Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 354: Affect the ancient, modern and future (2)

At this time, outside the Kunlun restricted area, the world was still, and the space was frozen. Everyone in the room seemed to be shackled by an unimaginable terrifying force. Even the strong at Xiaoyao Peak couldn't move the slightest, and there was a strong fear in his eyes.

"How is this going?"

There was also a stormy sea in Ye Hao's heart. At this moment, the air around him seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't even move his fingers. He couldn't imagine what terrifying force this was that could make the whole world stand still strangely, beyond Everyone’s understanding.


At the time when Ye Hao's mind was shaking wildly, he ordered the gray beads in the sea to feel the crisis, and suddenly buzzed and shook, and wisps of chaotic energy erupted, bursting out a mysterious black light, turning this weird The terrifying force of imprisonment was completely dissipated.


I don't know if it was because of the gray beads. As soon as Ye Hao resumed his actions, there was a vague sound like a shattering mirror in the void. Immediately, everyone on the scene was rescued like drowning people, all panting with sweat.

"How can it be?!"

In the light prison, the Cang nationality man looked wilted, and his eyes appeared strong astonishment. He could not talk: "The imprisonment of the heavenly disk, even the heavens can be trapped for 30 breaths, how can it fail so quickly?"


Shen Jiuyou drank, and the Korean pharmacist's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and he directly rolled up Ye Hao and a few people to break through the air, because that middle-aged man was very likely to summon the ancestor of the Cang race!

Thinking of that horrible existence that has survived from ancient times to the present, Rao Shen Jiuyou and Han Yaoshi both felt their scalp numb. They couldn't understand why the Cang clan would be so aggressive for Ye Hao, and they would not hesitate to invite the ancestor of the clan.

It's just that, just as they both moved their bodies, a weird vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above, a dazzling divine glow, like a humanoid phantom condensed by the most mysterious avenue runes, stepped out of it. Like a god, standing proudly in the sky.

In an instant, the mighty terror pressure enveloped the world, causing everyone in the room to face wild changes, like an ant facing a nine-day dragon, trembling.

This is a taboo area, supreme coercion!

"Meet the ancestor!"

The moment this humanoid phantom appeared, the middle-aged man in the light prison bowed enthusiastically, and the great Cang clan masters in the distance had already knelt down with excitement, and could not even speak.

Although they are all members of the Cang clan, the ancestor is supreme, and even they have never actually seen it. It can be derived from the blood connection. They know that the person here is definitely the ancestor of the Cang clan, in the Eastern Desolation, and even in the entire world. , Are inaccessible like gods.

"I have met Cang Zu!"

Not only the people of the Cang clan, but even the powerhouses of the supreme Taoism on all sides bowed respectfully. It is true that the ancestor of the Cang clan was too detached. It has survived since ancient times and has come all the way from a long time ago. This era is an old monster who has lived for many years.

Not to mention that his strength has already broken through the supreme realm, and he is in the same realm as the invincible ancestor of Jianzong and the Western Queen.

This kind of existence is a person who is taboo against the sky. A single name can shock the sky and the earth. Even the powerhouse of the supreme Taoism does not dare to be disrespectful.

On the sky, the imaginary image of the human figure is a small sun, and the dazzling divine light is shining, and the whole body is surrounded by the runes of the road, exuding the terrifying aura of the abyss and the sea, just like an ancient sacred mountain suppressing the world.

Under this terrifying pressure, Shen Jiuyou and Han Yakushi stiffened, and their faces were even more ugly than ever. Although both of them were strong, they weren't a level at all compared with the existence of the Supreme Realm.

auzw.com And the most important thing is that it is not the ordinary supreme, but the ancestor of the Cang clan, a terrifying existence that has already broken through the supreme realm, although it is not its deity but an incarnation. , But it was even more unfathomable than the average emperor ancient emperor.

"That's it."

In the silence, the indifferent voice of the Cang Clan's ancestor slowly sounded, like a thundering heavenly might, oppressing with indescribable terror.

Since he appeared to the present, he has ignored everyone, his eyes fell on Ye Hao for the first time, and the latter, under his gaze, seemed to be penetrated by two divine swords, and an unprecedented pressure made his bones crack. , It seems that all the secrets inside and out are all exposed.

Ye Hao's scalp exploded, and with just one look, his golden body and perfect physique couldn't bear it, which was really scary.

In front of the god-like figure above, Ye Hao looked like an ant. It seemed that the former could kill him countless times with just one breath.

"You are not him"

The ancestor of the Cang clan suddenly chuckled, his voice was very cold and did not contain any emotion.

Everyone in the room was respectful and silent, and they didn't dare to take a mouthful of the atmosphere, but everyone's left light glanced at Ye Hao. No one knew why the ancestors of the Cang clan would notice a slave repairer in the area.

Of course, Ye Hao and Shen Jiuyou are not in this list. They are very clear in their hearts that what the ancestor of the Cang clan said must be the first supreme in the end of ancient times, the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang!

"Since it has disappeared, there is no need to keep his heritage."

After the chuckle, the voice of the ancestor of the Cang clan was cold in vain, and a faint but earth-shattering horrible murderous intent filled him, making everyone in the room silent and feeling unprecedented fear.


Shen Jiuyou and Han Yaoshi's expressions changed drastically, but as soon as they spoke, the ancestor of Cang Ancestor snorted indifferently, an invisible force blasted the two directly out, and there was no resistance at all.

"The ancestor, Queen Mother West's good fortune pill is also on this kid!"

At this time, the middle-aged man in the light cell had broken open the formation and hurriedly spoke.

"Good luck pill?"

The first ancestor of Cangzu's mood fluctuated for the first time, and immediately looked at Kunlun Ruins with extremely solemn gaze. After a strange silence, he turned to Ye Hao again, and slowly stretched out his palm with undiminished intent, and said indifferently: It’s not difficult to strip it out if you haven’t understood the good fortune alchemy."


As the ancestor of the Cang clan took action, the heaven and the earth violently trembled, the vast and terrifying heaven and earth spirit power surged and rolled, the avenues of runes flickered, and the chains of order and gods condensed from the void, making everyone feel unprecedented fear and despair. Don't say that Ye Hao, who only has the Burning Fire Realm, is like an ant facing a giant dragon, and a mortal facing Tianwei can't produce the slightest fighting intention.

An unprecedented life and death crisis enveloped him, and the terrifying sense of oppression caused Ye Hao's body to be torn directly, instantly becoming a blood man.

In the distance, Han Yitian and Gu Shen sighed in despair. Shen Jiuyou and Han Wudi were both screaming. The weather was violently erupting, but they couldn't resist the pressure of the ancestor of the Cang clan, and they couldn't even move forward.

In the whole world, it seemed that Ye Hao was the only one left. Facing the horrible palm that slowly fell, he gritted his teeth, his expression desperate and madness he had never seen before.

Since leaving Black Yuan City, he hadn't thought that he would encounter a death that he couldn't survive, but Ye Hao had never thought that he would be like an ant, dead so aggrieved.

Ye Hao does not have Zhang Kuaixue's belief in victory, but the young man has his own arrogance, even if he is invincible, even if he knows he will die, he will bite off a piece of meat before death, even if he leaves a tooth mark, even if the other party He is the ancestor of the Cang clan who is aloof!

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