Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 196: Burning Sky Fire Lotus

In Ye Hao's black eyes, the moment the fire lotus appeared, the temperature in the entire small cave sky was incredibly hotter.

Especially around Ye Hao’s body, the invisible heat wave is surging, and even the void space is a bit creepy and distorted, with traces of pitch-black cracks appearing, just like the temperature he emits, even this little caveman, can’t continue to bear it. .

"What magical power is this?"

"This guy has this hand!"

The three Bai Ningxue on the side could not bear the heat and retreated far away, looking at Ye Hao in shock.

The third prince stared even more, his hideous face twitched slightly, pressing his eyes with amazement, gritted his teeth and said: "Since you do not live or die, no wonder this prince!"

"Split the Golden Lion King!"

As the third prince screamed, the vague lion shadow behind him suddenly let out a violent roar.

In an instant, the wave of power like the overwhelming waves caused the entire cave sky to shake and roar constantly.

Feeling the vast power of the Taoist Soul and Dharma, the third prince finally showed a smirk on his face.

He could feel that the young man's magical powers at the moment were not weak, he must have reached the category of spiritual quality.

But even with spiritual supernatural powers, it is absolutely not comparable to the supernatural powers derived from his Dao, Soul, and Dharma images.

After all, the Dao Soul technique he was practicing was one of the seventy-two heavenly rank techniques in the world, the Lion King Art!

Although the Lion King Art was ranked low in the 72 Heavenly Ranks, it was also the Dayan Royal Family's Dao Soul Cultivation Technique, which was obtained after all the hard work. It is not a royal family, and others are not qualified to practice it.

Although spiritual supernatural powers are powerful, they are destined to be eclipsed before the heavenly powers.

Of course, what the third prince didn't know was that the magical power that Ye Hao displayed at this moment was a spiritual product, but it came from one of the 36 peerless techniques, Tianyan Ancient Scripture.

"Burning Heaven Fire Lotus."

Ignoring the smirk of the third prince, Ye Hao sealed his hands, and in his whisper, a faint flame the size of a lotus appeared strangely in front of him.

The flame tip of the flame beating, like a fairy of fire, and like a rune of order. Although it is extremely small, the temperature of the entire space has doubled the moment it appears.

The dry and cracked wasteland underfoot, the void and distortion of the space, and the indescribable hotness made everyone present, including the third prince, look drastically changed.

Ye Hao stared at this fire lotus closely, and his eyes also showed shock. This is the magical power he has obtained on the first floor of the Profound Sky Pagoda with the help of the ancient spirit of the sky flames. This is the first time it has been displayed. It exudes terrible fluctuations, even he is shocked.

"The Burning Sky Fire Lotus Tianyan Ancient Classic is worthy of being one of the 36 peerless."

Ye Hao's expression was a bit solemn, the power that this fire lotus exudes was stronger than the seventeen dragon signs, and it could be said that it was his strongest trump card today.

In the same way, this magical power from the Ancient Tianyan Sutra gave him a deeper understanding of the horror of Tianyanzong and Ao Hongchen in his heart.

Ao Hongchen is the most valued saint son of the Tianyan Sect, and he has definitely practiced the Peerless Thirty-six Ancient Tianyan Classic.

Only the Burning Sky Fire Lotus has such a mighty power, how powerful should the Proud Hongchen who cultivated the complete Tianyan Ancient Scripture be?


In Ye Hao's solemn heart, the huge lion shadow behind the third prince rushed in front of him with monstrous fierce flames and terrifying fluctuations.

In the roar, the lion shadow's giant hill-like claws glowed with a cold and cold light, and the five golden beams that were bigger than Ye Hao's whole body, seemed to be able to cut everything, and fell suddenly.

The sharp wind pierced the ears, and the emptiness that the gangman passed through, several black cracks appeared shockingly, obviously, the sharpness of the golden gangman, even nothingness, was easily torn apart.

In the distance, Han Yitian and Qin Chixiao looked under the claws of a lion shadow. Ye Hao, who was the size of an ant, touched his throat with a heart, and Bai Ningxue squeezed her chest tightly, her pretty faces full of fright. Worry.

Feeling the pressure above his head, Ye Hao suddenly snorted coldly, his hand printing changed, and suddenly the small and delicate fire lotus in front of him rose in vain.


The huge lion's claw and the small fire lotus had a very strong contrast, but when the lion's claw and the fire lotus touched, a loud noise that seemed to shake the soul suddenly spread.

The fire lotus exploded with a bang, and for a short breath, the small fire lotus turned into a sea of ​​fire, as if it were endless, sweeping towards the huge lion shadow.


For almost an instant, the huge lion shadow with fierce flames was shrouded in an endless sea of ​​fire, and the screaming roar sounded continuously from the lion shadow's mouth as if it were real.


"How can it be?!"

Looking at the lion shadow rolling in the sea of ​​flames, constantly collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the third prince's breathing suddenly stagnated, and unprecedented shock and horror appeared on his face.

The Lion King Jue he was practicing was one of the seventy-two heavenly rank techniques. How could he lose to a spiritual supernatural power?

Could it be that the origin of the spiritual supernatural powers is more extraordinary than the Lion King Jue?

The third prince was trembling, his scalp was numb, and even his mind was completely blank. The situation reversed so fast that he could not accept it for a while.


Just as he was stunned, the huge lion shadow suddenly collapsed under the flames that seemed to burn the sky and boil the sea.

The Dao Soul Faxiang collapsed, and the terrible backlash made the Third Prince seem to be hit in the chest by an invisible sledgehammer. The whole person directly spewed a large mouthful of blood, and flew out in a very miserable form.

At this point, Ye Hao finally let out a long sigh, his face pale in pinch, and the sky of fire slowly dissipated.

"The Taoist soul of the cultivator really cannot be underestimated."

Although he surpassed the third prince, Ye Hao's heart was quite solemn. If it weren't for the fierceness of Burning Sky Fire Lotus, he was afraid that he would not be able to deal with the mysterious and terrifying Dao Soul Dharma.

"It seems that we must condense Dao Soul as soon as possible."

Ye Hao's heart is a bit urgent. The gap between Fate Sea Realm and Dao Soul Realm is really too big. Although the half-step Supreme Life Sea and Extreme Realm Law allow him to fight against Dao Soul Realm practitioners, this is only limited to Dao Soul Realm. Early.

If he encounters a cultivator in the middle of the Taoist soul, he is afraid that he will also fall in the wind.

"Ye Hao, are you okay?"

Bai Ningxue quickly stepped forward, looking at the pale-faced teenager, worrying in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Hao shook his head and cast his eyes to the third prince who was struggling for a long time and couldn't get up.

"Hey, brother, are you feeling desperate now?"

Han Yitian stepped forward, groping for a while in the arms of the third prince with a playful look, and finally found a bronze token.

It seems to be the hub token of this little cave sky.

"Damn it!"

The third prince looked like golden paper, and under the collapse of the Dao Soul, he had suffered an unprecedented serious injury. At this moment, let alone hands, he could not even get up.

It’s just that when I think of the devil’s jade bi, all my efforts in these years have been nothing but wedding dresses. The third prince can’t help but a strong resentment, staring at Ye Hao and said: "Dare to take the prince’s things, what are you? Who?!"

"Why, still want to take revenge?"

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold glow appeared in his eyes.

Perceiving the emotion in the young man's eyes, the third prince's body became stiff, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky.

He was very sure, in this Great Yan Dynasty, no one dared to kill him.

But Binghan's killing intent in the young man's eyes completely dissipated the thought in his heart.

The third prince's face twitched, and there was a little drumming in his heart. He was afraid that if he really met a madman, his life would really be in vain!

Han Yitian looked at the third prince who was silent like a quail, and then injected spiritual power into the bronze token. Suddenly, a mysterious force swept through, and the four of them gradually blurred.

"My name is Ye Hao. If you want to get revenge, please come to the Profound Sky Academy to find me." Ye Hao was afraid that the third prince was holding a grudge and would find trouble with Han Yitian in the future, so he calmly spoke as he was about to leave this place.

"Ye Hao!"

The third prince gritted his face and repeated it again, as if he wanted to remember the name firmly.

"Why are you familiar?"

But soon, he felt as if he had heard the name somewhere, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

After thinking suspiciously for a while, the third prince seemed to remember something, his eyes slowly widened, amazement and fear appeared in his eyes, and his expression completely solidified.

"It turned out to be him?"

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