Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 166: That black robe

"The spirit array talisman in the condensed seal realm?"

On the battle stage, Ye Hao squinted slightly, and there was nothing around him. At this moment, it became extremely sticky, forming a strange bondage, giving him a sense of blockage in a deep quagmire.

"Now I see how you hide!"

Bai Ningxue sneered, ignoring the others at all, a bright and terrifying white light burst out of the long sword in his hand, and suddenly cut it down at Ye Hao.


Ye Hao raised his gun with difficulty to block, the golden and iron symphony resounded, and the terrible power was transmitted, which made him take a few steps back.


After steadying his figure, a strange sound suddenly came from the Demon Thunder Spear.

Ye Hao frowned and saw that the dark and heavy gun body was gradually cracking, and the cracks visible to the naked eye spread out like a spider web.

"Hi, Ye Hao is downwind!"

"Hehe, the high-grade spirit soldier in his hand can't be compared with the Yuehua Sword."

There was a low laugh from the crowd in the field. Although Bai Ningxue used the spirit array talisman, no one had set clear rules for this gambling fight, so everyone was very tacitly silent.

All of this is entirely because nearly 80% of the people on the field participated in Han Yitian's gambling game and all made heavy bets on Bai Ningxue.

If Bai Ningxue loses, the price they have to pay is absolutely too heavy to bear.

It is precisely because of this that even if everyone understands that Ye Hao's strength is far better than Bai Ningxue, they are all praying for a miracle.

Fortunately, this miracle finally waited for them!


On the battle platform, Bai Ningxue slashed again with a sword, the sharp and bright sword light, like a moonlight condensed training, ruthlessly blasted on the spear.


Finally, after continuously resisting several swords, the magic thunder gun in Ye Hao's hand suddenly burst.

Seeing only half of the gun in his hand, Ye Hao couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

For this magic thunder gun, he has been quite comfortable with it.

It's a pity that its rank is only top-rank after all, unable to compete with the best spirit soldiers.

"Hmph, now the spirit soldier is broken, let me see how you can point your gun at me!" Bai Ningxue's pretty face appeared relieved, and she gritted her teeth.

Obviously, the crushing posture of Ye Hao just now caused Bai Ningxue, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, to be greatly stimulated.

"Without the lingering soldiers, how can you fight me?" Bai Ningxue's chest was up and down, and sneered. "Once you have the upper hand, you are still defeated. This is the price you paid arrogantly!"

Looking at Bai Ningxue, who looked like he was holding onto the winning ticket, Ye Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes and sneered, "I thought I was going to win? Is it too early to be happy?"

Bai Ningxue's pretty face stiffened.

The hearts of everyone off the court jumped sharply.

Ye Hao's divine sense leaned into the storage bag, and between his palms, a shot of silvery white, filled with a terrifying aura, suddenly appeared like a spear that could split the space.

Amazingly, it was the best spirit weapon he got in the Profound Sky Tower.

"That is! The best spirit soldier?!"

"The **** is over, it's lost!"

"Not necessarily, with that spiritual formation restrained, Junior Sister Ningxue still has a chance!"

The expressions of the people kept changing, and their faces were full of anxiety.


Bai Ningxue's delicate lotus feet couldn't help but retreat, and there was an incredible burst of light in her bright eyes.

The best spirit soldiers, even in the Profound Sky Academy, are quite rare, except for those with strong family background, it is impossible for others to have them.

The Yuehua sword in her hand was used by her sister for self-defense before her sister retreats.

As for Ye Hao's family background, Bai Ningxue couldn't say it more clearly. There is only one top-grade spirit soldier as the town clan background, and it is absolutely impossible to give the former.

Where did Ye Hao's best spirit soldier come from?

After Bai Ningxue was stunned and sluggish, she didn't care about the doubts in her heart. A strong anger appeared in her bright eyes, and she exclaimed: "Even if you have the best spirit weapon, you will still be defeated in the bound of the gods!"

"God-binding formation? It's just a condensed seal realm spirit formation, and the name is taken wildly." Ye Hao sneered.

Hearing that, everyone in the room was slightly startled, and then a strange color appeared on their faces.

What is a condensed seal realm spirit formation?

This tone is really boundless.

You must know that the spirit formation of the condensed seal realm can completely threaten the life sea realm cultivator.

Although Ye Hao is strong, but he is trapped in the spirit formation, coupled with the powerful Bai Ningxue, there will definitely be no small crisis.

"Hmph, I'm already trapped in the spirit formation, and I want to die with a hard duck mouth!" Bai Ningxue's white cheeks showed sarcasm, and the spiritual power in his body burst out again.

Ye Hao ignored her, his divine sense pierced into the emptiness of the surrounding world, and the light of deduction appeared in his eyes.

His current power of divine consciousness has been promoted into the micro-level category in the Profound Sky Pagoda, and it will not be difficult to break through this so-called God-Binding Array.

Although the formation of the spirit formation is complicated, Ye Hao learned from Shen Jiuyou, and his knowledge of spirit formation is far beyond the same level.

What's more, destruction is far easier than construction, and the two cannot be generalized.

"Also pretending to be!"

Seeing Ye Hao as if planning to crack the spirit formation, Bai Ningxue couldn't help but sneered, and the long sword in his hand kept cutting out.



Ye Hao's movements were somewhat difficult to block, and the deduction in his eyes grew more and more.

auzw.com In fact, he has too many ways to beat Bai Ningxue.

For example, directly use spiritual supernatural powers.

Or attack unexpectedly with the secret technique of divine consciousness.

But Ye Hao did not choose to do so.

Because he said in front of Bai Mansion that day that he would completely crush Bai Ningxue's arrogance.


Finally, after resisting dozens of tricks with some difficulty, Ye Hao's body strength exploded, and Bai Ningxue's figure crashed back.

Immediately afterwards, he cast his gaze on the emptiness of heaven and earth, his fingers flickered, and Lei Gang pointed out suddenly.



With a few light beams of spiritual power filled with terrifying aura, shooting into certain places in the void, a few invisible things shattered, making everyone's heart beat fiercely.

"What's that sound?"

As soon as this doubt emerged in everyone's mind, Ye Hao's sluggish sense of obstruction had suddenly disappeared.

The emptiness of heaven and earth shook, and the spiritual power on the battle platform slowly returned to calm.

At this moment, Ye Hao's figure disappeared again, and the spear in his hand was pointed at Bai Ningxue, who was able to stabilize her figure.

Finally, three inches from his neck, he stopped steadily.

"The sixth time, you lost again."

The moment Ye Hao's voice spread, the expressions of everyone on the scene suddenly changed, and their throats seemed to be suddenly choked. Not only could they not say a word, even their breathing seemed to have stopped.

And Bai Ningxue's eyes shrank and looked at the spear that was close at hand, and then cast her eyes stiffly at Ye Hao, her eyes full of confusion and confusion.

Why is it so?

Ye Hao was clearly trapped in the spirit formation, why could he escape?

Spirit array

Where is the spirit formation?

Just as Bai Ningxue was dazed and dull, a scream of astonishment suddenly sounded from the deadly crowd in the field.

"How is it possible! He broke the spiritual formation of the Condensed Seal Realm?!"

"This Ye Hao turned out to be a spiritual formation master!"

The moment this roar sounded, the crowd in the room was completely boiling.

How rare is a spiritualist?

Even in the Profound Sky Academy, these characters are definitely Tianjiao, as long as they have the talent of the spiritual formation, they will be introduced into the inner courtyard and focus on training.

No one in the room could think that not only did Ye Hao's spiritual power cultivation be so powerful, he also cultivated a spiritual formation at the same time.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be bombarded by thunder. Unbelievable shock and awe appeared in their eyes, and their eyes seemed to protrude, staring at the slender and tall figure on the battle platform in amazement.

No one in the room doubted, because the cracking sound in the emptiness was obviously the sound of the broken spirit seal.

Although everyone is not a spiritual formation master, they understand that if they want to break the spiritual formation, apart from breaking it with violence, they can only destroy the incalculable spiritual seals, which are the most important ones.

And if you want to find these spiritual seals, unless you are a spiritual master, it is impossible for others to do it.

At the top of the high platform, Xu Lan's old face was full of surprise, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What an amazing little guy, I really missed you!" Sun Jiyuan below, his face twitched slightly, his expression was extremely shocked.

But Tang Yun, at this moment, was already setting off a stormy sea, and she couldn't describe it in words.

At this moment, he seemed to see a trace of his father in the boy.

After a while, she glanced at Lin He who looked equally sluggish, and sneered: "It seems that this time, it is you who should be distressed. Those merit points and spirit stones are almost most of you. Accumulate?"

Lin He looked ugly for a while.

Not far away, where Tianjiao in the inner courtyard was, Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang looked very gloomy.

"Damn bastard, things in the ancestral land must have something to do with him!" Chen Huang flashed murderously in his eyes.

On the battle platform, the noisy and boiling crowd did not change Ye Hao's expression at all.

He retracted the spear with a calm expression, looked at Bai Ningxue with a pale face and lost consciousness, sighed in his heart, turned and left.

This gambling battle is over, Ye Hao's unhappiness and depression are also completely vented, there is no need to continue.

"Don't run! I haven't lost yet!"

Seeing Ye Hao leave, Bai Ningxue shouted hoarsely.

Everyone off the court was suddenly silent, everyone was breathing on a micro screen, looking at Bai Ningxue with some sympathy.

Bai Ningxue's talent strength is not weak, and he is definitely regarded as an outstanding person in the Profound Sky Academy.

Unfortunately, her opponent is too abnormal.

Thinking of this, everyone sighed complicatedly, without saying anything.

"You stop me!"

Bai Ningxue's beautiful eyes were red, and her voice was a little choked, her spiritual power in her body climbed wildly.

To the reluctant Bai Ningxue, Ye Hao sighed helplessly, his footsteps still did not stop, just lazily raised his left hand, and his slender index finger shook lightly.

This scene caused Bai Ningxue's mind to blast. If he was struck by lightning, the spiritual power in his body collapsed, and the long sword in his hand dropped.

She stared at Ye Hao's back in a daze, her red lips trembling uncontrollably, tears rolled down in her bright red eyes, and the pear blossoms brought rain.

"Is it you?"

Bai Ningxue's body trembled lightly, crying and laughing, murmured in disbelief, her pretty face was full of bitterness, surprises, and extremely complicated.

Ye Hao's back, this moment was in her eyes, and the figure in her heart, that figure in a black robe.

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