At this moment, the entire Kunlun Ruins was filled with a weird and cold black mist, covering all the powers of the Dao lineage, even the strong at the peak of Xiaoyao. In this misty dark mist, the five senses and spiritual consciousness are greatly affected. Big restriction.

Of course, even though this black mist is strange, the strong from all sides have never stopped. Nearly thirty strong at the top of the mountain were either silent or angry. Everyone urged the strength of the body to the extreme and wanted to break Han. Invincible space shackles.

At the top of the sky, the dazzling avenue runes, the mysterious spiritual formations continue to collide, and the aftermath of terrifying power makes the void continue to collapse. Even if Venerable Cangkun urges the secret disk to the extreme, it still cannot break through Shen Jiuyou's stop.

Just as the parties were in a stalemate in a fierce battle, a scream was heard abruptly in the black fog below, causing the hearts of the strong from all parties to jump fiercely, and even Venerable Cangkun could not help cursing, "What a waste. !"

"That voice was Zhou Wuyang from the Sky Flame Sect?"

"What happened below? How could the strength of that slave repair be so strange?"

"That's just right, let Zhou Wuyang drag, and I will get rid of Han Wudi as soon as possible!"

The powers of all parties have different minds, but Zhou Wuyang below is screaming in anger, and the left half of his body is almost crushed by a huge mouth of fangs condensed by a black mist. If it weren't for him to be alert at the last moment, he would be fully cultivated. If it breaks out, I'm afraid it will really capsize in the gutter.

"Damn! Who are you?"

Zhou Wuyang's complexion was pale, staring at that black mist-condensed face, melted into the black mist and disappeared strangely, even his Divine Sense in the Happy Realm couldn't notice the slightest trace.

These methods were a little beyond his expectation. At this moment, Zhou Wuyang was sure that there was definitely some unknown change in the slave repair boy.

In the face of Zhou Wuyang who was furious and depraved, the boy just smiled wildly, his scarlet eyes filled with weird excitement, like a prisoner who had been imprisoned for many years and suddenly regained his freedom, and his figure rushed out again.

"court death!"

Zhou Wuyang roared again and again, and the power of the Happy Realm burst out, one after another being repaired by a Burning Fire Realm slave, and his heart felt unprecedentedly angry, "I'm really not good at killing you, but I can do it first. I will give you to Cang Zu!"


Zhou Wuyang's clothes were bulging, and as the mighty coercion spread, his palm was as if a mysterious power filled with it, and he grabbed it directly at the young man.

In an instant, the void space seemed to turn into a swamp, causing Ye Hao's ghostly figure to instantly slow down.

This is the power of space. Although it is far less terrifying than Han Wudi, every strong man who steps into the free realm can understand the most superficial space power.

Obviously, Zhou Wuyang has completely lost his patience with the cat and mouse game, "Little bastard, come over to me!"

Zhou Wuyang grinned, his palm suddenly vacillated, and for a moment, Ye Hao seemed to have an invisible shackle on his body, causing him to be dragged back like a kite.

"Hmph, wait until I break your limbs, and then I will take you to the Cang Clan!"

Greed unconsciously appeared on Zhou Wuyang's face, and he didn't notice at all that a trace of imperceptible cunning appeared in the depths of the young boy's scarlet eyes.


Finally, after just a few breaths, Ye Hao seemed to have completely lost his resistance under the shackles of Zhou Wuyang. He was forcibly pulled in front of the former and grabbed his neck.

"Now, I want to see where you can go!" Zhou Wuyang's eyes were murderous, his right hand gripped the young man's neck, and his left hand was filled with terrifying power and grabbed his arm fiercely.

If this blow is carried out, even if Ye Hao's golden body is perfect, he will definitely destroy his arm, but facing the offensive close at hand, his scarlet eyes do not have the slightest fear, and the corners of his mouth appear to have an awe-inspiring arc. In this way, with the help of force, the whole person suddenly leaned against Zhou Wuyang, his back pressed against his chest.

The palm of his hand was lost, making Zhou Wuyang a little startled, but he didn't worry at all, because his palm was still holding the boy's neck tightly, and everything was still under control.

"Hehe, no matter how hard you are struggling to die, it will be in vain. Ants are ants after all!"

There was a joke on Zhou Wuyang's face, and he looked at the young man with his back close to his chest with unkind eyes. Everything he did at the moment when he wanted to come to the former was a fight between trapped beasts and had no meaning.

It's just that as soon as his voice fell, and even a sneer appeared on his face, he suddenly saw the young man lift up his hands strangely, and the rusty black iron piece in his hand was suddenly slammed into his abdomen.


The scene of the young man was tantamount to suicide. Zhou Wuyang was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly realized something, his face suddenly changed wildly, and a sharp pain in his abdomen was already surging.

Zhou Wuyang stared at him, staring incredulously at the young man who was close to him, or at the black iron piece in his hand that was about to rust. At this moment, only a small section was left exposed, and the rest was It passed through the teenager's abdomen, and at the same time it penetrated him Zhou Wuyang.

Zhou Wuyang's face was pale, and his thoughts were chaotic. He couldn't imagine that this slave repair boy would shoot in this way, and even penetrate his body first. This life-threatening way was **** and crazy, normal. Who would hurt the enemy by one thousand and self-defeating?

Simply unreasonable!

"Jie Jie, what about your high, invincible face just now?" The young man turned his head slightly, his scarlet evil eyes were jokingly, and his voice was madly grinning, "Blast me!"


In the weird muffled sound, Zhou Wuyang felt that only the black iron sheet in his abdomen burst out with a horrible knife gang, which directly crushed his internal organs, even half of his body.

Zhou Wuyang screamed sternly. Although he had the cultivation level of the Unexpected Realm, at this moment, facing this slave repair young man, a trace of fear emerged unconsciously in the deepest part of his heart.

These fears did not come from the suppression of the cultivation base. Even Zhou Wuyang himself did not know the origin, but after the appearance of this sense of fear, even his xinxing in the free and unfettered state could not be controlled. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, which was thinking. Escape as soon as possible from this cunning and vicious youth like a demon.


Zhou Wuyang yelled, his figure completely exploded under the terrifying sword aura. In the **** fog, his soul rushed out like a meteor, escaping at unparalleled speed towards the place where the powers of the Daoist line were located. go with.

"Want to go?"

The young man laughed wildly, and the moment he pulled out the Dragon Emperor Sword from his abdomen, the black mist surging around seemed to be drawn by some kind, forming a weird vortex, completely submerging Zhou Wuyang's spirit.

"Don't let me go"

Zhou Wuyang screamed in fear, but his voice didn't last long before the continuous black mist gathered, and then disappeared strangely. Finally, Ye Hao carried the dragon king knife and sucked the sky black mist into his mouth like a long whale sucking water.

"The soul of the Unfettered Realm, it's the taste of nostalgia." Ye Hao casually glanced at the wound on his abdomen, and then turned his eyes to the black iron piece in his hand, grinning with an awe-inspiring grin, "Dragon Sword, not bad."

After the murmur, the young man glanced at the Kunlun Ruins behind him, and immediately looked around the strong men on the sky, the scarlet evil eyes couldn't help showing crazy excitement.

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