Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 413: Master's Prophecy

Ye Hao's voice was indifferent, without the slightest emotion, it could be heard in Cang Chen's ears, more like a magic sound.

Just as Cang Chen's eyes widened fiercely, he finally saw the black robe boy behind him in disbelief, a huge misty shadow, exuding the ancient and reckless immortal spirit, like the fairy king Linchen, it is as good as the shadow behind him. , So suddenly condensed.


Cang Chen's eyes were cracking, and his screams were hoarse. He couldn't believe the scene before him. The young slave who was named to be arrested by the ancestor, unexpectedly displayed the same assassin?

You must know that his magical power can only be reluctantly displayed by those who practice Dengxianlu. Even among the younger generation of Cang Clan, there are only a handful of people who can motivate him.

Dengxianlu is the supernatural power of their Cang clan. Only a small number of talented people in the Cang clan are qualified to practice. Is this slave young man who has also practiced Dengxianlu?


Just as Cang Chen's mind was stunned, the phantom behind Ye Hao stepped out in one step, the mighty and terrifying power rose up like a tsunami, and crashed against the phantom behind the former.

The great earthquake shook, the void roared, and the aftermath of terrifying power made the spirit array that Ye Hao arranged for a while, as if to be torn apart.

"Impossible! Die to me!"

Cang Chen was completely crazy, and he was even more horrified than he discovered Ye Hao's identity. Li Xiaozhong, the fourth and fifth steps of the phantom behind him took three steps in succession.



However, even if Cang Chen didn't want to admit it, the huge phantom behind Ye Hao was not weaker than him, and he also took three steps in his pinch.


The aftermath of the terrifying power made Cang Chen tottering as if struck by lightning. He was covered in blood, gritted his teeth, and looked crazy and pinched, and the momentum of the Void behind him surged and took the last step.

Dengxian Seven Steps, Seven Steps, Dengxian Road!

This magical power is too terrifying, even faintly separated from the category of Peerless Thirty-Six. This is a secret technique belonging to the realm of immortality, and power cannot be predicted at all.

It’s just that Ye Hao displayed the purest Seven Steps of Dengxian. The moment Cang Chen used the Dao Soul to display his supernatural powers, he immediately integrated the last drop of essence and blood he recently condensed into the humanoid Dao Soul in the sea of ​​life. He tried his attitude, but the final result was somewhat unexpected.

After all, it seemed that Cangzu made the move because he practiced the Xuanhuang Nine-turned Heavenly Kungfu, but why the humanoid Dao Soul of Xuanhuang Nine-turned Heavenly Kungfu was able to derive the method of urging Dengxianlu's magical powers.

Could it be said that the ancient emperor Xuanhuang had also practiced the Cang Clan's exercises?

These ancient secrets are naturally impossible to verify now, and Ye Hao has no time to spend his thoughts. As the hand prints change, the huge phantom behind him is full of overwhelming pressure, and he takes the last few steps.




The earth-shaking roar suddenly erupted, causing the void to continue to collapse, and dense black cracks appeared. In this terrifying force, the ghost behind Cang Chen finally exhausted all its power and completely collapsed.


Cang Chen's mouth spurted with blood, his face was like golden paper, his eyes were full of disbelief and blankness, staring at the huge soles of feet that fell from the sky and belonged to his Cang clan's supernatural powers.


After the last step of Dengxian Seven Steps fell, the huge shadow behind Ye Hao disappeared suddenly, the roar between the world and the earth gradually disappeared, the smoke and dust slowly settled, the dense forest within a radius of thousands of miles seemed to have been completely ploughed, and the soil layer was rolled down. , A mess, very terrifying.

In a collapsed terrain, Cang Chen was in tatters, and the soil beneath him was soaked with blood. The whole figure seemed to be squeezed by an unimaginable terrifying force. The bones of his whole body were broken seven or eighty-eight, and his breath became even greater. It was an unprecedented sluggishness, and he couldn't even get up.

In fact, if it weren't for the supreme bloodline flowing in his body, he was extraordinary, I am afraid that he would have been crushed into powder in the hit just now, and it would be impossible to survive.

"Impossible, impossible"

Cang Chen's eyes were hollow and blank. Even if Ye Hao walked closer, he didn't seem to be aware of it. He kept muttering to himself. The impact he had received was so great that he hadn't fully figured it out until this moment. This came from the slave repair forces. Young man, why did he possess the supernatural powers of the Cang Clan.

In fact, let alone Cang Chen, even Sheng Gong and Li Taibai who were outside the trial territory squinted their eyes slightly, puzzled.

"This kid is a little weird. It stands to reason that he and the Cang clan should not share geniuses. Why do they use the Cang clan's Zhen clan exercises?" Li Taibai rubbed his chin and frowned and guessed, "Could the Cang clan call him by name? , Is it because this kid didn't know how to learn the Cang Clan exercises by stealth?"

After speaking, Li Taibai was the first to shook his head. Even if Deng Xianlu was the Cang Clan's Zhen Clan practice, it would not provoke the terrifying being who stepped into the saint's realm to take action personally, and even promised a favor for it.

"It seems that this little guy has a lot of secrets."

Shenggong Yan sighed lightly. At this moment, he suddenly had a hunch that if a young man really worshipped Jixia Academy, I am afraid that the land of Confucian sages has been peaceful for countless years, and even the entire southern region will make waves again.

"Using the Burning Fire Realm to cultivate, but having a causal entanglement with the sage, it is a bit abnormal. Could it be that he was the initial disaster that the ancestor once deduced? Or was it the opportunity?

Shenggong Yan’s expression is unprecedentedly solemn. He is the bloodline of Sheng Yan, and his ancestor is naturally the one who opened up the Jixia Academy and created a Confucian school. He is known as the sacred person who has never given birth to a master. First teacher.

These legendary characters, in the ancient times, were comparable to the ancestor of the Sword Sect and the strongest person of the Western Queen.

Before his fall, the Master had predicted that the world would change drastically. Under a whim, he used the supreme magical powers to set foot in the long river of time, deduced the ancient and modern future, and once saw a corner of the future.

As for what he saw, the Master didn’t mention to anyone, he just left a few words saying that there is a lack of heaven and earth, heaven and earth are prisons, heaven and earth change drastically, there will be disasters in the future, the world will be destroyed, and the whole world will be turned into a mountain of corpses. No one can escape the sea of ​​blood and blood.

This is a death catastrophe, without the slightest vitality. Even the master who suppressed an era can only sigh, but he also said that in the future **** disaster, someone tried to carry this world alone.

But as for who that person is and what the final result is, it is impossible to truly derive the master's cultivation base, but to see this incomplete corner of the future may be the only opportunity.

Just after that deduction, the mysterious upheaval that almost covered the entire ancient history broke out. The Master Rao, the innocent creatures who scorned for a period of time, fell inexplicably because of this, even the Sheng Gong of the past did not know the details.

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