Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 424: Meet on a narrow road (2)

According to the Alchemy of Good Fortune, Zhengyang grass grows in some strange places with strong righteousness, and its characteristics, as the name suggests, are bright and righteous, such as the sky. Although it is only grass planting, it is full of vigor and vitality.

But the plant in front of me, although its appearance is very similar to the Zhengyang grass in the record, but the breath it exudes is too weak. It can be said that there is a difference between the world and the Zhengyang grass in the record. Without that ray of righteousness, Ye Hao almost ignored him, let alone treat him as the long-sought Zhengyang grass.

"Is it because of Zhang Sheng's fall?"

Ye Hao frowned and pondered. He heard that this place of trial was filled with aura in the past. It was a rare blessed place in the world, but now the yellow sand is full of the sky, and the situation is so bleak, it is precisely because of the fall of the scholar who opened this place.

It just made him a little puzzled, why the treasures of heaven and earth and earth he had seen before, including the Sun Tao fruit obtained by Xie Daoyun, showed no signs of withering and declining.

"Shen Xuan, what are you staring at this weed for?"

Xie Daoyun stepped forward, her pretty face full of bewilderment. She didn't understand why the young man, who had passed so many heavens and earth treasures, hadn't stopped his figure, would be so interested in this weed somehow.

"Shen Xuan, listen to me, you immediately turn around to pick Zhu Naiguo, that exotic fruit contains a trace of ancient alien beast Zhuanqi blood, if refining it will definitely improve your physique!"

Xie Daoyun patiently persuades, but sincerely considers it for the teenager, but she does not know that if Ye Hao obtains Zhengyang grass and refines the ancient alchemy in the good fortune pill, his extreme realm method can be derived from it. Step into the realm of domineering blood.

The difference between the Golden Body Realm of the Denglong Three Extreme Realm and the Overlord Blood Realm is definitely not something that a Zhu Fanguo can measure and compare.

"It is true that Zhengyang grass is undoubtedly the characteristics, but the medicinal properties"

Ye Hao ignored Xie Daoyun, carefully observing the dying grass plant in front of him, and it did exactly match the Zhengyang grass described in the Good Fortune Pill.

Just looking at its decaying appearance that it would die at any time, Ye Hao couldn't help but worry about its medicinal properties. After all, the strength of the elixir had a vital influence on the refining of the pill, and no mistake was allowed.

"I can only get it first before talking."

In the end, Ye Hao sighed, took out the jade bi, and pressed it towards the void. It was true that Zhengyang grass was too rare. He was worried that he would miss this time and would not know when he would meet again in the future.

The most important thing is that his extreme method has stagnated for too long, and he really doesn't want to continue to delay it.

"Shen Xuan, are you crazy?!"

When seeing his movements, Xie Daoyun's face was dull, and his beautiful eyes stared as if he had seen the most incredible and incomprehensible thing in the world.


She could not understand that there are so many rare treasures in the world that are readily available, but the young man just swept it coldly and did not stop to take another look, but at this moment, it turned out to be a dying weed without the slightest special. , Wasted the last chance to break the ban.

This can't be described as a small loss, but a rare opportunity to squander this rare occasion.

After the sluggishness, Xie Daoyun's pretty face changed drastically and intentionally stopped, but before she could take any action, the young man had already brought the weed with the soil and carefully put it in the storage bag.

It's too late.

auzw.com"Shen Xuan, you are crazy, you must be crazy! You know that there are only those treasures of heaven and earth, and some of them are not even available for my Xie family. Even if you don’t choose those Now, maybe you will come across more precious things in the future, but why did you choose an ordinary weed?!"

Xie Daoyun's breathing was short, and he exclaimed angrily. Ye Hao didn't bother to explain anything. He looked at the dim jade bi in his hand with some doubts. He didn't understand why this thing had not disappeared after breaking the two restrictions.

"Let's go."

I can’t see anything for the time being. So, Ye Hao put Jade Bi in his storage bag and said indifferently, and then he hurried forward along the trail again. Xie Daoyun in the back could only stomped his feet with hatred and gritted his teeth. .

Along the way, Xie Daoyun's face was green, as if she had missed a great opportunity, but Ye Hao's expression remained unchanged. After an hour, a dim and tall phantom appeared in front of the two abruptly. Sight.

"Is that a pass?" Xie Daoyun's pretty face was dignified, as if facing an enemy, "Finally here! Shen Xuan, be careful!"

Ye Hao also squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the gate wall in the distance, extremely old, like standing in the yellow sand for endless years, covered with traces of the vicissitudes of life.

After that, he cast his gaze to the left, and in the yellow sand in the sky, he could vaguely see a looming trail that was exactly the same as their feet, like a horned dragon in the sand, and also extended to the ancient pass in the distance.

On the two trails, each has a set of Trial Tianjiao who has been promoted to the third level, and the destination is the ancient pass that has stood in the distance for an unknown number of years.

And the trial rules, it is destined that only one of the two groups of Tianjiao can pass through the pass and continue forward.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

"I don't know who I will meet, I hope it's not Jiang Tage or Wang Shiyuan."

Xie Daoyun's pretty face was anxious. Passing through that pass was the final challenge of this cross-channel trial. Now that she knows the true strength of the young man, she has great confidence in passing this trial.

Of course, the premise is not to meet the two people she said.

Regrettably, it seems that there is really a pair of big hands controlling the fate of everyone. As you approach the pass, especially after seeing the figure on the ancient battle platform in front of the pass, Xie Daoyun’s look of consternation is unprecedented. It's ugly.

The battle platform in the distance was extremely dilapidated, covered with all kinds of sword marks and sword marks. A figure in white clothes sat cross-legged quietly, seeming to sense someone coming. His long, narrow eyes finally opened slowly, softly. A dark smile appeared on his pale face.

It was Wang Shiyuan.

"You finally came."

Seeing the incoming person clearly, Wang Shiyuan stood up, his robe was red and white, and the dried blood on it gave him a strange **** look. His eyes were extremely excited and gloomy, "I said, you can't escape. In the palm of my hand, you and I are destined to live only one person, no one can change!"

Ye Hao's expression was solemn and solemn. Although he had a hunch, he still didn't dare to relax in his heart after he really encountered Wang Shi's grievance at this moment.

"You stay here."

After saying a word to Xie Daoyun, Ye Hao took a deep breath and walked towards the ancient battle platform.

And with each step down, the boy who was originally not alive, his whole body was like a tsunami and a volcano erupted.

It keeps climbing.

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