Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 370: Bless

Venerable Cang Kun's voice was gloomy, filled with eerie and terrifying killing intent, and the terrifying coercion of the half-step supreme was overwhelming. It made De Gu Shen sigh as if he was crushed by a million gods peak, and his whole person was crushed to the ground instantly.

Gu Shen sighed that he couldn't reach the Nirvana Realm, and he hadn't even survived the Tribulation of Fa Xiang. Such strength was indeed the strongest and the first person in the Great Yan Dynasty.

However, at this moment, let alone the Nirvana state outside the Kunlun Ruins, there are even the Xiaoyao state, and even the peak of Xiaoyao, not to mention that there are Venerable Cang Kun who has achieved the realm of quasi emperor suppressing the world.

Gu Shentan's face was pale, and his body cracked under the pressure of the former deliberately, as if he was about to burst into pieces.

But even so, he still gritted his teeth and didn't even hum, but he couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart. The cause of this catastrophe was caused by Ye Hao, and Gu Shentan could not blame the former. The only thing he feels guilty about is the thousands of creatures of the Great Yan Dynasty, and I am afraid they will all be destroyed.

In fact, after Ye Hao entered the space passage, Gu Shentan didn't think about leaving with him, but the Profound Sky Academy was his life's painstaking effort and the only place he could not leave.

Gu Shentan knew very well that if Ye Hao escaped, there would always be a place to vent the endless anger of Venerable Cang Kun.

"Frightening, what I can do is limited to this." Gu Shen sighed with a wry smile, and immediately shouted with difficulty, "Venerable Cangkun, it is okay for Gu to die, but thousands of lives in my Great Yan Dynasty will be innocent after all. pity!"

"Huh, ants-like things dare to preach to me?"

Venerable Cang Kun sneered indifferently, and the old man named Xiaoyao Peak of the Tianyan Sect was even more murderous. He even dared to conceal his blood while still alive, and even dare to bring him to Kunlun to murder the emperor and the patriarch of the clan. This time, the old man vowed to wipe out the massacre of your Great Yan Dynasty and completely wipe it out!"

Everyone in the Tianyan Sect has cold eyes. This time nearly 60% of the geniuses in their sect have fallen into the Kunlun restricted area. What is most unacceptable is that even the emperor has fallen because of this, which almost broke the roots of their Tianyan Sect. The thought of this incident was caused by Ye Jinghan's blood, and it made them feel unprecedented humiliation and rage, and they wished to rush to the Great Yan Dynasty to kill a corpse mountain and blood, and bleed.

"Your Heavenly Flame Sect's fate is fate, isn't the fate of my Great Yan Dynasty not fate?"

Gu Shentan screamed sadly, at this moment, he had already spared everything he could, spit out the words that had been in his heart for many years.

"Hey, a group of slave repair ants are also worthy of being compared with my clan?"

There is a strong sneer in the Tianyan Sect, full of contempt.

"Slave repair ants?" Gu Shen sighed and forced a sneer between his gritted teeth, "Ye Jinghan back then was also the Slave repair ants in your mouth. You didn't kill the corpses of the Heavenly Flame Sect? Today's Ye. Hao is also the slave repair ant in your mouth, and you will also cut your Emperor Zong by the sword!"


"Venerable Cang Kun, please hand this person to our sect for disposal!"

The Tianyanzong powerhouse was furious, and Gu Shentan's words undoubtedly pierced the sore spots in their hearts, making everyone's faces filled with cold killing intent.

"It's just an ant, it's just trampling to death. As for the slave repair force he is in, it will be bloodbathed by your Heavenly Flame Sect."

Venerable Cangkun spoke indifferently, stretched out his finger, and was about to point him, Han Wudi, who was not far away, had an ugly expression on his face: "Venerable Cangkun, I will offend innocent people because of one person. Isn't it too domineering?"

In the rear, Han Yitian also looked eager, but at this moment he could only leave everything to the former.

"Korean pharmacist, I don't care about you in the face of the supreme Danxian.

Venerable Cang Kun drank coldly.

"Sovereign, please take this Great Flame Dynasty under my command of the Ancient Land of Immortals!"


Han Yaoshi gritted his teeth, his strength is not as good as the Venerable Cangkun at the moment, so he can only turn his eyes to the unpredictable figure of the emperor on the sky.

However, for the former's request, Alchemy Supreme was silent.

Indeed, Han Wudi was under his Pill Immortal Ancient Land, with unparalleled talents, and he was absolutely supreme in the future. Therefore, Pill Immortal Supreme was willing to survive the pressure of Cang Ancestor.

But for a slave-cultivation power he first heard of, how could Danxian Supreme intervene at will.

The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog.

The supreme is supreme, and all spirits are the same dog.

Destroying a slave cultivator force, no matter how many creatures are buried, it is still not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Supreme Being.


Han Wudi did not give up, bit his scalp and continued to speak out.

"Invincible, Dadao is merciless, your Dao heart still needs to be sharpened."

Dan Xian Zhizun finally spoke, his voice extremely majestic.

Han Wudi's face was ugly, while Venerable Cang Kun sneered again and again.

However, just as the former was about to continue to take action, a cold and beautiful voice sounded abruptly: "I, Yaochi intends to accept this Great Yan Dynasty as a subsidiary force, please think twice."

Venerable Cangkun's face sank fiercely, and his eyes suddenly cast towards the graceful and graceful shadow in front of the Yaochi Palace in the distance.

The saint of Yaochi, Yun Miaoxuan.

For a moment, the strong from all sides were strangely silent, looking at Yun Miaoxuan with surprise, while the complexions of the strong from the Tianyan Sect were suddenly ugly.

No one expected Yun Miaoxuan to speak at this moment. Is she not sure that she might offend the Cang Clan for this?

The Yaochi Holy Land is rumored to be created by the Queen Mother of the West. Since ancient times, it is an immortal orthodoxy in the true sense. It is much stronger than the Danxian Ancient Land, but the Cang Clan is the pinnacle of immortality after all. Yun Miaoxuan’s move is seen by everyone. It is unwise to come.

"Sage of Jade Lake, do you know what you are talking about?" Venerable Cang Kun narrowed his eyes and turned his eyes to the old woman at the peak of Xiaoyao in front of Yun Miaoxuan, "You Jade Lake, are you sure you want to give the first place to the slave repair force?"

The old woman smiled bitterly, and after looking at Yun Miaoxuan helplessly, she said to Venerable Cang Kun, "Sir, I owe the little guy a favor at all in Yaochi. This is also for the sake of this cause and effect, not for Against the Cang clan."

The old woman's remarks are sincere. After all, as far as the direct preservation of Ye Hao is concerned, the pressure of the Great Yan Dynasty and its family under the shelter is undoubtedly less than that of the former. It is expected that the supreme figure like Cangzu would not care about it. .

And the most important point is that the jade pond holy land has now recovered the good fortune fairy cauldron, which is the enlightenment tool of the Queen Mother of the West, not weaker than the swordsman's sword of swordsmanship. It has the ultimate holy soldiers as the background, even if it is Cangzu would never underestimate such existence.

The old woman is sure that this matter will never bring disaster to Yaochi, and it is also easy to do, and it can also restore the cause and effect of the boy's two rescues, which can be said to be profitable and harmless.

Regarding the old woman's mind, Venerable Cang Kun could guess one or two, and his face was a bit ugly right away. If Yaochi had not recovered the good fortune fairy ding pot, even if the former is an immortal tradition, he would probably not sell his face.

It is really the weight of an extremely sacred soldier, too heavy, not even weaker than the existence of Cang Ancestor's level.

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