Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 207: Ming Dong Tian Xuan

The square was extremely quiet, and even the wind seemed to have stopped.

Everyone stared at the battle platform for a moment, the heroic, extraordinary figure, with fanaticism and shock in his eyes.

Even the six-time champions are going to attack Ye Hao today?

Qingyun ten Jiao, the sixth crown is the king, this is not just talking.

The strength of the six-time champion is not comparable to Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang.

Not to mention the gap between the sky and the earth, it is absolutely insurmountable like the sea abyss.

No one knows how terrible the six-time champion is, but it is said that Lei Tingzi, who ranked second at the time, couldn't support half of his incense, which is enough to prove too much.

If the ordinary disciples of the Profound Sky Academy and the Tianjiao of the Qingyun Ranking are not in the same world, then the gap between the remaining nine members of the Qingyun Ranking and the sixth crown may be even greater than the former.

The three moves of the six crown kings, I am afraid that no one would dare to say that they would be able to take it on the entire Qingyun list.

Although Ye Hao had killed Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang, his talents and strengths were all superb, and he might be able to compete with them in the future, but it was definitely not the moment.

Thinking about this, everyone looked at the gloomy teenager with a little sympathy.

Some people even cast their sights on the ancestor at the top, but saw that his expression was gloomy, and they seemed to have no idea of ​​stopping.

"Damn! This guy really picks time!"

In the crowd, Han Yitian showed anger on his face. Others might be jealous of the Six Champions, but he had no scruples at this time, and his face was a bit angry.

Ye Haogang beheaded Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang, the state can be said to be the weakest time, the appearance of the six crown king at this time, in his opinion, is completely taking advantage of the danger.

Of course, this idea also appeared in everyone's hearts for a moment, but it quickly dissipated.

Six crown kings, why take advantage of others?

Because even if Ye Hao beheaded Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang, even in their heyday, they might not be able to take the six crowns three moves.

The six-time champion is really strong and outrageous. He looks down upon Qingyun and can be said to have never failed.

Even Ye Hao, his expression was somber and solemn at the moment, his black eyes were like an abyss, with chills surging.

Just as the words of the six crown king spread, a strong sense of crisis that had never been felt before, enveloped him strangely.

This was a feeling that Ye Hao had never experienced before, and a single sentence made him feel threatened instinctively.

The toughness and dominance of the six-time champion completely aroused the unyielding and unyielding in his heart.

"If I can take the three tricks, I will not pursue the matter of the day." The Sixth Crown King looked indifferent, as if the high **** king judged mortals, his tone did not fluctuate at all, "If you can't take the Qingyun list, neither There needs to be such waste."

"You are really on the top"

Ye Hao's eyes were colder, and his ironic voice made the hearts of everyone below jump fiercely.

The entire Profound Sky Academy, afraid of Lei Tingzi, would not dare to talk to the Sixth Crown King like this.

But for this, the six crown king's expression did not see the slightest anger, and he was still calm and indifferent.

How could the dragon be angry at the provocation of the ants?

Even if Ye Hao killed Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang, in the eyes of the Sixth Crown King, it was just three ants fighting.

With a disdainful smile in his heart, the Sixth Crown Prince didn't even speak any more, so he slowly raised his right hand, and his strange figure disappeared in place.

In an instant, Ye Hao's eyes suddenly tightened, and he didn't even have time to think about the speed of the Sixth Champion, how terrifying it was. Instead, he almost instinctively urged all his power, without a trace of reservation, his right fist suddenly blasted toward the void ahead.

"too slow."

Just halfway through Ye Hao's fist, the indifferent voice of the Sixth Crown King rang strangely in his ears.


In the next instant, Ye Hao suddenly felt a sudden suffocation in his chest, as if he was hit by a heavenly sacred peak, or as if he was hit by a giant beast in the ancient years. An indescribable terrifying force made his mind roar violently, unbelievable. Looked at his chest.

I saw a slender and terrifying palm with stars lingering around his fingers, and he did not know when it had been pressed on his chest.


At this moment, Ye Hao was shocked, and he didn't even have time to think about it. The whole person was already spouting a big mouthful of blood, flying upside down like a kite with a broken wire.


The audience is dead quiet!

Everyone in the room had their eyes wide open, extremely shocked, and they felt that it was a matter of course to stare at Ye Hao's body that smashed against the protective light curtain.

Ye Hao's physique was inferior to Chen Huang.

But in front of the six crowns, but still so vulnerable?

"Huh, something interesting."

The crowd was shocked, and the Sixth Crown King suddenly gave a soft voice, looking at Ye Hao who was staggered with a look of surprise.

I saw the young man pale, panting, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and a slight collapse of his chest. Although the injury was not light, the Sixth Crown King knew very well that even if he was a cultivator of the Great Perfection, he would It is not impossible to be severely injured in an instant, and even for some slightly weaker people, to die directly.

However, only the young man in the late Minghai period could still get up under the palm of his hand, which was indeed unexpected for the six-time champion.

"Is it a special physique?"

The six crown king's eyes flickered slightly, and some speculation emerged in his heart.

Except for those special physiques, he doesn't think that a cultivator can temper his body to this point by refining his body.

In this world, how can there be such a heaven-defying body training method?

"The second move."

The six-time winner twitched the corner of his mouth indifferently, and his figure took another step.

At the top, Gu Shentan stood up, staring at the battle platform, ready to intervene at any time.

On the edge of the battlefield, at the moment when the sixth crown king's figure disappeared again, Ye Hao suddenly raised his head, bloodshot appeared in his eyes, and his expression was a bit stern and stern: "Fuck your mother's second move!"


Ye Hao gritted his teeth, a force like a wave of anger burst out, making his face even more pale, but he did not give in at all. He stamped his feet heavily on the ground, facing the void in front of him, his fist like a roar. Blasted out like a dragon.



There was a muffled sound, and a fist in front appeared from nowhere, and it happened to collide with Ye Hao's violent punch.

After a stalemate, Ye Hao flew upside down again, slamming heavily on the protective light curtain, shaking the mountain, causing the entire square to slightly shake.

There was no sound in the room, and everyone looked at the young man who staggered and stood up again after a while, with shock and horror in his eyes.

Even the six-time champion squinted slightly, and the amazement deepened in his eyes.

Ye Hao couldn't even react to his first move.

But in this second move, the boy was able to detect his attack and respond.

Although still far inferior to him in strength.

But this fighting instinct made the Sixth Champion pay more attention to it for the first time.


At the edge, Ye Hao slowly got up and coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood uncontrollably. At this time, his chest collapsed, and cracks appeared on his right arm, extremely terrifying.

Not caring about the severe physical pain, Ye Hao was also shocked at the moment.

After the extreme realm method, his physical strength still faintly fell in the face of the Sixth Champion?

"That guy has a weird physique, be careful."

Shen Jiuyou's reminder sounded suddenly.

"Special physique?!"

Ye Hao's heart jumped and finally realized that the Sixth Crown King has the realm of Dao Soul Great Perfection, and at the same time he has a special physique. With such a background, it is no wonder that he can overwhelm himself physically.

"As long as you step into the Dao Soul Realm, the gap between me and him will quickly narrow!"

Ye Hao's black eyes were like eagles and falcons, icy cold and eager, as if he wanted to condense Dao Soul immediately.

"The last trick, as long as you can take it, I will admit your position on the Qingyun list."

The six crown king's long hair was fluttering, his eyes were full of indifference, and even a purple aura dazzled him at this moment.

"Everything about Ye is hit by himself with one punch. When do you need to admit it?"

Ye Hao spit out a mouthful of blood with no expression on his face, and an extremely rare arrogance appeared on his face. Between the knots of his hands, a wave of waves broke out on his body.

Under these fluctuations, many shocking cracks appeared in his body, dripping with blood.

With Ye Hao's temperament, how could he be passively beaten three times in a row, even if he had reached his limit at this moment, he had to pull the supreme six crown king down from the mortal world.

"Ignorance and ignorance."

The six-crowned king smiled indifferently, his slender palm with starlight and a ray of purple air pressed down towards Ye Haoxu.

Suddenly, a purple energy condensed, and the palm of the spiritual power exuding an extremely terrifying aura, as if it could annihilate nothingness, burst out.

"This is the Purple Qi Five Seals Art!"

"Six crowns are really moving too"

All the arrogances of the Qingyun list are shocked with their eyes shrinking.

And Ye Hao naturally felt the terrible fluctuations emanating from the purple palms, and under the intense life-and-death crisis, a ferocious madness appeared in his eyes, and he shouted in a low voice, "Eighteen dragon elephants!"


In an instant, the protective light curtain behind Ye Hao collapsed suddenly, and the eighteen auras were overwhelming, like a dragon-like phantom capable of suppressing everything, suddenly appeared, roaring and shaking the sky.

Everyone shook their hearts and stared at the phantom behind Ye Hao in disbelief.

This Ye Hao still has such a powerful hole card? !

Even Gu Shentan was holding his breath slightly, and there was a strong shock in his eyes.

Ignoring the shock of others, Ye Hao gritted his teeth, and blood was flowing on his body. With his current realm, with the support of extreme realm refining, it is reasonable to say that he could not easily display the complete dragon elephant seal.

But right now he has no retreat. Even if he fights hard, he still has to see how strong the six-time champion is!


In an instant, the earth-shaking roar echoed in the field, and the eighteen dragon-like phantoms and the purple palms were getting along, and even the nothingness was constantly shattered and annihilated, forming a **** hole, and the indescribable spiritual storm raged and spread. The protective light curtain around the platform was completely shattered.


In the aftermath of the terrifying power, Ye Hao spewed out a big mouthful of blood again, and his figure flew out.

As for the six-time champion, his expression also changed slightly, his figure swaying, he took a step back for the first time in the battle.

The fall of this step made the Sixth Crown King's figure startled slightly, and his pupils shrank in disbelief.

As for the Lei Tingzi on the side, their expressions were even more sluggish, and their faces were full of horror.

Since the six-time champion became famous, no one has been able to retreat, even one step.

Even Lei Tingzi, second on the Qingyun list, couldn't do it.

But right now, in the collision with Ye Hao, what step did the Sixth Crown King withdraw?

Everyone was shocked, and the spiritual storm between the scenes gradually subsided.

The six-crowned king made a slight face, and looked deeply at the young man who was covered in blood, sat up a little embarrassed, and half leaned against a boulder, looking at him with a sneer.

After staring at it for a long time, the Six Crown King jerked the corner of his mouth inexplicably, without saying a word, turned around, and left freely.

Ye Hao not only took over the three tricks of the six crown kings by relying on his extreme state.

It even forced this Qingyun to the top of the list and had to take a step back.

In today's battle, Liu Feiyang, Chen Huang, fell dead.

Qingyun ranked top six, retired.

No matter what, it was destined to make Ye Hao really right.

The name moves Tianxuan.

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