Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 183: Qingyun ten Jiao six crowns as king

Wan Feng's arrogant figure flew upside down like a broken kite, and even blasted out the two young men behind him who had achieved great success.

This unbelievable scene made everyone watching the good show from a distance stunned and their eyes widened.

Ye Hao was able to pass the Sky Profound Pagoda, no matter how stupid, everyone believed that he must be good.

It is hard to say whether he can compete with the six-time champion in the future, but being on the Qingyun list is a certainty.

But all this is in the future after all.

Today's Ye Hao only has the cultivation base in the mid-term of Minghai, and has not yet grown up.

Therefore, although everyone has fear in their hearts, there is not much fear.

But at the moment, Ye Hao can actually repel Wan Feng in the early stage of Dao Soul Realm in a hard shock only by relying on the realm of the middle life of the sea?

Could it be that Wan Feng underestimated the enemy?

Everyone was dumbfounded, their minds couldn't turn around for a while, and even Ye Hao hadn't even noticed that Ye Hao left. Only three people, Wan Feng, who kept wailing in the field were left.

In the distance, on a high platform, there are several figures standing in the wind, looking at the gradually blurred figure of the young man.

"There are also some ways, barely able to catch the eye."

Among them, a young man spoke lightly, his whole figure resembling an out-of-the-sheath cold knife, sharp and sharp, extremely shocking.

This person is ninth on the Qingyun list, Di Qing.

"Hey, this inner courtyard has been dull for so long, and finally an interesting guy has arrived."

Next to her, a voluptuous and enchanting woman smiled with interest.

Eighth on the Qingyun list, Wu Feiyan.

"I don't know how he passed the Profound Sky Pagoda perfectly. It's really hard to guess."

In the corner, a young man with an extremely pale face that seemed to be recovering from a long illness spoke up. His voice was hoarse like a stone rubbing, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

"Pang Yin, you have to be the tenth on the Qingyun list. Don't be kicked by that kid."

In the middle, a young man with a handsome face, like a Confucian student, stood with his hands. The aura of the young man did not fluctuate strongly, but the gazes of several Qingyun ranked arrogances who looked at him were full of fear.

Because he is the only spiritual master who is meticulous and perfect among the academy's disciples.

Qingyun ranked fifth, Yin Kong.

"Hmph, although this kid is not weak in talent, but after he first entered the academy, he wants to be on the Qingyun list, I am afraid that he will have to grind for a few more years." Pang Yin sneered, jokingly, "I heard that he is also a spirit. Formation master, the spirit formation talisman you gave Bai Ningxue seems to have been easily cracked by him."

Yin Kong shook his head and smiled disdainfully when he heard the words, and said: "It's just a condensed seal realm spiritual formation talisman. I haven't paid attention to this kid's spiritual formation cultivation."

"Hey, it's really a thorny head. Let's not talk about you Yin Kong, just Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang, I heard that I want to swallow this kid, and Bai Qingyou, if she leaves the customs and learns that her sister runs I don't know what it will look like when I go to be a slave girl." Wu Fei said with a trembling smile.

"Now he is still hitting Wan Feng severely, and when the Sixth Champion exits, I'm afraid he will find him."

Di Qing's words sounded, and several people fell silent.

The three words "Sixth Crown Prince" are like an unshakable peak, always pressing on the top of his head.

The nine great arrogances of the Qingyun list, from the second Lei Tingzi to the tenth Pang Yin, were all at the top of the Qingyun list and had to bow their heads.

"What the witch said is true. This kid is indeed a stab. Not long after he entered the academy, he almost offended half of the Qingyun list. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers." Pang Yin jokingly said.

"Leave him alone. Anyway, there will be no intersection with us. A year later, even the sixth crown is waiting for the great opportunity. Although this kid has a good talent, he may not be able to catch up with this opportunity." Di Qing Weird smiled.

The few people in the field all had fiery eyes when they heard the words, and the cremation ground opened once every Jiazi, and they happened to meet this opportunity.


The number of cremation sites can be said to be the most important opportunity for everyone on the Qingyun list.

"Soon after, it will be the battle of Qingyunbang every three years. Don't be kicked off the Qingyunbang by accident. Don't miss this opportunity." Yin Kong jokingly smiled and disappeared in place.

Hearing that, the three of Di Qing smiled contemptuously. There are indeed disciples with good talents in the inner courtyard, such as Ye Hao and Han Yitian.

But the few people did not grow up after all, and did not have the strength to compete with them.

Wanting to be on the Qingyun list is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

Ye Hao walked towards his residence. Now he has passed through the Sky Profound Pagoda. He is considered the arrogant of the inner courtyard. Along the way, many disciples in the outer courtyard meet him and salute him in awe, but he has nothing to pay attention to, thinking of He Wan Feng in his mind. Fight.

"Still too weak."

Ye Hao's eyes were dark, and he was too lazy to guess who Wan Feng was talking about.

In Ye Hao's heart, now there is only the urgency to improve strength.

Although his current realm is only in the middle of the life sea realm, but with the three poles of the dragon ascending realm, the strength is indeed comparable to the cultivator of the early Dao soul.

But if he meets a strong man in the middle of the Dao Soul, Ye Hao knows that he will definitely be at a disadvantage.

After all, Dao Soul Realm and Life Sea Realm were completely different from the world, and the gap between them was several times larger than that of Body Tempering Realm and Life Sea Realm.

Dao Soul Realm cultivator is already condensing Dao Soul. If Wan Feng uses the power of Dao Soul just now, even if he can win, he will definitely do all his hole cards.

Obviously, this kind of strength, let alone countering the Saint Child Ao Hongchen of the Sky Flame Sect.

I'm afraid he can't beat even the strongest of Qingyun ranking.

Of course, the progress of Ye Hao's cultivation is extremely fast in the eyes of others, but for him, it is far from enough.

"Uncle Shen, according to your estimate, how strong will the Saint Yanzong be that day?" Ye Hao asked in his heart.

"I have come out of the Supreme Orthodoxy, its foundation and strength are beyond comprehension, the water is too deep, and the saint child-level figures of this big power, let alone invincible in the same realm, even the freaks of the Taoist soul fighting the sky may appear. ."

"Furthermore, these kinds of characters are the treasures of the various ethics, they are all cultivated with the best of their heritage, and the various methods on their bodies must be endless and extremely difficult."

Ye Hao's heart is even heavier to make Shen Jiuyou, who always look above the top, say so.

"In fact, as long as you are given enough time, Lord Shen fully believes that you can contend with these saint-children. After all, if you really want to talk about the background, there are not many that can surpass you in this world."

"Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Kungfu, the three poles of ascending the dragon are all invincible ancient scriptures, they can be called invincible, and you are also cultivating spiritual formations." Shen Jiuyou laughed bitterly, and said helplessly, "but it is really difficult to want within a year Too big."

This time, it seemed that even Shen Jiuyou, who had always had confidence in Ye Hao, didn't think much of him.

Ye Hao now lacks time most.

Shen Jiuyou sighed softly and continued: "If the Saint Yanzong could really shake the celestial phenomena in the Dao Soul realm that day, and retreat all over his body. Then, if you want to compete with him, you must condense the Dao Soul within a year and bring the spirit formation together. The most important thing to step into the master realm is to take the extreme realm technique one step further."

Now that Ye Hao has embarked on the path to the extreme realm, Shen Jiuyou no longer taboos anything.

Hearing this, even Ye Hao couldn't help but sigh bitterly.

Not to mention the extreme realm method, just want to step into the Dao Soul Realm within a year and become a master of the spirit formation, if Ye Hao speaks out, he is afraid that everyone will think he has lost his mind.

"Even if you do everything, you must do it!"

Just as his eyes were resolutely muttering, suddenly, an extremely strong killing intent caused Ye Hao's heart to jump fiercely.

At this moment, he seemed to be stared at by a terrifying monster beast, suddenly looking up.

I saw Chen Huang with a murderous look in front of his residence, looking at him extremely coldly.

It seems, deliberately waiting here for a long time.

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