Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 391: Xie Daoyun's shock

Ye Hao's voice was indifferent, and the moment the faint sound rang, the blood-clothed youth's pupils shrank sharply, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, trying to rush forward quickly.

But just as his figure moved, the void above it was boiling like a pan, followed by a golden gleaming spirit wheel, filled with a sharp and terrifying aura, and it slammed down like a falling sun.


The blood-clothed youth's expression changed drastically, and he forcibly reversed the direction to avoid it, while the golden spirit wheel hit the earth like a comet, setting off smoke and dust, causing the entire pinnacle to shake the mountain. If it weren't for this special trial place, I'm afraid it's just this One blow is enough to blast the entire Shifeng into powder.

"Damn it!"

The blood-clothed youth had a gloomy look, and the whole person rushed out again like thunder, but at almost the same time, six golden spirit wheels appeared in the void, slamming down with a harsh sonic boom.


Six golden spirit wheels filled with terrible fluctuations sealed all the retreats of the former, and finally dragged out a long void like a spear of a god, completely drowning the blood-clothed youth, and the aftermath of violent power raged and swept the sky. Soot.

However, everything is not over.

Just as the smoke and dust on the top of the peak rose up, there were again a series of golden spirit wheels condensed in the void, with a total of 92, almost like nine stars, exuding bursts of dazzling light.

The Golden Wheel Broken Spirit Formation, the master-level peak spirit formation, has a total of 9,999 spiritual seals. It is extremely complicated. If the arrangement is successful, it can condense ninety-nine Golden Spirit Spirit Wheels. It can threaten the strong in the astronomical realm, and the power is extremely terrifying.

This is the first time Ye Hao has used this spirit array. The image of the spirit array naturally comes from the vast inheritance left by Shen Jiuyou, and the difficulties and specialities of this spirit array have long been explained by the inheritors left by Shen Jiuyou. Therefore, even if it was first arranged, Ye Hao didn't feel jerky about it.

After all, the inheritance left by a half-step formation emperor, in addition to the spiritual formation diagram he has mastered, also has life experience and insights about the spiritual formation together. Its preciousness is simply unimaginable. If Ye Hao can fully understand it, future achievements will be inevitable. No less than Shen Jiuyou.

And this is also the greatest treasure Shen Jiuyou left him.

Ye Hao's eyes were indifferent, and he pressed his palm down sharply, and suddenly, the ninety-two dazzling spirit wheels in mid-air fell like a meteor shower.


The vast power storm swept across, causing the entire Shifeng to violently shake, and even some Shifeng not far away were affected and there was obvious shaking.

"This guy's spiritual formation is so strong?!"

"In addition to the realm of the spiritual formation master, the most important thing is the spiritual formation map it masters. Even if two spiritual formation masters are in the same realm, if there is a clear gap between the spiritual formation masters, then the strength is inevitable. There are huge differences."

"It seems that this guy has extremely high accomplishments in the spirit formation, and his strength is probably comparable to the emperor-level Tianjiao."

Of course, Xie Daoyun must be the one who is most impacted in the field. At this moment, the shock and shock in her heart is beyond description. Even the offensive in her hands has stiffened unconsciously. She would never think of this reticence. In his opinion, a young man who even lacks the courage of a man has such a formidable strength.

Feeling the terrifying offensive in the spirit formation at close range, Xie Daoyun asked herself that even if she derives her spirit veins, if a person accidentally falls into the spirit formation, she may suffer severe damage if she does not die, not to mention that she is only in the Burning Flame Realm, if she is attacked at this moment It was her, almost dead and dead.

At this moment, Xie Daoyun suddenly thought of his previous attitude towards the teenager, and couldn't help but feel a bit bitter, and couldn't help but shake his head with laughter.

auzw.com In the past, she looked down on the teenager with a superior attitude, thinking that it was unbearable, and her words did not leave the slightest affection, but the teenager did not give much explanation.

At that time, Xie Daoyun thought that the young man was not courageous, but only promised. Now that I think about it, I am afraid that it is not too lazy to pay attention to her ridiculous arrogance.

After bitter self-deprecation, Xie Daoyun suddenly bit her silver teeth in secret, and his beautiful eyes showed firmness, "He is a spiritual formation master, and his realm is higher than me. After I evolve the spiritual veins, which is stronger and weaker is not always certain!"

Xie Daoyun is the goddess of the Xie family after all, with the belief that overwhelming the same generation in the world, how could he easily give in.

And even Xie Daoyun is like that, not to mention Wang Ningzhi. At this moment, he looked at the smoke-filled place in the spirit formation, his face could not help being pale, and there was a strong panic in his eyes. If the Young Master of the Blood Wolf Clan was defeated, then His cross-channel trial will inevitably end in failure.

At the moment when everyone was silent with different thoughts, all the ninety-two golden spirit wheels in the void had been smashed down, Shi Feng's shock gradually subsided, and the smoke that filled the air slowly settled, and there was no sound from it. , It was as if the blood-clothed youth was completely bombarded into powder under the previous offensive.


Xie Daoyun clasped his hands tightly, and surprises appeared on the always cold pretty face.

Wang Ningzhi's face was pale, and even his body trembled slightly.

The surrounding people also nodded secretly. Judging from the terrifying offensive of the spirit formation, even if the celestial phenomenon is unprepared, the blood-clothed youth will be able to compete with the emperor class, but after all, it cannot be as strong as the celestial phenomenon. Compared with.


Just as everyone was relaxed, the smoke and dust gradually settled down, and a harsh sonic boom burst out abruptly, followed by an embarrassed figure like a **** lightning, rushing out instantly.

This figure was stained with blood, and the clothes on his body were tattered. The original appearance was no longer visible. The most weird thing was that his whole body, including his face, was covered with blood-colored hair, like a steel needle standing upright, especially His eyes were filled with fierce blood, extremely terrifying.

It is the blood-clothed youth!

"How can it be?!"

"Almost forgot, the Young Master of the Blood Wolf Race is a Monster Beast! The Monster Beast's physique is far better than the cultivator, and it resists the previous wave of offensive after revealing its body!"

"Hey, the great taboo of the Spiritual Array Master is being close, that black robe boy is dead.

"Shen Xuan, be careful!"

Amidst the surrounding exclamations, Wang Ningzhi’s expression was ecstatic, while Xie Daoyun’s pretty face changed drastically, but at this time the Young Master of the Blood Wolf tribe had already grinned and rushed to Ye Hao's side, his whole body was like a sea of ​​blood, and his right fist was even more intense. With the terrible fierce and **** atmosphere, he lifted up high.

"I have to say, you really surprised me." The Young Master of the Blood Wolf Clan was covered with blood-colored hair, but he could still see the gloom and banter on his face. "If you just set up another spiritual array attack, I might It's really going to capsize in the gutter. But now, you will never have a chance."

"Although the Spiritual Array Master is strong, but the physical weakness is also a well-known weakness! Hahaha, can kill you such a Spiritual Array Master, happy!" The Young Master of the Blood Wolf tribe laughed wildly, his eyes burst into murder, his right fist already With vast and terrifying fluctuations, it fell heavily.

In the sharp wind breaking sound, Ye Hao seemed to have just reacted, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but he turned his head slightly to look at the Young Master of the Blood Wolf Clan, and spoke indifferently with a voice that only two people could hear:

"Who told you that I am just a spiritualist?"

The Young Master of the Blood Wolf Clan was taken aback for a moment, even if Xuan felt incredulously, the body of the black-robed young man had risen in a wave of blood that made him feel terrified.

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