Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 171: ask to see

"Uh, why did she come?"

The moment when he saw Bai Ningxue clearly, Ye Hao couldn't help but froze for a moment. Then he noticed that a lot of academy disciples were gathered further away, looking towards his residence, obviously also quite curious about Bai Ningxue's coming.

As soon as the door of the rear room opened, Bai Ningxue felt her body, and her body trembled like an electric shock, and froze in place.

Bai Ningxue is tall and tall, with slender and straight legs, slender waist, and beautiful back contour.

It is no wonder that she has such a high popularity in the Profound Sky Academy, and her graceful and exquisite curves alone are enough to make people dream.

At this moment, she turned her back to the door, motionless like a wooden person. After Ye Hao glanced suspiciously, she didn't bother to pay attention, closed the door and walked straight towards Tang Yun's residence.


Seeing the young man who just walked by her side, Bai Ningxue's pretty face stagnated, and her beautiful eyes suddenly showed anger as she didn't even look at her.

Afterwards, she gritted her silver teeth violently, suppressed the anger in her heart, closed her small mouth tightly, and hung herself behind Ye Hao like a follower.

"Sister Ningxue, what is she going to do?"

"Do you want revenge? Not like it."

Everyone in the distance looked at this weird scene, all looking at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

Could it be that the goddess in their hearts was so irritated yesterday and beaten stupid?

At the thought of this, sympathy and sympathy appeared in everyone's hearts, and they gritted their teeth for Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was walking on the road to the academy, and his disciples greeted him from time to time, his expression full of awe.

In this world where the power is respected, after he showed his strength yesterday, everyone no longer dared to have the slightest disdain.

As for Bai Ningxue who was following him, everyone looked strange when they saw it, but they didn't dare to ask more.

"What are you doing with me?"

Finally, Ye Hao turned around helplessly, with such a ‘tail’ behind him, even his temperament felt uncomfortable for a while.

"I just want to lose in the gambling, since the gambling fight is lost to you"

Bai Ningxue's face turned pale and red, with her proud temperament, she couldn't really say the next words.

"and then?"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows with a smile, as if deliberately making things difficult for Bai Ningxue.

"You" Bai Ningxue glared at him fiercely. After a short breath, she bit her silver teeth and said every word, "Abide by the gambling contract and serve you as a slave!"

"No need."

Ye Hao couldn't help but grinned a little wickedly if he could make Bai Ningxue say these things, and immediately his expression returned to plain and said something, then he turned and took steps.

He and Bai Ningxue's gambling engagement was just for a puff of anger. As for the content of the gambling agreement, he didn't care much at all.

Bai Ningxue is indeed very beautiful. With such a slave and maid, perhaps he will not refuse to be any one, but Ye Hao really has no good impressions of this arrogant and savage girl, and he doesn't want to be involved in any more.

And looking at the young man who looked indifferent, fluttered and left a word before walking away, Bai Ningxue's reddish cheeks suddenly stiffened, and her heart surged with shame and anger.

With her talent for appearance, even in this Tianxuan Academy, there are countless people sought after, no one has ever treated her like this, not to mention that she takes the initiative to come to the door to abide by the bet.

She Bai Ningxue was a servant, if she said it, no one in the entire Profound Sky Academy would refuse.


However, Ye Hao, who was in front of him, didn't seem to care about it at all, and he was a little bit disgusted, so he fluttered and refused.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxue couldn't help but breathe quickly, her towering chest was up and down, her bright eyes were about to burst into flames, and while her heart was angry, she felt a trace of unprecedented loss.

In fact, even she herself didn't know how she felt about Ye Hao in her heart.

The former obviously defeated her almost humiliatingly under the eyes of the public.

There is indeed anger in her heart, but more, it is regret and bitterness, and a strange joy.

Because that imprinted on the heart is indelible, but can't find the mysterious spiritual master.

She was finally found.

"Hmph, Bai Ningxue said nothing. If you lose, you lose. Whether you want it or not, you have to fulfill your bet!" Bai Ningxue glared at the figure in front of him, as if making an excuse for himself After a mutter, he followed closely.

Ye Hao shook his head helplessly when he followed Bai Ningxue for some reason, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it immediately. After she was bored, he would inevitably leave.

"Auntie Yun, are you there?"

Stopping in front of Tang Yun's cave, Ye Hao just said, Tang Yun's graceful figure greeted him.

"How did you come?"

Tang Yun smiled and said. For Ye Hao, she is now more satisfied with her look. The next moment, she noticed the silent Bai Ningxue behind her. She couldn't help but froze for a while, and said weirdly: "What happened to her? "

"I don't know what the wind is." Ye Hao shrugged, and his expression straightened, "Auntie Yun, do you know where Sister Qingwu is? I want to see her."

He only knew that Qingwu was accepted as a disciple by Xu Lan, but he didn't know where he was in the academy, so he could only come to Tang Yun first.

Tang Yun nodded and smiled: "The girl is naturally at the elder's residence, I will take you there."

Along the way, Tang Yun and Ye Hao walked in front, while Bai Ningxue pouted slightly and hung behind without saying a word.

After a while, Tang Yun took Ye Hao and stopped in front of a magnificent hall, and respectfully saluted the dark and cold hall: "Tang Yun asks to see Elder Xu."

On the stage in the hall, Xu Lan's old cheeks were filled with joy, and she was carefully looking at the richly fragrant magical pill in her hand like a treasure.

Tang Yun's voice made Xu Lan frown slightly, especially when she noticed that Ye Hao was also outside the hall, a sneer appeared on her face.

As soon as she returned along the teleportation formation, Ye Hao happened to come by, and Xu Lan could guess her intention, which made her turbid eyes joking.

"come in."

After speaking lightly, Xu Lan put away the pill and looked down at the three people who walked into the hall.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at Xu Lan, who was indifferent and seemingly joking, Ye Hao couldn't help but frown, and then respectfully said: "Elder Xu, I want to see Sister Qingwu here. Since I came to the college, I don’t know. How she's doing is really missed."

Xu Lan raised her eyebrows and sneered: "Why, are you still worried that the deity will treat her badly?"

"Don't dare." Ye Hao looked calm, but he felt uneasy for some reason, "I don't know where Sister Qingwu is?"

"She left the college."

Xu Lan said playfully, everything was a foregone conclusion, and she knew it was impossible to keep it secret forever.

The most important thing is that Xu Lan doesn't care what Ye Hao knows about now that the ancestor is in retreat.

Especially thinking of Ye Jinghan back then, a pathological joke appeared in her heart, wanting to see how the young man knew the truth but was unable to recover.

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