces were still pale and stiff.

They glanced at each other, and they all saw the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

How can a well-known waste pass the fourth floor of the Profound Sky Pagoda?

"He has the nickname of Tianxuan Cheating King, isn't it?"

"Today is also the day of his gambling fight with Bai Ningxue. He must go to fight here."

"Quickly follow up and see! Is it cheating? You can definitely tell in the battle against Bai Ningxue!"

When the words were over, the four of them exploded to the extreme speed, chasing Ye Hao away quickly.

"Haha, I said that guy would never show up, how long has it been?"

"It's almost half of the incense, hehe, it's best if he doesn't come, Han Yitian, but I placed a big bet, ten times the odds, I'm going to send it!"

"Brother Han, I thank you first!"

Around the battle arena, everyone looked playful, with a joyful smile on his face. Ye Hao didn’t dare to come to the battle. Then they would get ten times the profit by betting on Han Yitian’s side. This is absolutely An unimaginable wealth.

And Han Yitian, with a cold sweat on his face, he kept beating drums in his heart, and wailed: "Brother Ye, Brother Ye! Why are you not here, if you don't show up again, I will hang myself!"

Han Yitian did not expect that after he set up the gambling game, not only the disciples in the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard rushed to place bets, but even the deacon of Burning Fire in the academy had a few heavy bets.

At this moment, the spirit stones and merit points in his storage bag had reached an extremely terrifying level.

But similarly, if Ye Hao doesn't show up again, he will undoubtedly lose in this bet.

auzw.com When thinking of the ten times odds, Han Yitian's eyes turned black, and he could only pray in his heart that Ye Hao would come as soon as possible.

"Hmph, I said that kid didn't have the guts to show up, why should we continue to waste time here?"

"Hehe, it seems that when we are going to Seven Star City to collect debts."

Lin He and the few fire-burning realm powerhouses beside him all laughed funny faces.

"Tang Yun, those three hundred thousand merit points and spirit stones are almost all your accumulation over the years? Don't you feel distressed?" Lin He jokingly asked.

Tang Yun snorted coldly, her charming cheeks like frost.

On the battle stage, Bai Ningxue's eyebrows frowned, her pretty face already faintly impatient, not only her, Xu Lan on the high platform also frowned slightly, and Situ Yang on the side had already left.

"Ye Qingwu, I don't think that kid has the guts to come."

Xu Lan spoke lightly, with a faint sarcasm, Ye Jinghan's son was nothing but that.

"He will come." Qing Wu's pretty face said calmly and indifferently.

Although she didn't know Ye Hao's strength, it was by no means Han Yitian, Qin Chixiao and others who had the most confidence in him.

It's her, Ye Qingwu.

Xiao Banzhuxiang passed by again.

"For such a waste, there is no need to continue wasting time." Xu Lan's wrinkled face finally showed impatience, and stood up and said, "Ningxue, stop here."

Bai Ningxue lightly tapped, and walked towards the stage.

"Don't! Elder Xu wait a while!" Han Yitian shouted pale.

The crowd burst into laughter, and everyone's faces were full of gloat.

Glancing at Han Yitian, Xu Lan ignored it and was about to leave.

Suddenly, an abrupt sound of breaking wind from a distance made her squint her eyes slightly and her figure stopped.

The sound of breaking wind was sharp and piercing, like an arrow tearing the air.

The laughing crowd suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes cast away, only to see a thick and simple black long spear, like a black lightning, approaching in an instant.


Finally, firmly nailed on the battle platform.

At the edge of the battle platform, Bai Ningxue stepped down, looking at the dark and simple spear, her beautiful eyes narrowed.

And Han Yitian, the moment he saw the spear clearly, couldn't help but wailed bitterly: "God **** you! Finally here!"


With the sound of Han Yitian's voice, in the distance, a slender boy in black with unparalleled speed set off a strong sonic boom, suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone, just a few breaths, and he was on the battlefield.

The person here is naturally Ye Hao.

"Finally caught up."

After taking a long sigh of relief, Ye Hao looked at Han Yitian who looked like weeping with joy. He immediately cast his eyes on the high platform, grinning at the girl in the blue skirt, and finally he held his fist towards Xu Lan and said: "Elder Xu, Because the training took some time, I came late."

Xu Lan squinted and nodded, slowly sitting down.

At this time, everyone around the battlefield gradually recovered. After everyone's expressions were surprised, a thick banter appeared, as if watching a good show.

Obviously, even if Ye Hao came to the challenge unexpectedly, in the eyes of everyone, the ending would not change at all, and it would still be humiliating.

On the other side of the battle platform, Bai Ningxue turned around, her delicate and arrogant face lifted slightly, and said lightly: "I haven't been too disappointed yet, at least he dare to come and fight."

Looking at Bai Ningxue, who was arrogant like a peacock, Ye Hao curled his lips slightly, speaking much lazily.

"Brother Ye! Must win! Don't let the water go, our brother's wealth is all in your battle." Han Yitian shouted with flushed face.

"I came naturally to win, otherwise you think I'm here to deliver food?"

Although he didn't understand what Han Yitian meant by wealth, Ye Hao naturally wouldn't give way to Bai Ningxue's gambling battle.

Gently pulling out the Demon Thunder Spear next to him, he calmly looked at Bai Ningxue, raised his eyebrows and said: "Come on, insult in the past, pay it back today. If you don't shoot first, you will have no chance." !--rm-->

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