Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 210: Demon Ruins

After finishing speaking, Bai Qingyou didn't even look at Ye Hao, and left with an aggrieved expression of Bai Ningxue.

It wasn't until the two of them disappeared from sight that Han Yitian patted his chest with lingering fear, and said, "This elder sister is much scarier than her younger sister, but the two sisters seem to be bothered by their brains."

Ye Hao nodded in agreement, but his expression didn't change much.

"Why don't you even take the opportunity to teach this sister together?" Han Yitian smiled strangely.

"I can't beat her."

Ye Hao shrugged helplessly. Although Bai Qingyou felt inferior to the six-time champion, it was also very dangerous.

After all, he is Tianjiao ranked third on the Qingyun list. Ye Hao admits that his current strength is still not as good as Bai Qingyou.

"It just happened to be quiet, let's go."

As for Bai Qingyou's appearance, Ye Hao didn't have any ups and downs at all, and now he has no time to waste on these trivial matters.

In this way, Ye Hao took Han Yitian and Qin Chixiao, and after mobilizing a flying spirit soldier, he left the Tianxuan Academy and headed for the relics of the capital of the Demon Dynasty.

In the spirit boat, Ye Hao and Qin Chixiao both stared at Han Yitian nervously. The flying spirit soldiers were supposed to be controlled by a special person, but before they set off, Han Yitian vowed to take care of everything, which made the two of them feel a little drummer.

Fortunately, after the initial swaying, the spirit boat finally stabilized, allowing Ye Hao and Qin Chixiao to finally breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise they would fall down from a height of ten thousand meters, without the cultivation base of the celestial phenomena pacing in the void, they can be said to be dead. .

"Well, Han is an all-rounder, Xiaoye Xiaoqin, don't hesitate to bow down and worship!" Han Yitian smiled with excitement.

Seeing his triumphant appearance, Ye Hao and Qin Chixiao both shook their heads speechlessly, they were too lazy to bother, and each sat down to practice.

Although the demon ruins were not far from the Great Yan Dynasty, the spirit boat also flew for three full days before arriving.

When Han Yitian landed staggeringly, after the three of them walked out of the spirit boat, what appeared in front of them was a broken wall.

On the vast land, there are collapsed city walls and fragments of ruins. The light breeze swept through, blowing yellow sand, filled with the breath of the years.

"Is this the capital of the Demon Dynasty?"

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Ye Hao couldn't help but wonder.

It was a glorious and extremely powerful Demon Dynasty dynasty, but now there is only this ruin. I am afraid that it will not be long before even this last trace of existence will disappear, which makes people feel emotional.

"Hey, here are three more daydreamers, with flying spirit soldiers, they seem to be three fat sheep."

"Hehe, who doesn't want to get this demon body, it's a pity that the world can't see through this mirror."

"Doing so much and doing, the boss said, the more people who come recently, the better. These three guys will kill them first."

In the distance, the three figures wore uniform dark robes and seemed to be waiting for the landing of the flying spirit soldiers. As soon as the three of Ye Hao appeared, they sneered and approached.

For there are others here, Ye Hao and the three are not surprised.

Although the demon dynasty has been annihilated for thousands of years, there is always no shortage of monks to explore the ruins of the demon.

After all, it is far from the three of them who want to pursue the demon body.

"The three of you also came to this demon ruin to seek opportunities?"

The three middle-aged men who approached, wearing dark gray clothes, seemed to belong to the same force. The one who spoke at the moment was the first one, who had the strength of the mid-Dao soul, and the other two had the realm of the early Dao soul.

"Exactly." Qin Chixiao politely clasped his fists and asked, "I'm waiting for the first time to come. I don't know if there is anything to pay attention to in this relic of the Demon Dynasty?"

"There is nothing special about it. Although this relic of the Demon Dynasty has gone through thousands of years, it still has many opportunities. Whether it can be obtained depends on the good fortune of the three."

As he said, the middle-aged man in the lead twitched his mouth and continued: "However, this relic is now the territory of my blood knife gate. If the three want to go in and seek opportunities, they must pay thirty thousand spiritual stones and ten thousand spiritual ones. Stone alone is extremely fair."

Hearing this, Ye Hao and Qin Chixiao couldn't help frowning, and Han Yitian, who was beside him, opened his eyes sharply and cried out strangely: "Taking tolls? Han lived at this age and has always been collecting others. It’s the first time someone has received travel expenses!"

"If you don't want to pay, the three will go back and forth." The middle-aged man sneered, as if he had been used to Han Yitian's reactions.

Indeed, their blood knife gate has been entrenched in the demon ruins for more than ten years. Anyone who comes to the demon ruins to seek opportunities must pay a certain fee, even those who are strong in the Burning Flame Realm.

Although they don't know why recently, their sect master specially ordered the exemption of the spirit stone fee for the explorers, but Ye Hao and the three possess flying spirit soldiers. At first glance, they are the wealthy and wealthy people.

"What if we don't leave?" Ye Hao raised his eyebrows lightly.

Thirty thousand spirit stones are not much for them, but they just paid it to the blood knife gate for no reason, and no one could accept it.

Moreover, this demon relic is a land of no owner. After exploring for a while and discovering nothing in the early years, the Dayan royal family has completely given up, not to mention the blood knife gate that emerged from nowhere.

"Hehe, don't leave? Is it possible that you still want to try it?"

The middle-aged man headed jokingly spoke, and the two early companions of the Dao Soul behind him also looked funny.

auzw.com The strength of the three Ye Hao was not regarded by them at all, and not to mention the cultivation base of the life sea realm. Nothing ends.

"If you don't have a spirit stone, just get out, don't force the uncle to take action." The middle-aged man showed coldness on his face, his eyes turned to the flying spirit soldier behind them, and greed appeared in his eyes, "Or, you can use this flying spirit soldier to pay off the debt. ."

"It's really a big lion." Ye Hao sneered. The value of a flying spirit soldier is inestimable, and it is more than 30,000 spirit stones?

In the sneer, his figure suddenly rushed, without any reservation of the strength in his body, he blasted at the man in the middle of the soul that was headed by him.

Since the opponent was aggressive and unwilling to give in, then Ye Hao naturally didn't say anything.


The roar instantly blew, Ye Hao's sudden move, so that the middle-aged man never reacted. He could not imagine that a young man who only had the late Minghai stage faced three Dao Soul Realm cultivators and had the courage to make a move.

Fortunately, the man finally had the cultivation base of the Dao Soul mid-stage. At the last moment, he raised his arm dangerously and dangerously to block the thunderous punch.

"So Courageous"

Murderous intent appeared on the man's face, and as soon as the anger came out, he suddenly felt a terrifying force like a flood that poured out from his blocking arms.

"How can it be?!"

With his face changed drastically, the man's mind had already set off a stormy sea, and the whole figure flew upside down like a broken kite.

"Boy, looking for death!"

The sudden change caused the two men in the early stage of the Taoist spirit to finally return to their senses. Amidst the anger of the two, the spiritual power within their bodies burst out, and they all swept towards Ye Hao.

Facing the offensive, Ye Hao didn't have the slightest fear on his face, and directly shook the two with a hard blow. With the force of the counter-shock, he suddenly rose up with a scalp-numbing aura.

Husha Bengtian Fist!

With a low drink in his heart, Ye Hao's fist suddenly blasted out, and for a moment, his head was a white tiger phantom that could shatter the sky, and his expressions were overwhelming, roaring against the three people whose expressions changed drastically.


The earth-shattering roar erupted, and the violent power fluctuations spread violently, causing the surrounding ruins to collapse for a while, and the two men in the early stage of the Taoist spirit spewed blood together, flying backwards extremely miserably, only the man in the middle stage of the soul , And managed to support it without falling.

Obviously, Ye Hao didn't give him a chance to breathe, his figure resembled a lightning bolt, setting off a harsh sonic boom, and instantly appeared in front of the man.

"Damn it!"

The two were fighting together. The middle-aged man looked pale and dealt in an extremely embarrassed manner. Although the young man in front of him only had the realm of the late Minghai stage, his explosive power was too terrifying. For the most part, he had the realm of the mid-Dao soul. Some are tired of coping.

Of course, if they knew Ye Hao's identity, they would no longer be surprised.

The Tianxuan Academy was originally the place where the great figures of the Great Yan Dynasty gathered, and the Qingyun List, even the great arrogant among the great figures, can be ranked above it.

Ye Hao is now ranked sixth on the Qingyun list, even Chen Huang and Liu Feiyang can be killed, not to mention the three in front of them, although they also have the cultivation base of the Dao Soul Realm, but if you talk about true strength, I am afraid it is Chen Huang One person can easily crush them.

Is the arrogant of the Qingyun list comparable to ordinary people?

Finally, after Xiaobanzhuxiang passed, the man in the middle of the soul was punched in the chest again, and his whole blood spurted upside down.

"Good boy, dare to attack my blood knife door, no one can save you!"

Stopped on the ground miserably, the man's face was full of fear, and his palm tremblingly took out an object from his arms. Under the infusion of spiritual power, a splendid match rose in the sky, reflecting the whole monster remains.

"Damn, this guy is calling someone!" Han Yitian's expression changed.

Upon seeing this, Ye Hao also frowned slightly. The man just moved his hands too fast, and he didn't have time to stop him.


As the horse trains across the sky, a vast and terrifying spiritual wave suddenly erupts in the depths of the ruins.

At the same time, a unique wave of mystery and miracle also diffused from another place.

Feeling these two auras, especially the unique fluctuations of the profound profoundness, Ye Hao's expression suddenly changed, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

"Who dares to hurt my bloodblade?"

As the breath erupted, a thick voice resounded like thunder, and immediately afterwards, a shadow of a person, like a ghost, quickly approached.

At the same time, in the other direction, the mysterious wave gradually converged, but Ye Hao could feel that the owner of the wave was also coming towards them.

"It's the two masters of the blood knife door!"

"Tsk tsk, the blood knife gate has occupied the remains of the devil for more than ten years, who dares to provoke them without knowing it?"

"Whoever he is, that guy is dead anyway."

In the depths of the ruins of the ruins, a large number of people who came to seek opportunities felt these two fluctuations, both of them opened with a look of jealousy, and they rushed towards the periphery, wanting to see how miserable the person who provokes the blood knife door will end up. .

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