Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 400: World speed


The room roared continuously, and the aftermath of violent spiritual energy continued to raging, causing the earth to collapse, earth and rock surging, and thousands of miles in a radius turned into a piece of wasteland. The original lush giant trees were twisted into sky and debris, and the scene was extremely shocking.

And at the center of the spiritual storm, the black mist is rolling, the shadow is heavy, and the scalp numbing screams, like it can affect the soul of the cultivator. At this moment, in addition to Ye Hao, it is Sun Ming, Xie Daoyun, and Xu Hai. Far enough away, but still pale and painful in his eyes.

"Is this the Tianjiao of Shimodian? The strength is really terrifying!"

Xie Daoyun gritted her silver teeth, and her heart was full of shock. Although she has always been hailed as the goddess of the Xie family, she can be compared to the emperor-class princes, but it is only now that she truly realizes that compared with those immortal Taoist princes, I am afraid it is even The true supreme bloodline is weaker.

At the center of the battle circle, Lu Guan's body was shining with golden light, motionless like a mountain, letting the thousands of magic shadows entangled him, he remained motionless, like a sacred mountain standing forever in the tide of anger, giving people an unprecedented heavy feeling.

"Fudo Mingwang Yin?!" And this scene made Tuobaqiu's face more solemn, and immediately sneered, "I want to see how long you can carry it!"

"The evil spirit kills the gods!"

"The Demon Howl!"

In an instant, Tuoba Qiu screamed one after another. The power in his body was like a tsunami, madly soaring and climbing, and when he broke out completely, the devilish energy in the sky increased in vain, scrolling like a viscous liquid. In the meantime, there was a phantom in the form of a human who could not see his face, hundreds of feet high.

This phantom is dark, cold and evil, and the aura it exudes seems to affect the mood of the cultivator, but Ye Hao could not help but give birth to a irritability and tyranny in his heart, if it weren't for the sudden twinkling of thunder that he knew in the sea. Mang, I'm afraid this tyrannical mood will continue to rise.

"The techniques of the First Demon Hall are so weird."

Ye Hao's heart was slightly condensed, if it wasn't for the power of thunder to naturally restrain the demons in the world, even he had almost been hit.

Even he is like this, not to mention Lu Guan, who is directly under attack. If he does not have the means to resolve, unless Tuoba Qiu is beheaded in a short period of time, his own combat power will be affected. There is not much suspense in this battle.

"What a terrible magical skill!" Lu Guan folded his hands together, his whole body was shining with golden glow, and his figure was trembling visible to the naked eye, "but you are wrong, you shouldn't do it in the time of the poor monk and sage."


After Lu Guan finished speaking, he suddenly uttered a word with weird syllables and a thunderous sound, which made Tuobaqiu's face greatly changed, "Six-character mantra? In addition to the godly show, even you have also practiced this magical power?! "


Lu Guan ignored it, and Baoxiang solemnly uttered another word.

Tuoba Qiu was struck by lightning, and the devilish energy in the sky seemed to be crushed by an invisible force, rolling back visible to the naked eye.


Lu Guan's face was pale, and he spit out a syllable again. In an instant, there was a big earthquake, the sky roared, the sky was full of visions, and the purple lotus with the charm of the avenue appeared in full bloom.


auzw.com At the same time, the terrifying phantom in the devil's energy suddenly disappeared, and Tuoba Qiu couldn't help spitting out a big mouthful of blood, and his breath quickly weakened.

However, in the face of this once-in-a-lifetime fighter, Lu Guan sighed helplessly, his whole body gradually dimmed, "After all, the six-character mantra has not been fully practiced, and he cannot exert his true power."

"Huh! Pretending to be, I thought you had really developed this supernatural power, it turned out to be just a fancy."

Tuoba Qiu sneered. If Lu Guanzhen was practiced into the six-character mantra of Buddhism, this time he would really be planted here.

"The six-character mantra is terrifying magical power!"

Ye Hao's face is also extremely solemn, the six-character mantra of the endless buddha field is too prominent, even comparable to that of the six-foot golden body. It is said that the ancient Amitabha Buddha once used this supreme magical power to shout. The Three Thousand Realms are too powerful.

"Amitabha Buddha. Even if the six-character mantra has not been truly cultivated, the poor monk will have to eliminate demons today."

"Chih, just rely on you?"

Tuoba Qiu sneered, but did not continue to make a move. It is true that he underestimated Lu Guan's strength this time. As soon as the six-character mantra came out, the injury he suffered was already serious. If there were no others here, he might still try his best. , Lu Guan, the heavenly arrogant of endless buddhism, will always remain in the place of trial.

But in the field, after all, there is a strong spirit formation master. If it is only one-on-one, Tuoba Qiu thinks he is not afraid of either of the two, but he has lost the first opportunity at the moment, and will lose the wind a little, if he continues Fighting hard with Lu Guan, it is very possible that the black-robed boy who is ruthless in his methods will gain the benefit of the fisherman.

"You'd better pray to your buddha heads. When you leave this place of trial, don't meet me again."

Tuoba Qiu sneered and retreated, and Lu Guan would not easily let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but just as his figure moved, Tuoba Qiu's toes flashed with black light, and the mysterious and unpredictable Dao Qi abruptly filled. The whole figure seemed to travel through the void, disappearing instantly with Xu Hai.

"Eight Steps of the Demon?!"

Lu Guan's eyes shrank abruptly, and Ye Hao's heart was shocked. Tuoba Qiu's posture when he left was too terrifying, even he couldn't clearly catch the trace. It was definitely the name of the Shimodian that moved the world. Shenfa supernatural powers.

"Alas, although sage time can calm the mind, the only drawback is the weakness of the legs."

Lu Guan shook his head and sighed, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth, and finally stopped suppressing his own injuries, and directly sat cross-legged to adjust his breath.

After Tuobaqiu used the eight steps of the Heavenly Demon, Lu Guan had given up the idea of ​​continuing to pursue it. It was not his compassionate heart, but the former's performance was too terrifying, even if he tried his life, it would be beyond the reach.

In fact, not to mention Lu Guan, even Ye Hao didn't expect Tuoba Qiu to master the supreme body method of Shimodian.

Heavenly Demon has eight steps, within eight steps, the world's first.

This Shenfa magical power is definitely one of the top Shenfa magical powers in the world. It can be a step away from Yaochi. The Jianzong’s shrinking ground is comparable to the world’s fastest speed. It can be called the world’s top Shenfa magical powers, except for those In addition to the ancient forces that have been passed down for millions of years, even some immortal traditions may not be able to be obtained.

To be able to practice this kind of supreme body method, it can be expected that Tuoba Qiu's status in Shimodian must be good.

Of course, with the background of the endless buddha field, it is not that there is no top body technique that can match the eight steps of the heavenly demon. According to Ye Hao's knowledge, the step by step lotus on Mount Xumi is also known as the world's fastest.

However, he could also expect that these top-notch body skills must be extremely mysterious. After Lu Guan chose to practice the six-character mantra, he naturally didn't have the energy to study other things. Even he could be sure that even though Tuoba Qiu had practiced the Eight Steps of Heavenly Demon , But I am afraid that even Xiaocheng is not counted, otherwise Lu Guan will undoubtedly lose this time just by the terror of the world's extreme speed.

"Shen Xuan, why didn't you make a move just now?"

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