Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 179: Da Yan head covered the sky

Gu Shentan's words caused Ye Hao to tremble violently when struck by lightning.

At this moment, he seemed to stop the flow of blood throughout his body, and his face became paler than ever before.

What is hopeless?

Even the ancestors who can raise their hands to suppress the strong celestial phenomena actually said this.

Sister Qingwu, where did Xu Lan send it?

Ye Hao's face twitched and his lips kept moving, and he couldn't accept the result in his heart.

Looking at the young man's appearance, Gu Shen couldn't help but sighed. After a moment of hesitation, his eyes showed determination.

"Old ancestor, let me go." Aware of the change in the expression of the former, Situ Yang guessed something, and said hurriedly, "Back then, the quarrel between you and there was too stiff. If you were too noticeable, it would be me. It's safest to go and see."

Upon hearing this, Gu Shen sighed and frowned for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Situ Yang's character is not like Xu Lan, he can trust it.

And Ye Hao, at this moment, also looked at the bald old man, his voice trembled and hoarse: "Elder Situ, are you going to the place where Sister Qingwu is? Take me with you!"

"Anyone can go over there, but you can't."

Before Situ Yang said a word, Gu Shen sighed on the side without any doubt.

"Little guy, just stay in the academy. Although there is basically no hope, the old man will try his best to see if he can bring that girl back." Situ Yang sighed, and his figure disappeared.

"Wait quietly, using the teleportation array, Situ will be able to come back in at most half a day." Gu Shen sighed with a complex expression of comfort.

Ye Hao silently clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, even a **** smell filled his mouth.

He never hated his weakness for a moment.

If he was strong enough, how could Xu Lan dare to threaten Qingwu and sacrifice him as a furnace.

If he is strong enough, no matter where Qingwu is, he can push it all the way.

But right now, he could only shrink in the Profound Sky Academy so weakly.

He is still too weak.

Ye Hao looked terrifying, and his eyes were bloodshot. For a long time, his slightly hoarse voice suddenly sounded: "Ancestor, where is it over there?"

Although Ye Hao was angry at this moment, he could infer from Gu Shentan's words just now that what he said must be an unimaginable place.

Moreover, 80% of his father's fall has a great relationship with that side, otherwise Gu Shentan would not speak words that he could not go alone.

Hearing this, Gu Shentan frowned solemnly, as if hesitating to tell Ye Hao.

After hesitating for a while, he sighed: "I knew that there was a son of Jinghan in Black Yuan City, but I did not want you to be involved in these things, so I have been looking for you in the future. Maybe there is a destiny in the future. , Everything can't be avoided after all."

Ye Hao took a few deep breaths, suppressed his anxiety and anger, and waited quietly.

Gu Shen sighed with a cold face, looked up at the sky, and said in a deep voice: "You grew up in Black Yuan City. You must have heard of the relationship between the Great Yan Dynasty and Tianxuan Academy, right?"

Ye Hao nodded. As for the relationship between the two forces, no one in the entire Great Yan Dynasty knew.

"The world knows only the appearance. In fact, the Profound Sky Academy and the Dayan Dynasty do not distinguish each other." Gu Shentan said with deep eyes and a deep voice, "The most important thing is that there is a layer on the head of the Dayan Dynasty. The unshakable sky."

"This layer of heaven is called Tianyanzong."

Regarding Gu Shentan's words, Tang Yun's expression on the side was fairly calm, obviously she knew the secrets a long time ago.

auzw.com But Ye Hao could not help but set off a huge wave in his heart.

"Sky Flame Sect?"

Ye Hao's eyes shrank slightly, and he suddenly thought of the Tianyan Ancient Scripture, one of the thirty-six peerless exercises.

Originally, he had doubts in his mind. Although the Profound Sky Academy had a profound background, he shouldn't be able to possess such a world-famous technique as the Ancient Sky Flame Classic.

Obviously, this exercise must be from the Sky Flame Sect.

"You got the Taoist Spirit of Yan Gu Jing that day, right?"

At this time, Gu Shentan also recalled the strangeness in the ancestral land that day, and asked.

Ye Hao nodded, did not continue to hide.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yun's eyes widened fiercely, her expression dull and shocked.

She really didn't expect that the ancient Tianyan scripture in the academy's legend actually exists.

Moreover, Ye Hao actually got his Dao Soul Attraction.

The shock that the boy gave him is really stronger than one.

"Presumably, you can guess its origin now." Gu Shentan said with a solemn expression, "You can't practice this exercise."

"Ancestor, that is one of the 36 peerless techniques, even if it comes from the Sky Flame Sect, why not let Ye Hao practice?" Tang Yun asked with some doubts.

"Huh, Peerless Thirty-Six, do you think Tianyan Sect will really pass down this exercise?" Gu Shen sighed and sneered, "Practicing this exercise is just a wedding dress. That's why I specifically sealed it back then, but I didn't expect it to be obtained by this little guy."

"Doing a wedding dress only?" Ye Hao's eyes condensed, and it is clear that the Tianyan Sect passed down this exercise, absolutely unkind.

"The ancestors can rest assured that I have not practiced the Daohunying of the Ancient Tianyan Classic."

Hearing this, Gu Shen sighed and couldn't help but froze for a moment. He originally planned to spend some price to remove the refining Dao Soul guide for Ye Hao, but he didn't expect it to be refining.

"Ancestor, is the fall of my father also related to Tianyan Sect?"

Although Ye Hao forced himself to calm down at this time, his expression was still extremely cold.

Hearing this, Gu Shen sighed and said with a chill over his face, "The Tianyan Sect, which ruled the Great Yan Dynasty and the Tianxuan Academy, used this as the back garden. Your father went to the Tianyan Sect for the Academy."

"Speaking of which, our Tianxuan Academy owes him too much. If it were not for your father, this academy would have broken its foundation long ago and ceased to exist." Gu Shen sighed and shook his head with guilt and powerlessness in his eyes.

Ye Hao's black eyes surged, staring at Gu Shentan, thinking of knowing everything that year.

"All of this must be said from the place of death in the Eastern Desolation that year." Gu Shentan said with deep eyes and a deep voice. "In that place, those who step into the Jedi can say that there is no life for ten deaths, but there is also a shocking chance. , Its birth, not to mention the Heavenly Flame Sect, the top power of the entire Eastern Wilderness, is completely crazy, desperate to enter it."

"And to go to such a Jedi, it is natural to find some cannon fodder to find the way." At this point, Gu Shentan showed ice cold on his face, and sneered, "Of course, the Tianyan Sect sent his idea to the Profound Sky Academy."

"Back then, Tianyanzong wanted all the disciples above the life sea level in the college to go, and planned to do everything, regardless of the life and death of these disciples. In the end, it was your father who stood up and asked Tianyanzong to agree with him with his unparalleled appearance. He went there alone, and only then did he preserve the foundation of the academy."

Gu Shentan's words made Ye Hao silent slightly, and Tang Yun on the side was already red with beautiful eyes and full of sadness.

If it were not for Ye Jinghan, I am afraid that people of her generation would not be able to live till now.

"When your father left that year, he even spoke out to leave the Profound Sky Academy. I thought it was because he had a grudge against me in his heart. I didn't know that he had long been in his heart until the news came that he had killed the saint son of the Heavenly Flame Sect. It is determined that I don't want to hurt the college." Gu Shen sighed and shook his head sadly, his guilt thickened in his eyes.

"Sacred Son of Tianyanzong"

Ye Hao's expression was extremely shocked, the horror of the Sky Flame Sect was beyond his imagination, and the saint son of such an orthodoxy, his strength needless to say, is definitely the arrogant of the heavens.

And his father, even if he came from the Profound Sky Academy, was still able to kill the saint son of the Heavenly Flame Sect against the sky, his strength and amazingness once again exceeded Ye Hao's imagination.

"That's the case, why did my father fall? Could it be that the rest of the Heavenly Flame Sect made the move?"

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