Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 364: A dog


Ye Hao plummeted rapidly, smashing a deep pit heavily in the ground, and the sky was full of smoke and dust, causing Shen Jiuyou and Han Yaoshi in the distance to change dramatically.

"Ye Hao?!"

On the other side, Han Yitian also looked desperate, Gu Shentan even directly handed over Xiao Nunan to him, urging the imitation Tianyan Furnace to rush towards Zhou Wuyang, but was instantly stopped by several Nirvana Realm experts of the Tianyan Sect .

"At all costs, bring back that slave repair!"

The withered elders headed by the Tianyan Sect showed ecstasy, while those of the rest of the Taoist lineage were also greedy, calling for the sect powerhouses, and at the same time, Han Wudi, who wanted to rush to rescue.


On the sky, Shen Jiuyou screamed, his figure becoming more dazzling, the vast and terrifying coercion was like a volcanic eruption, but Venerable Cang Kun was equally desperate, stopping him to death.

Not only that, the Korean pharmacist has also completely erupted, and the mighty and terrifying aura swept like a wave, and the phantom of the sky and the earth behind him is even more solid. Thousands of branches are like divine spears, bringing all parties together. The strong celestial phenomena and Nirvana are held back firmly.

"Tianyan Sect, you are looking for death!"

The Korean pharmacist screamed, cracks appeared on his slender and strong body like broken porcelain, Yin Hong’s blood was flowing, the whole void seemed to be transformed into a swamp, and his figure was like a dam barrier. Power traps the strong from all sides.

Obviously, he was desperately desperate, indeed worthy of Ye Hao, but when the manpower was finally exhausted, the Korean pharmacist at this moment had completely reached his limit. Even if he stopped the strong from all sides for a short time, there was still one Zhou Wuyang, let him be beyond reach.

"If you Tianyan Sect really dare to make a move, Han will step down your Taoist mountain gate in the future!"

Han Yaoshi was pale, covered in blood, staring at Zhou Wuyang murderously. Although he was proficient in space, at the same time, the backlash that constrained the strong from all parties was extremely terrifying, and he could not even hold on for long.

Zhou Wuyang raised his eyebrows, and a playful look appeared on his face. If one-on-one, Zhou Wuyang would not dare to challenge Han Wudi, who had stepped into the peak of Xiaoyao, with his 100 courage.

However, the young Slave Xiu was the one named by the ancestor of the Cang Clan. This was definitely the biggest opportunity for him to keep pace with the sky and the Heavenly Flame Sect's glory back then. For this monstrous opportunity, the Heavenly Flame Sect could not even pursue the young Slave Xiu. How could the crime of killing the emperor and slaughtering Tianjiao of Zongmen be given up just because of Han Wudi's threats?

The most important thing is, as long as he connects with the Cang Clan and has the protection of the immortal pinnacle, can Han Wudi really dare to stand against the sky?


As soon as Han Wudi's voice fell, Venerable Cang Kun's sneer sounded from above the sky: "Tianyan Sect, as long as you capture that slave, our clan will protect your Sect for thousands of years of peace."

Han Yaoshi's face was cold, Zhou Wuyang grinned at him, full of ambition and energetic, and immediately his gaze turned to the deep pit where the smoke and dust were gradually falling below, the cold light appeared in his eyes, and his figure flashed and disappeared.

Below, within the pit.

Ye Hao coughed up blood, his figure was like being run over by a huge force under the previous terrifying coercion. If it weren't for the perfect golden body, he would be unable to even get up at this moment.


Of course, even though Ye Hao can barely stand up at this moment, the severe pain erodes like a tide, but he can't take care of it at all. His eyes are flushed and he looks up to the sky, staring at the dangling and bright figure, dead. Gritting his teeth, his vision gradually blurred.

Zhou Wuyang, like a ghost, appeared next to him without warning, and said with a sneer: "A lowly slave repairman, what storms does he think he can bring up? How dare to murder my emperor and kill me? Zong Tianjiao, if you don't have to hand you over to Cang Ancestor, Zhou will definitely pump you out of your soul and burn your bones."

As he spoke, Zhou Wuyang dropped a fluttering palm, and Ye Hao was struck by lightning behind his back, and his figure slammed into the pit again, shaking the ground.

Zhou Wuyang's complexion was gloomy and his eyes were full of disgust. He hated the slave boy in front of him more than anyone else. If he didn't notice it for a while, he didn't know it was Ye Jinghan's bloodline, so he brought the boy to Kunlun. In the ruins, the emperor in their clan and the arrogances will not suffer brutality.

The modern Tianjiao powerhouse of the Tianyan Sect, it can be said that nearly 90% of the people fell in the hands of the father and son, how could he easily let Ye Hao go?

Inside the deep pit, Ye Hao's figure trembled, and he staggered up with great difficulty.

Zhou Wuyang sneered, and stepped on the young man's back, stomping him down until dusty.

Looking at the scene below, Yun Miaoxuan's face was covered with white gauze on the only palace away from the battle circle, and she couldn't see her expression, but her slender figure took a step forward, but was stopped by the old woman in front of him shaking her head. under.

"Holy woman, this matter is too big. If I, Yaochi, intervene, I will probably face the Cang clan." The old woman said in a deep voice.

"He saved me." Yun Miaoxuan's voice was cold, seemingly to move the old woman, and then added, "twice."

The old woman still shook her head and sighed. Although the Yaochi Holy Land is also an immortal orthodoxy, it does not have the power to break through the Supreme Realm. Although it is now recreated as the immortal spirit cauldron, it is obviously extremely difficult to confront the Cang clan for the sake of a young slave cultivator. Not wise, there is no order from the ancestors for such major events, and she would not dare to call the shots without authorization, even if she had the cultivation base of Xiaoyao Peak.

But at this time, in the deep pit, Ye Hao pressed a giant mountain to the sky on his back, and his entire face was plunged into the mud. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake Zhou Wuyang's feet.

"Sneer, ant-like slave repair."

Zhou Wuyang sneered in a dark voice, and immediately hooked the palm of his foot, kicking up the young figure and holding it in his hand, with his fist fluttering on Ye Hao's abdomen.

The power of the Happy Realm, even if Zhou Wuyang didn't kill him, he still made Ye Hao directly vomit a mouthful of blood, and the whole person curled up into a ball, bloody, gray-headed and earthy, like a bereavement dog.

"Hmph, you are a trash ant like this. I think you are using despicable means to murder my emperor's son." Zhou Wuyang held the young man who was like a wandering silk, his eyes were gloomy and cold, "Waiting to hand you over to Cangzu, where you are. The family and slave cultivating forces, Zhou will also be **** and clean, but it is a pity that you are destined not to see that scene."

Zhou Wuyang carried the boy out of the pit like a dog, ignoring the murderous sights of Shen Jiuyou and Han Yaoshi above, and said with a smile: "Speaking of Zhou, it's kind of kind, so you won't be so lonely on Huangquan Road. , But in the hands of Cangzu, it is hard to say whether you have a chance to walk on Huangquan Road."

As Zhou Wuyang gloated, the young man he held in his hands was still hanging limply, unable to see the expression on his face, but a strange laugh suddenly came out of his mouth.

"Jie Jie, if he dies, I will be in trouble."

Zhou Wuyang frowned, and Ye Hao, who was covered with blood in his hand, slowly raised his head at this moment, his eyes revealed, as if he had changed someone, the scarlet demon's **** eyes, in his mouth, Even at this moment, there was a sudden mad laughter that didn't belong to him:

"As for Huangquan Road, if you like it so much, then send you on the road!"

In a blink of an eye, a cloud of cold and thick black mist, a weird self-teenager, diffused and appeared in an instant.

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