Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 225: Mysterious soul

"Refining the demon lamp, the Nine Phoenix Mirror, and the Falling Immortal Bow!"

Ye Hao instantly guessed the origin of these three things, and they were also one of the nine emperor soldiers of Ancient Emperor Xuanhuang.

"How is this going?"

Ye Hao was puzzled, but did not stop, but continued to run the exercises.

Twenty days have passed, and his condensing Dao Soul has continued for a full forty days, and even the spiritual power in this secret space is showing signs of exhaustion.

During this period, Ye Hao didn't dare to relax at all, paying attention to his life sea for a moment, and on the fiftieth day, an umbrella-shaped phantom also slowly appeared.

"Honghuang Umbrella!"

Ye Hao's heart sank slightly, and continued to operate the Xuanhuang Tiangong. On the fifty-fifth day, an ancient seal finally appeared.

"Bi An Yin!"

There was shock in Ye Hao's voice, as well as doubts. He has condensed the Dao Soul so far, and he has ordered that the nine soldiers of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang in the world have completely condensed.

It's just that behind the Xuanhuang Banner, the several imperial soldiers that have condensed one after another are just the phantom state of the condensed spirit, which is far worse than the previous three. They are empty and lack real charm.

"Isn't the Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Art I got complete?"

Ye Hao realized it in his heart for an instant, because no matter it was the Dragon Emperor Sword, the Soul Resurrection Bridge, or the Xuanhuang Banner, the head of the Nine Emperor Soldiers, something similar to spirit appeared from the gray bead.

That spirit is like the charm of an emperor soldier, a true soul, and it is precisely because of it that Ye Hao's three supreme weapons initially condensed can have such a terrifying power.

And the six imperial soldiers condensed by the spirit fluid, although the power is still strong, but they are much weaker than the Xuanhuang Banner, which is obviously due to the lack of spirit.

Of course, the so-called weakness is only relatively speaking. In Ye Hao's perception, the six imperial soldiers' Dao souls he condensed afterwards are still much stronger than those of Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang.

Ye Hao is confident that if he now meets Liu Feiyang and Chen Huang again, he can completely kill them by simply using one of the nine emperor's military spirits at will, without much effort.

And what shocked Ye Hao the most was that even though the spirits of the Nine Great Emperors were all condensed now, his Profound Huang Nine Transformation Heavenly Art still hadn't worked perfectly.

Everything is not over!

Ye Hao was astonished in his heart, could it be that the soul of the Nine Turns of Xuanhuang Heavenly Power was not the nine great Dao Emperor soldiers of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang?

Suppressing the excitement, Ye Hao ran the Xuanhuang Tiangong in an orderly manner, his whole person was like a sea eye, madly absorbing the spiritual power that was constantly gathering in the space.

Time continued to elapse, until the seventy days, the ‘big day’ that Ye Hao was sitting in was gradually dimming, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth gathered from all directions began to weaken.

In this unbounded, hidden space belonging to the Holy Spirit Clan, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is already depleted, and even in the distance, dark cracks appear in the sky, as if the spiritual power of heaven and earth has disappeared. Space will gradually collapse.

During this period of time, Xiao Nuan had been waiting by her side, sitting stupidly with her chin in her hand, and her **** and white eyes, staring at Ye Hao for an instant.

Seventy-fifth day.

The round of'big sun' that Ye Hao was sitting on was dimmed to the extreme. It was also at this time that within the sea of ​​his command, under the spirit of the Nine Great Emperors, the spirit liquid rose up like waves to the sky, and immediately a human shadow. Slowly condensed out.

"this is"

Ye Hao's heart shook wildly, turning the Xuanhuang Tiangong to the extreme, and the phantom shadow became clearer and clearer.

This is a majestic humanoid shadow, unable to see his face, but his posture is incomparably stalwart, like a fairy and a devil, exuding the supreme aura of domineering, sole proprietorship, standing like an immortal monument, no one can surpass it. It seems to come across the ages.

Seeing this as the supreme, as the stalwart shadow of a god, Ye Hao's mind resembled a thunder roar, and an indescribable storm surged in his heart.

This scene was beyond his thoughts, making his mind a little blank. The Xuanhuang Nine Turns Heavenly Art was running to the end, and the soul that was condensed was not the Nine Emperor Soldiers, but this invisible human figure. ?

"Who is this?"

Ye Hao stared at this figure blankly. He looked like a giant, standing on top of the earth, exuding golden light, just standing on the vast sea of ​​life. Behind him, the nine emperor soldiers suspended quietly like a ring of gods. , In the middle, is the black and yellow banner that kills the vicissitudes of life, the **** flag hunts and moves without wind.


At this moment, Ye Hao Minghai suddenly burst into a roar, from the indescribable powerful aura, from his Minghai, to be precise, from the stalwart human figure, it exploded and spread, a force that had never been experienced before. , Instantly poured into the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, everywhere in the body.

Tiangong Nine Turns, Dao Soul is first achieved.

On this day, Ye Hao finally entered the Dao Soul Realm.

"Is this Dao Soul Realm?!" Ye Hao's voice trembled a little when he experienced the vast power in his body like a river rushing.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented powerful force in his body, and his heart was shocked, ecstatic, and excited.

After successfully condensing the Dao Soul, Ye Hao felt that he had undergone a qualitative change. Whether it was the concentration of spiritual power or physical strength, even the power of divine consciousness had an unimaginable improvement.

No wonder they say that the soul realm and the life sea realm are two completely different realms. Ye Hao didn't understand this sentence until he really stepped into this realm, and it was not aimless.

Although he in the life sea realm was tough, he couldn't compare with this moment.

Ye Hao felt that even if he was the top of the Qingyun ranking, he had tried his best to push him back to the six-time champion, but now he doesn't need to look up, he is no longer unattainable!

"My current realm is so close to the middle stage of Dao Soul?!"

After careful comprehension, Ye Hao couldn't help but feel shocked, knowing that he has just condensed the Dao Soul now, and his realm is actually approaching the middle of the Dao Soul, which is completely beyond his expectations.

"It should be related to the rich spiritual power of this space."

Ye Hao realized in an instant that he was trapped in this hidden space. It was a blessing in disguise. Although the spiritual power of heaven and earth here is thin, but such a vast space, no matter how thin the spiritual power is gathered together, it is still rich. unimaginable.

auzw.com Breaking through such a vast world of spiritual power can be said to be worth his years of hard cultivation. After all, the improvement of Dao Soul Realm cultivation is much more difficult than Fate Sea Realm.

"But who is this figure?"

After the surprise, Ye Hao couldn't help but once again focus on his life, the Dao Soul beyond imagination.

He originally thought that the Dao Soul condensed by Xuan Huang Tiangong would be the Nine Emperor Soldiers. Who would have thought that in the end, such a mysterious and unpredictable human figure would appear.


In Ye Hao’s doubts, the violent shaking of the mountain caused him to wake up from the meditation. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that the darkness in front of him was dark, and the bleak “big day” had long disappeared. , And the entire space, at this time, seemed to be practicing Jedi, without a trace of spiritual power.


Seeing Ye Hao opened his eyes, Xiao Nun rushed into his arms quickly, her white tender face was full of fear.

"What's wrong?!"

Ye Hao's expression changed drastically and he got up, his eyes were pitch black, the entire space shook violently like an earthquake, and the sky above was like a curtain, tearing out a few boundless openings, dim light and violent wind roaring. Into.

The ground collapsed, the sky was torn apart, and this hidden space, at this moment, was constantly collapsing and disintegrating like the end of the world.


Seeing the dramatic changes in front of him, Ye Hao's expression was extremely ugly. He had heard Shen Jiuyou mention that if this kind of divine space collapsed, it would definitely fall into spatial turbulence. Without the strength of the celestial phenomenon, it could be said that he would definitely die.

"It must be because the heavens and the earth have consumed too much spiritual power, this space will be unbearable and collapse!"

Ye Hao hugged her tightly, and couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. Such a secret space needs the support of heaven and earth spiritual power, and he has absorbed the spiritual power of this space, and the collapse of the space is the inevitable ending.

"Space Turbulence"

When he thought of the ending of the space collapse, Ye Hao's expression also appeared gloomy, but before he could think about it, the image of a person in the torn opening of the sky above was like a **** stepping into the sky.


With the dim light, Ye Hao still saw the figure clearly, it was the ancestor of the Profound Sky Academy, Gu Shen sighed.

As for Gu Shentan above, he also noticed Ye Hao's face with a pleasant surprise for the first time, but he didn't say much. He swooped directly, and while his sleeves were rolling, a magical force wrapped the young man, and then walked along. With the crack in the sky, out of space.

After a while, Ye Hao hugged the little girl in his arms tightly. After Xiaobanzhuxiang, his dim vision suddenly brightened, and the moment he felt the spiritual power of the heaven and the earth again, the scene of the demon relic also appeared in Before his eyes.

"Ye Hao!"

"Haha, I said this kid is not that easy to die!"

As soon as Ye Hao stood still, the ecstatic voices of Han Yitian and Qin Chixiao came into their ears.

"You kid! Old Han is scared to death!"

Han Yitian came up directly to a bear hug, Ye Hao looked at him with a look of excitement and ecstasy, with a smile on his face, and nodded at him and Qin Chixiao.

Afterwards, he turned to Gu Shentan, who was standing with his hands on the side, and smiled bitterly, "Thank you for your help!"

If he didn't sigh this time, Ye Hao really didn't have the slightest confidence to survive in the turbulent flow of the void.

"Just fine!"

Gu Shentan waved his hand with a smile, and there was a hint of rejoicing in his heart. Fortunately, he had not left in the past few months. Otherwise, he would never have sensed the fluctuations of the collapse of the space, and he would not be able to take Ye Hao right away. come back.

After speaking, Gu Shentan couldn't help but look into Ye Hao's arms. The little girl with a timid face was surprised.

"Hey, Ye Hao, who is this little baby?"

Han Yitian and Qin Chixiao also noticed the little girl in Ye Hao's arms, with doubts appearing on their faces.


Because of Zhu Kuang, Xiao Nuan is a little afraid of strangers. Being stared at like this by the three of them, she timidly buried her small face on Ye Hao’s chest, revealing only one **** eye, quietly looking at it. Three people.

"Huh? This is your daughter?!"

Han Yitian's eyes widened fiercely, his face screamed in horror.

Qin Chixiao opened his mouth unbelievably, even Gu Shen sighed, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and the gaze looking at Ye Hao couldn't help but be strange.

"Ye Hao, there is a girl in that mysterious space? How long has it taken before you even tossed out your daughter?!"

Han Yitian's lips trembled, and his eyes kept turning on Ye Hao and Xiao Nun's body. There was admiration and regret on his faces. He seemed to think that he had missed something great and his expression was extremely wonderful.

"It's not what you think, but she is indeed my daughter." Ye Hao gave a wry smile, patted the quail-like nun in his arms, and said softly, "Ling'er, this is Brother Han, Brother Qin, this It's Grandpa Gu, they are not bad guys."

With Ye Hao speaking, Xiao Nun's daughter became bolder, and her voice called people one by one in a charming voice.

Her cute and well-behaved appearance made the three of them smile, and they loved them.

"Hey, why am I a generation shorter than you?" Han Yitian looked a little unhappy, "She called your father, called my brother, then I won't be your big nephew?"

Ye Hao was not surprised at Han Yitian's strange brain circuit. After shook his head helplessly, he suddenly looked at Gu Shentan and said in a deep voice, "Ancestor, did I miss the cremation site, did I?"

Hearing this, Gu Shen sighed in his heart, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you really missed it one night, but my last request allows you to break through to the Dao Soul Realm, have you reached it?"

Han Yitian and Qin Chixiao glanced at each other, they were puzzled.

But Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he was about to speak. Suddenly, there was a violent roar from above the sky, causing several people in the room, including Gu Shentan, to change their faces suddenly.

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