Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 352: Top of Immortality

The heavens and the earth were silent, and the crows were silent. The expressions of all the strong in the field were frozen, and even the breathing seemed to have stopped. The shock and fear on everyone's faces at this moment were even worse than when they were facing Sword Sect before.

It was that the middle-aged man's background was too horrible, and the Cang clan was even more important. He was a strong man in the supreme tradition of all parties, and even Han Wudi and the old woman in the Yaochi Holy Land had unprecedented expressions of dignity.

The Cang nationality, passed down from ancient times, overlooks the world and is extremely glorious. It has never declined for millions of years. Its status is like a towering mountain, unshakable.

Not only the Eastern Wilderness, but even in this vast world, the Cang clan are the supreme and immortal ancient clan.

In this world, if you want to take on the immortal ethnic tradition, which side is not the baptism that has gone through endless years, step by step to the top, suppress the top orthodox religions of all parties, and powerful for an era.

Even if the vastness of the East Desolate, millions of years from ancient times to the present, only the few Dao of Jianzong and Yaochi Holy Land can bear the immortal title.

It stands to reason that they are both immortal orthodoxy, and they will not differ too much from each other. It is impossible to say who is strong and who is weak, but this does not apply to the Cang clan.

Because the ancestor of the Cang clan, just like the ancestor of the ancient sword sect and the queen mother of the west, broke through the supreme realm, trembling the ancient and the present.

The only difference.

It is the ancestor of the Cang clan that still survives today!

It is precisely because of this that although the Cang Clan is known as immortal, it is also the pinnacle of immortality, and it is a bit more terrifying than the supreme orthodoxy such as Jianzong and Yaochi Holy Land.

It can be said in absolute terms that in the vast East Desolation, Taoism is as numerous as the stars in the sky, and the Cang Clan is the most dazzling one, and it is also a high mountain that the world cannot go around.

This kind of foundation and deterrence can only be brought by the supreme giants who break through the Supreme Realm. This is an existence that will be taboo even in the sky. Even the supreme Taoism and even the Yaochi Holy Land forces have to be jealous.

It is also for this reason that after the strong people in the field learned that the person came from the Cang clan, their faces were a bit ugly. With the magic of the alchemy of good fortune, even the background of the Cang clan had to be tempted, but if they intervened, they were there. Perhaps only the Yaochi Holy Land can barely compete.

It’s just that some sharp-minded people don’t think so. The middle-aged man once said that the alchemy of good fortune was an unexpected harvest. This made Ye Hao's expression dignified and at the same time very puzzled. He didn’t even think about it, if it wasn’t because The Great Fortune Pill Sutra, the transcendent of the Yi Cang clan, why would you find yourself?

Pharmacist Han was also extremely puzzled, but when he saw Ye Hao's face also full of doubts, he immediately understood that the Cang Clan's people must be unkind.

"Why, don't you go back?"

When everyone was silent, the middle-aged man spoke again. He seemed to be fused with the world, and the whole person exuded an inexplicable Taoist rhyme. Even when facing the supreme Taoism and even the Yaochi Holy Land, his indifferent face was still not much. fluctuation.

And the few heroic youths behind them, watching the reactions of everyone in front of them, their handsome faces were arrogant and indifferent. As the children of the Cang clan, these reactions to outsiders were obviously commonplace.

"Ye Xiaoyou is a distinguished guest from the ancient land of immortality. I don't know what the Cang Clan has to do with him?"

The Korean Medicine Master's voice was low. Facing such a behemoth as the Cang Clan, he could only pull out the banner of the Ancient Pill Immortal Land. Now that Lin Chen is dead, the rest of the Ancient Land of Immortal Immortal did not dare to refute, because they all It can be expected that if Han Wudi's aptitude and strength returned to the sect, even the supreme would be extremely valued and would not pursue too much.

"The medicine master Han Wudi is really amazing, but my Cang clan is acting, so I don't need to explain it to you." The middle-aged man said, looking down at Ye Hao with deep eyes, and said indifferently, "Boy, don't kneel down and bow your head. Please come back to the Cang clan with me."

Ye Hao squinted slightly and said coldly, "I have nothing to do with the Cang Clan. What crime do I need to ask for?"

"Tianxin is tired of black and yellow blood, just this one, you deserve to die."

The man's indifferent words caused Ye Hao's expression to change drastically, and the storm was set off in his heart, and Tianxin was tired of black and yellow blood. How could he forget these words!

When he condensed the Dao Soul, the voice of the rules of the Great Dao in the dark, chanted exactly this phrase. If it were not for the miracle of the gray beads, I am afraid that the terrifying murderous intent that appeared at that time would have completely killed him.

Ye Hao never expected that the people of the Cang Clan would know about this, could it be said that their purpose here was for the Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Power?

"It's really you, the sense of the secret plate is right!"

auzw.com The middle-aged man's gaze was in vain, and he directly reached out his palm, deriving a giant hand with runes lingering and dazzling light, grabbing at Ye Hao with terrifying fluctuations.


Fortunately, Han Wudi did not sit idly by. The breath of his whole body was like a volcanic eruption. While the heavens and the earth roared and shook, an invisible ripple enveloped the giant rune hand, causing it to slow down like a mire, and finally the vigorous **** tree The divine glow broke out, and the branches were flowing with a vast and terrifying aura, like a god-splitting spear, which completely shattered the giant hand.

"The Way of Space?"

The middle-aged man frowned. The Realm of Freedom is the evolution of the law of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the Dao of Space is one of the most mysterious and difficult Dao rules.

"Han Wudi, do you really want to fight against my Cang Clan for this kid?"

The middle-aged man's voice was slightly cold, and an extremely terrifying aura fluctuation filled his body, causing the entire world to roar, and the mighty heaven and earth's spiritual power was like a tsunami, extremely terrifying.

It is the horror of the heavens and the humans to think that the heaven and the earth have the same force!

Pharmacist Han looked more solemn than ever, and said, "Han's life was saved by Ye Xiaoyou. I can't guarantee the future, but today I can't just watch you take people away!"

Hearing this, the hearts of everyone in the room jumped fiercely, and no one could have imagined that the Korean pharmacist would choose to confront the Cang clan for a slave repair.

Ye Hao's heart is also slightly hot. After all, the Cang Clan is too detached and terrifying. Even if it is a true Supreme Orthodoxy, I am afraid that he would not really provoke him. No matter what the outcome is today, the Korean Pharmacist is indeed benevolent to him.

"Hmph, arrogant and unknowingly, if you are looking for death, then I can't blame me." The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and while the world was in volatility, he turned into a long rainbow, exploding with a terrifying aura that was earth-shaking, and rushed directly toward him. Han Wudi.


Suddenly, the sky seemed to explode like a million immortal thunder, and the vast and terrifying spiritual power storm raged violently, causing the void to collapse and shatter like a mirror.

The middle-aged man is really too strong, and he has the upper hand in the first day of the game. It's just that Han Wudi is Han Wudi after all. Although his realm is slightly weaker, he has a tendency to contend or even compete with the former by virtue of the magic of the way of space.

I am afraid that no one would dare to question the name of being able to fight against the heavens and the human beings, and the pharmacist Han Wudi alone.

And the middle-aged man is obviously also aware of the difficulty of the Korean pharmacist, and his cold voice resounded through the world: "No matter who it is, as long as the kid is captured, my Cang clan promises to give him a copy of the inheritance of the Alchemy Sutra. ."


As the words spread, the Korean pharmacist's face changed drastically, and the strong people from all walks of life in the field were breathing fiercely and quickly, and their eyes were like beasts that found their prey. They were red, full of unprecedented greed and excitement.

When the Cang Clan intervened, everyone almost had no hope of getting the Alchemy Sutra, but now that hope is ignited again, how could they let this great opportunity pass!


Almost instantly, Xiaoyao's peaks of all parties were completely crazy, their bodies swayed, and they rushed towards Ye Hao at an unparalleled speed like a shuttle through the void.

"Haha, little beast, come here!"

At the forefront, the purple-robed old man from Heavenly Master Dao was like a flash of light, the first one approached Ye Hao, his wrinkled face was full of excitement and ecstasy, and his palm was grabbed out like a shuttle in the void.


However, just when his skinny palm was more than ten feet away from Ye Hao, a crisp applause resounded suddenly, and the purple-robed old man screamed suddenly, half of his face was directly distorted, and his figure seemed to be drawn by an unimaginable force. In the middle, it flies upside down like a broken kite.

"Old Miscellaneous, Shen's disciple, do you dare to move?"

In the void in front of Ye Hao, a stalwart and slender figure appeared at some point.

White robe hunts, the weather is surging, and the sky rises.

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