Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 181: Ao Hongchen

Situ Yang's words caused Gu Shentan to be stunned, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

He didn't need to think about the furnace cauldron body of the innate essence spirit body, even the Heavenly Flame Sect would definitely value it extremely.

It was he who went personally, fearing that it would be impossible to bring Qingwu back.

"Elder Situ, what is the method?"

Gu Shen sighed in doubt, Ye Hao couldn't help but tremble and speak.

Seeing the teenager's distorted face with excitement, Situ Yang couldn't help but sighed secretly, smiled bitterly, "Don't get too excited, listen to me slowly."

"I've inquired that the physique of that girl's furnace cauldron is extremely valued by the Heavenly Flame Sect, and she won't act on it for the time being. She is still extremely safe in a short time."

Ye Hao forced himself to calm down, but his heart was still up and down, extremely worried.

"Temporarily safe? What do you mean?" Gu Shen sighed and asked with a frown.

"Because Xu Lan dedicated that girl to Ao Hongchen." Situ Yang said solemnly.

Proud Hongchen?

Hearing this name, Ye Hao looked confused, but Gu Shen sighed for some reason, but his face changed drastically.

Situ Yang continued: "Ao Hongchen coveted Ye Qingwu's physique very much, but did not immediately attack it. Instead, he planned to break through to the Burning Fire Realm, and then take advantage of the special nature of the innate soul to try to directly derive the spiritual veins. Step into the spiritual development realm."

"This son is really not small."

Gu Shentan squinted slightly and said with emotion.

"Ancestor, who is this proud Hongchen?"

Ye Hao couldn't help but speak, looking at the expressions of the two, that Ao Hongchen seemed extremely extraordinary.

"Laughing Hongchen with disdain for the world is also the saint son of the Tianyanzong generation."

Gu Shentan said with an unprecedented dignified expression.

Disdain the world and laugh at the world?

Ye Hao's eyes shrank slightly, and his heartbeat couldn't help but pause.

This person is so arrogant.

Especially from Gu Shen's sigh, it shows that even the ancestors recognized his arrogant confidence.

"This Proud Hongchen is very strong?" Ye Hao asked solemnly.

It doesn't need to say how terrible it is to become a holy son of such a terrifying orthodoxy like Tianyan Sect, but Ye Hao still wants to know more.

Gu Shentan nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Although I have never been to the Sky Flame Sect in these years, the name Ao Hongchen, as long as the entire Eastern Desolation reaches a certain level, no one knows."

"It is said that this arrogant Hongchen is incomparable, and has a lot more talent than the previous saint son of the Tianyan Sect. He definitely has a supreme posture and is highly valued by the Tianyan Sect."

"Furthermore, the Tianyan Sect also firmly believes that as long as Ao Hongchen can grow up, he will definitely be able to rejuvenate the Tianyan Sect and lead the entire sect back to its peak. Therefore, for him, the Tianyan Sect can be said to have spared no effort in cultivation."

Hearing this, Ye Hao couldn't help taking a breath, a strong horror appeared in his eyes.

Needless to say, Tianyanzong's intrepidity, even the entire Great Yan Dynasty was regarded as its back garden.

auzw.com And such a horrible orthodoxy, but firmly believes that Ao Hongchen can lead the sect back to the top. It is unimaginable how terrifying it is.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao couldn't help but breathe a little bit quickly, and said, "Is this proud Hongchen yet to break through the Burning Fire Realm?"

"Now you are in the realm of Dao Soul Great Perfection." Situ Yang said.

"Although his realm is only Dao Soul Dzogchen, but he once smashed the sky to the celestial image realm and then retreated all over his body." Gu Shentan added solemnly.

"How can it be?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Hao's expression was already extremely solemn, and Tang Yun was even more aghast.

Powerful in the astronomical state, in the academy is already a detached existence like the sky.

And that Ao Hongchen actually relied on Dao Soul Realm cultivation base to be able to smash against the strong in this realm, which was beyond Tang Yun's imagination.

"This Proud Hongchen seems to have been polished in the Dao Soul Realm for many years, why hasn't it broken through the Burning Fire Realm?" Gu Shentan looked at Situ Yang with some doubts.

"Did the ancestor forget that the cremation site in the Eastern Wilderness will be opened again in a year." Situ Yang reminded.

"It turned out to be so."

Gu Shentan suddenly realized it, and immediately explained to Ye Hao: "The burning cremation site is a secret realm left over from ancient times. It will be opened once per Jiazi, and it is dangerous and dangerous inside, but it also has many sources of heaven and earth with extremely high ranks. Every time the fire is turned on, all parties in the Eastern Desolation, the Tianjiao under the Burning Fire Realm will go to seek the source of fire from heaven and earth."

"What does the ancestor mean?" Ye Hao frowned, with puzzlement in his eyes.

"In order to show the care for the dominating forces, the Tianyan Sect also gave the college a few places to go to the cremation site. Anyone who is famous on the Qingyun list can go there with the people of the Tianyan Sect."

Gu Shen sighed with profound words, and after making Ye Hao startled for a while, his figure was shocked.

Ao Hongchen, the son of Tianyan, is now waiting for the cremation site to open a year later, if he dies inside

"Ao Hongchen will take Ye Qingwu to the cremation site in a year in order to cultivate the congenital essence spirit body to the extreme, so that he will also be able to absorb the body of her furnace after breaking through to the burning fire realm." Situ Yang Added in a low voice.

Hearing that, Ye Hao's black eyes were already fierce, and he couldn't even control his breathing.

At this moment, if he didn't understand what Situ Yang meant, it would be too stupid.

Ye Hao knew that burning the cremation site was his only hope to bring Qingwu back.

"Although only practitioners under the Burning Fire Realm can enter the Fen Cremation Site, you are far from his opponent with the strength of Proud Hongchen." Gu Shentan knew what Ye Hao was thinking in his heart, and could not help but reminded in a deep voice.

"No matter how strong he is, as long as he wants to attack Sister Qingwu, he must die." Ye Hao clenched his fists, and the decisive cold voice made the three people in the room sigh slightly.

Judging from the young man's attitude, several people understood that it was impossible for him to retreat in the face of difficulties, so even Tang Yun, who was the most disturbed in his heart, did not speak to dissuade him.

After a long silence, Gu Shentan told Tang Yun and Situ Yang to retreat first, and then he said in a deep voice, "After half a year, it will be the battle of the Qingyun List in the Inner Court. If you can be on the Qingyun List by your own strength, and be in Within a year, when you break through to the Dao Soul Realm, I will agree to let you go, otherwise, even if you go to the cremation site, you will only seek your own death."

Ye Hao nodded his head and saluted Gu Shentan with gratitude, "Thank you, ancestor!"

Without Gu Shen sighing to come forward, it would be impossible for him to figure out the whereabouts of Qingwu, nor would he know the last hope of finding Qingwu.

It is even more impossible to know why his father fell, and his blood feud that he did not share the sky with the Tianyan Sect.

"Tianyan Sect"

Thinking of this behemoth that he is not even qualified to go to now, Ye Hao's expression is cold, and the murderous intent in his heart is overwhelming.

Gu Shentan sighed secretly in his heart, and immediately took out a token and handed it to Ye Hao, "With this token, you can go to the top level of the Profound Sky Pagoda to practice. The training conditions there may help you condense the Dao Soul as soon as possible. "

"And this, it's what your father left in the academy." As he said, Gu Shentan took out a simple jade slip, smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I'm really confused too, that day you entered the first level of the trial trial. At that time, I should think of your identity."

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