Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 350: Yaochi's attitude

There was a dead silence in the world. Everyone had stiff cheeks and dumbfounded, staring at the strong man in Xuanbing Valley in disbelief. They were crushed into powder by a terrifying invisible force and dissipated completely.

A palm directly killed Xiaoyao Peak, even if you saw it with your own eyes, it still made everyone's mind roar, and they couldn't believe it.

The powerhouse at the peak of Xiaoyao is already the top combat power in the Supreme Taoist, and is very close to the Supreme Realm. Although such a powerhouse cannot be compared with the taboo powerhouse, it can also be reborn with severed limbs and is extremely difficult to destroy. kill.

But the Korean pharmacist, with such a light grip, slaughtered a strong man at the peak of Xiaoyao. This made everyone, even those strong at the peak of Xiaoyao, feel their scalp numb and their hair horrified.


In an instant, on the iceberg fortress, the strong in Xuanbinggu looked like frightened rabbits, all faceless, staring at the figure standing with the hand held in terror.

No matter how enchanting the Korean Medicine Master is, he still just broke through to the peak of Xiaoyao, how could he kill the veteran strong in the same realm with one palm?

Is Pharmacist Han Wudi, really terrifying?

Not only the people in Xuanbing Valley, but also the strong people from all walks of life around the iceberg are scattered, like avoiding the plague god, and they dare not get too close to the Korean pharmacist.

"This is the power of space?!"

The Xiaoyao Peak headed by Tai Yizong spoke with difficulty, and the voice was extremely dry. It is not uncommon for every powerhouse who steps into the Xiaoyao realm and has his own domain to master the power of superficial space.

But the space power that the Korean pharmacists used just now was much stronger than they had mastered, and even not much weaker than those monsters who understood the way of space in the legend. This is really incredible.

"It must be because of his phenomena of heaven and earth!"

"You can create such a powerful space power by creating your own heaven and earth phenomena?"

"It's not just that. It is said that in addition to the pill, the Korean pharmacist also has extremely high attainments in the space, otherwise you think he can only step in the sky!"

When the powerhouses of all kinds of orthodoxy spoke out in amazement, Han Yitian in the distance screamed and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, Ye Hao, did you see that, my ancestor is really not blowing it, old Han, I will be real from now on Strong second generation, who else would dare to mess with me!"

Ye Hao nodded in shock, and Gu Shentan on the side was even more fiery. Even Xiao Nun's black eyes were full of curiosity at the Korean pharmacist on the sky.

The scene just now was too horrible. In front of the Korean pharmacist, a strong man at the pinnacle was like a clay sculpture, and fell without the slightest resistance. This made them truly realize how powerful the pharmacist Han Wudi is.

After today, the so-called lonely celestial elephant Han Wudi, I am afraid it will be changed to lonely Xiaoyao Han Wudi!

"Korean pharmacist, you are so fierce, do you want to swallow the good luck pill?!"

The purple-robed elder headed by Tianshidao shouted, his eyes full of jealousy and alert. Not long ago, he was able to stand high in the face of Korean pharmacists and crushed by his strength, but now facing the former, he has a strong life and death crisis. Don't dare to take the slightest contempt.

"I have no interest in the Alchemy Sutra."

The Korean pharmacist carried his hands on his back, walked in the air, and glanced across everyone in the room, saying: "How can Han's own Tao lose a bit of the Alchemy Sutra? Just give me time, I will be able to reproduce the alchemy Brilliant, deduced a prescription that is not inferior to the elixir of good fortune!"

auzw.com Everyone was silent, and the Korean pharmacist's words were arrogant, but they also had to admit that he did have arrogant confidence.

After all, he is the pharmacist Han Wudi, and his talent for a pill is more enchanting than practicing one.

"Since you don't want to make the elixir, why stop me from waiting?" The strong celestial eye clan shouted, while the supreme elder of the Tianyan sect also gritted his teeth and said, "My sect does not want to make elixir, but that kid secretly harmed my emperor. Son, there is no forgiveness!"

"Huh, if you are not as good as a human being, you can also say that it is a hidden injury. Can your Emperor Tianyanzong fight with swordsman?"

The Korean Medicine Master sneered and continued: "Although I don't want to make the elixir of good fortune, but Han can get out of trouble with Xiaoyou Ye, not to mention that he still has the grace to solve my confusion. As long as I am here today, whoever dares to move him will try nothing. test?"

Ye Hao looked grateful, but the faces of the strong people from all sides were extremely gloomy. Now that the Supreme is gone, Han Wudi has stepped into the peak of Xiaoyao again, and no one of the strong people in the field dare to be the first to take the shot.

It is really Han Wudi is too strong, especially the previous scene of the fall of the Xuanbinggu strong, which caused too much shock to everyone.

"Friends of Yaochi, don't you still take action?"

The Zerzu powerhouse's eyes suddenly turned to the palace where Yaochi was located, making everyone's eyes brightened sharply. They all cast their hopeful eyes, and even the Korean pharmacist couldn't help but frown slightly.

Not many people came to Yaochi this time, except for Yun Miaoxuan, there was only one old woman who was at the peak of happiness, but the holy place of Yaochi was an immortal tradition after all, and no one in the world, even Han Wudi, could not ignore it.

"Good luck Pill Sutra is a great opportunity."

The old woman in Yaochi sighed and looked at Ye Hao faintly, while Yun Miaoxuan was like an immortal lotus standing in the back, the cheek of Qingguoqingcheng was hidden by white gauze again, and she glanced at the young man with her beautiful eyes calmly. , But quickly retracted his gaze.

Ye Hao didn't speak, but his expression was extremely solemn. If Yaochi Holy Land also intervenes, I am afraid that even Han Wudi will avoid three points.

Fortunately, after the old woman in Yaochi sighed, she said faintly: "Although the opportunity is great, I have no intention of getting involved in Yaochi this time, in order to return the affection of little friend Ye in the restricted area."

Hearing that, everyone in the room looked a little ugly, Ye Hao was relieved and looked at Yun Miaoxuan gratefully, but the latter rolled his eyes coldly, as if warning something.

"Korean Pharmacist, you dare to protect this kid from killing the emperor, are you afraid of the Supreme's blame?"

After the deathly silence, Lin Chen bit his scalp and shouted, it is true that the Pill of Good Fortune is too important to the ancient land of Danxian. If he can take it back, even if the Korean Medicine Master returns to the sect, it will certainly pose little threat to him.

"The emperor's matter, I will naturally explain it to the supreme." Han Yaoshi turned his eyes to Lin Chen, extremely cold, "but now, let's calculate how you drove my Han family out of the ancient land of immortality!"


When the words fell, the Korean pharmacist's body aura rose to the sky, and he appeared directly in front of Lin Chen with one step. The latter had long been on guard, and his expression had all exploded during the frenzied expression, and he shouted: "Not to shoot together!"



Hearing that, the peak of Xiaoyao of all the orthodoxy is gritted teeth, and the power in the body erupts without reservation. The aura of nearly 30 peaks of Xiaoyao swept the sky, causing the void to continue to tear, and the whole world was shaking, and the power was too great. Horror.

"Good job!"

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