Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 385: Sky Ruler

The Master's name moved ancient times, not only created the immortal orthodoxy of Jixia Academy, but also an unprecedented Confucianism. It can be said that he is one of the most influential people in the past, no less than the invincible ancestor of Jianzong. And Queen Mother of the West.

On the other hand, Shenggong Yan is the hereditary title of the eldest descendant of the master's son, a true saint, and otherworldly.

It is necessary to know that the farther one goes together, the stronger the bloodline power, and the more difficult it is to keep the bloodline. Even if a giant stepping into the supreme realm, it will be able to leave one or two bloodlines to reproduce in his life. It has been considered rare, so the emperor-level Tianjiao can be the best of the same generation, and there are few peers in the world who can match the rivals.

Even the bloodline of the Supreme is so powerful, let alone the blood of the saints. This kind of people are blessed and the starting point is too high. As long as they don’t die halfway, it can be said that they are destined to enter the realm of the Supreme, and because of their extraordinary blood, even in the Supreme. Is the best.

No one in the field thought that the Hengqu Trial would actually be the visit of Sheng Gong. You must know that the former can be said to be one of the people with the highest status in Jixia Academy.

And just as everyone was shocked, when various speculations surfaced, the sky above was twisted abruptly, and a bright figure with sword aura soaring into the sky appeared without warning.

This is a middle-aged man dressed in white and carrying a long sword. His handsome and vicissitudes face has a cynical look. He also carries a yellow wine gourd in his hand. His eyes are drunk and he lazily sweeps the people below. .

"he is"

"Li Taibai?!"

"Why did he even come in this trial?"

After seeing the face of the former, everyone's breathing was suddenly stagnant, and immediately they all bowed together and said, "Well, see the Supreme!"

At this moment, the powers of all parties are bowing their heads. Although their expressions are not unusual, stormy waves have already been set off in their hearts.

Jixia Academy has a long heritage, and there are many sages and sages. There has been a line of praise of Confucianism and humanity that can shock ghosts and gods; some have a hundred poems about drinking wine; some have righteous vigor to shake Cang Ming; some swords can open the world. Just like the stars in the sky, shining brightly and brilliantly.

But at this moment, two of the people who were praised appeared in front of them, which made everyone unable to calm down at all, and many speculations could not help but surface in their hearts.

We must know that in the past, Jixia Academy paid much attention to it, but only one of those people would be unexpected. Therefore, when the Lord Yan appeared before, everyone would be so shocked.

But no one thought that after Yan Shenggong, there would be another Li Taibai, who is still famous in the world, and that he was still alive. Could it be that this trial land is really about to collapse?

Otherwise, how could the Jixia Academy be so abnormal? Two supreme beings were sitting in the trial.

"The Trial of the Cross Channel, one Jiazi, one start, today reopens the trial site, the quota is still ten, those who participate in this trial, prepare to enter."

Just as everyone was constantly guessing, a majestic voice suddenly sounded, and then the sky was surging, and the sky was surging, and the whole body of the **** Yan was bright, like a bright sun, I saw his palm slightly lifted, slowly grasping, forming a large road The runes and the chain of order are intertwined accordingly, and the entire secret space instantly roars and trembles, and the sky is full of waves.


In the thunderous roar, everyone on the jade plate felt an unprecedented terrifying coercion. Ye Hao's expression was also unprecedentedly solemn. He was no stranger to this coercion. He was in the dark of Zhang Kuaixue in the Kunlun restricted area. The same pressure has been felt on the fierce sword, this is a terrifying force above the supreme.

The only difference was that Zhang Kuaixue's sword of Slashing Immortal did not show off its edge, but at this moment, the pressure between the world and the earth has become more and more intense.

"Measure the sky ruler, now!"

The majestic voice resounded through the world, and he saw Sheng Gong's palms suddenly clenched, and a strange ruler that was white and circling like a **** of jade appeared in his hand.

The jade ruler is similar to a'sword', with a handle and can be held in hand. The'sword body' is similar to an'iron ruler', without deadly points and blades, giving people a sense of peace and harmony, which coincides with Confucianism. The way.

Extreme saint soldier, measuring the sky ruler!

In ancient times, the master became an important tool for Taoism.

It is also the greatest heritage of Jixia Academy.

auzw.com "Sure enough, it is a ruler!"

"It seems that the rumors should be correct. Except for some problems, this trial land is completely suppressed and maintained by the ruler."

While whispering in shock, Ye Hao breathed slightly, staring at the pure white jade ruler that exuded terrifying coercion.

Measure the sky ruler, Jixia Academy’s suppression of the foundation, is a terrorist killer of the same level as Jianzong’s Slashing Immortal Sword and Yaochi’s Good Fortune Immortal Spirit Ding. This type of big killer is also the collective name of Sanfang Dao. The greatest confidence of immortality, even a true saint like Cangzu, dare not underestimate the slightest.

This is not the first time that Ye Hao has seen the Saint Soldier of the Extreme Way, Zhang Kuaixue’s Immortal Slashing Sword, and the Good Fortune Fairy Ding in the depths of the Kunlun Forbidden Area. Horror, the gap between the two is like a giant dragon, but the former two are in a state of sleep, while the latter wakes up throughout the year.

Obviously, the Extreme Saint Soldier is indeed terrifying, but it also depends on who controls it.

But there is no doubt that if there is a supreme in charge of the supreme sage, it can definitely fight the real sage.

"The peak of trial, open!"

When all parties were silent, Sheng Gong Yan held a measuring ruler, facing the sky-reaching stone peak in the center, and chopped it down.


The heavens and the earth roared, the stone peaks shook, and the huge waves above the water surface smashed into the sky. As the measuring ruler fell, the void space was directly torn apart like cloth, and a terrible horse composed of countless runes slashed with mighty power Shi Feng, and a layer of light film like a protective cover appeared on the surface of the latter. The moment the two collided, the aftermath of an earth-shattering force spread wildly, directly setting off a huge wave on the surface of the water.


In the next instant, a crisp sound resembling a broken egg shell spread, and the protective cover on Shi Feng's surface cracked at the sound, and a gap of hundreds of feet wide was cut by the sky ruler.

"Trial person, don't enter at this time, when will you wait!"

Sage Yan snorted, while Li Taibai, who was holding a sword, looked at Shi Feng with a faint look.

Huh huh!

On the jade plate, a number of figures rose from the ground, among them a black misty young figure took the lead and rushed into Shifeng first.

"Hey, that's the arrogance of Shimodian?"

"It is said that the Xu family spent a lot of money to invite people to the magic land of West Desert. This time the ten places, the Xu family is afraid they will get one of them."


In the shadows, a beautiful little Taoist rushed into Shifeng second, followed by a bald young man with folded hands. His face was solemn, but his eyes flashed everywhere. Randomly glanced.

"Sanqingshan and the people of endless buddhaland!"

"Dao Yun, Xiaoyou Shen, let's go."

On the jade plate, Xie Xuan waved his sleeves and rolled Xie Daoyun and Ye Hao directly towards Shi Feng's entrance.

However, just as Xie Daoyun rushed into Shifeng and Ye Hao was about to enter, Li Taibai, who was at the top, suddenly gave a soft voice and raised his eyebrows to look at him.

Suddenly, Ye Hao's figure stood still strangely, like a mosquito in the amber, shackled in the air and unable to move.

Sheng Gong Yan also narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes were like two torches, staring at the young man for a moment.

This sudden change caused Ye Hao’s heart to sink abruptly. Although Shen Jiuyou had practiced the Void Illusory Beast Skin again, even the celestial beings would not be able to detect the abnormality, but if the supreme-level giant carefully inspected it, he could still detect the clue .

Could it be that his identity has been seen through by the two supreme masters of Jixia Academy?

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