Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 373: Shen Xuan

"Pianpian, why are you here again?"

"This guy is a lunatic, stay away from him!"

"That's it, looking at his dirty and sloppy appearance, how can our Xie family keep such a beggar-like thing? It's really insulting."

These more than ten figures are all young people, with high crowns and beautiful clothes, and their faces are still handsome. At this moment, all their sword eyebrows are slightly frowned, and their faces are looking down at the cross-legged figure with disgust.

Ye Hao's eyes were indifferent, and there was no expression on his face. It was not the first time he saw the group of people in front of him. He knew that they were the direct disciples of the Xie family, and the weakest among them had the cultivation level of the middle Dao soul.

Such strength is indeed not weak in this age group, you must know that even their Ye family, at first, only the patriarch and a few elders had Dao Soul Realm cultivation.

From this it can be seen that although the Xie family of Shuiyue City is only a family, the background is extremely terrifying, I am afraid that it is not much weaker than the Sky Flame Sect.

Indeed, Ye Hao had a general understanding of the Xie family over the past six months. Although it is not clear in detail, Xie Pianpian has also heard that countless years ago, the Xie family had been out of the Supreme.

In the Southern Territory, there are many prominent families, and the Langya Xie family is a huge ethnic group that has been scoured over the years and has survived to this day. If defined by the forces of the Eastern Famine, the Xie family will not be weaker than the so-called pseudo-prime orthodoxy. slightest.

"Pianpian, come here, stay away from this lunatic."

Among this group of Xie family members, the leader of the young man spoke. Although his expression was plain and gentle, the arrogance in his eyes was obvious.

"Big Brother is not a lunatic!"

Xie Pianpian frowned, exclaiming dissatisfaction.

"Hey, look at his sloppy appearance and talk to himself all day long. What is it that he is not a lunatic?" A young man behind him curled his lips, his face was full of disgust.

"Pianpian, you are still young and don't understand the sinister heart. Even if this kind of unknown person is not a lunatic, he should stay away from him."

"Come here, if you let your sister know that you are here again, you are afraid you will be punished again."

Xie Pianpian wanted to argue with reason, but when she heard the word ‘elder sister’, she shrank her neck timidly as if she had been struck by the door, and she didn’t know what to do.

Finally, under Ye Hao's signal, the girl reluctantly walked towards a few people, her face gloomy.

"Boy, raise your head."

After pulling Xie Pianpian to her side, the headed young man gave indifferently.

Ye Hao frowned, coldly raising his head to look forward.

Although condescending, when the young man came into contact with Ye Hao's gaze, his heart shuddered for no reason, as if he was being stared at by a prehistoric beast who chose to eat him, his whole body standing upside down, extremely uncomfortable.

auzw.com After a brief period of fright and stupefaction, the young man couldn’t help turning into anger. He thanked his son in a majestic manner, but was frightened by a mad, sloppy, sloppy guy. Although others didn’t realize this, he could It is still a great shame.

It's just that although the young man said that he was angry, it was not easy for him. He couldn't let his embarrassment just be a joke.

"Hey, this guy is sloppy and crazy, I said it wasn't that person."

After seeing Ye Hao's face clearly, a young man behind him sneered, his face full of contempt.

"I said so, if the person picked up by Pian Pian is that Ye Hao, then our Xie family's luck would be better."

The other young man jokingly shook his head, his expression was not much disappointed, obviously he had already predicted this in his heart.

But Ye Hao heard that, although his face hadn't changed much, his heart sank slightly.

For these young people in front of him, he doesn't bother to care about them at all. It is too naive and boring.

It's just that Ye Hao didn't expect that the Eastern Desolation incident would spread to the Southern Territory in just half a year. Fortunately, he had put on Void Illusory Skins just in case before he fell unconscious, otherwise his identity would have been seen through by the Xie Family.

"Big Brother Xie Gan, what did the guy Ye Hao do? Why are there so many people looking for him in Shuiyue City and even the entire Langya Continent recently?" Xie Pianpian looked at the young man headed with a little curiosity.

"Pianpian, that Ye Hao is terrific." Xie Gan said with a very diligent expression. "It is said that he comes from an inconspicuous little family and is younger than me, but he defeated the supreme orthodoxy of all parties in the Kunlun restricted area. The emperor, even the contemporary swordsman of the Sword Sect, was unfortunately defeated by him. In the end, he collected the pill of good fortune from the Queen Mother of the West, provoking the supreme Taoist and the false supreme Taoist to siege and kill even the Cang Clan. That saint took action personally, and he promised his next relationship, in order to capture this Ye Hao. Tsk, the favor of a saint, and now the whole world is causing a lot of trouble because of that guy."

The girl's boss with a small mouth opened, his expression was unconvincing: "So, isn't that Ye Hao better than my sister?"

"Hehe, if everything is true, I am afraid it is indeed slightly better than my Xie family goddess." A young man behind sneered, his face was quite disdainful, "But there is another way of saying that the guy defeated the swordsman with the sword. It's not his own strength, but some kind of wicked cheating method. Otherwise, at his age, how could he be the opponent of the unfettered realm?"

"Yes, everything is just rumored and rumored. If it's true, if the guy named Ye Hao is so strong, how can he be chased out of the Eastern Wilderness like a bereaved dog? I just want to be a thief."

"Oh, I don’t know where that guy fled. There are rumors that he went to the bitter cold land of the extreme north. Some people say that he went to the endless land of Buddha. Some people even say that he is in our southern region, but this southern region. It’s so big, it’s probably several times harder to find that guy than finding a needle in a haystack."

"In this world, I don't know how many people are looking for that guy, and even some supreme orthodoxy send out the strong to pursue it, but they don't have the slightest clue."

Speaking of this, the more than ten young people, including Xie Gan, headed by them, all shook their heads helplessly, but Ye Hao's expression didn't change at all as he listened to all this, but his eyes became colder.

He didn't expect that the Cang Clan would be so persevering towards him, is it just for good luck?

Ye Hao secretly shook his head. The reason the Cang Clan first came to him was because of the Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Art. Could it be said that there was a hidden secret between the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang and Cangzu?

"Hey, I was really taken away, looking at this beggar's trash-like thing, I actually imagined that he was Ye Hao, which really made a laugh."

After a brief silence, Xie Gan suddenly laughed at himself and shook his head. As if to vent the embarrassment in his heart, he looked down at Ye Hao with contempt, "Boy, what is your name? Where do you come from?"

Ye Hao was silent for a moment, then slowly lowered his eyelids, faintly spit out two words:

"Shen Xuan."

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