Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 427: origin


The hot and terrifying sea of ​​fire raged and raged, causing the space to collapse and collapse.

At the same time, those two hazy and ethereal giant shadows burst into surging weather, like the fairy king Linchen, stepping seven steps in succession, causing the whole world to roar and tremble, and the void is constantly torn apart. The scene is extremely terrifying, it is not like this state. fighting.

The aftermath of the mighty power spread violently, and both Ye Hao and Wang Shiyuan were rushed out, both of them grumbled, and their faces paled.

"What other means, use it together!"

Wang Shiyuan breathed slightly, but his eyes were full of palpitating heat, and his feminine face twitched slightly from excitement, which was extremely frightening.

On the other side, Ye Hao was also barely suppressing the qi and blood in his body, looking at the white-clothed youth with unprecedented solemnity, but the turbulent waves in his heart could not be calmed at all.

In fact, when he first saw Wang Shiyuan, Ye Hao had some guesses about his origins, but he was still not really sure, even when he saw the old black umbrella, the broken ancient mirror, and the former holding the one at the moment. With a black euphorbia, he still had a trace of hesitation in his heart.

But until that moment, after Wang Shiyuan used those two supernatural powers one after another, even if Ye Hao didn't want to believe it anymore, he understood the origin of the former. It was indeed the same as his initial guess.

Wang Shiyuan, the bachelor of King Jialuo family.


He is also a practitioner of Xuanhuang Nine Transformation Heavenly Art!

And the black umbrella, ancient mirror, and black halberd he held were the first supreme in the last years of ancient times, the third of the nine soldiers of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang, the primordial umbrella, the nine-phoenix mirror, and the sky-breaking halberd.

Xuanhuang Tiangong, Nine-turned Saint, this technique was the greatest inheritance of the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang at that time. No one could speculate about its true power. For this reason, it was not included in the 36 peerless skills. One of the methods.

But what is certain is that if this exercise is to truly compete for ranking, I am afraid that the top ten, even the top five positions of the peerless 36 will have to change a lot.

And this exercise was exactly what Ye Hao had gained from that mysterious gray bead. It wasn't until he condensed his Dao Soul that he realized that the Xuanhuang Tiangong he had practiced was incomplete.

It was also at that time that he had imagined in his spare time whether there was another person in this world who had obtained the remaining Xuanhuang Heavenly Art inheritance.

If no one gets the inheritance, it's okay, if someone really gets the remaining inheritance of Xuanhuang Tiangong, then Ye Hao can be sure that only one of him and that person will survive.

This is the destiny of Xuanhuang Tiangong practitioners, because their respective cultivation techniques are incomplete, so they can only kill each other and deprive them of the inheritance they have obtained through refining, so that they can completely complement their own techniques and Dao soul, and future training. The way will truly flow.

Obviously, this is the reason why Wang Shiyuan is eyeing him.

But what Ye Hao is not sure is how much inheritance Wang Shiyuan has gained from the Xuanhuang Tiangong, because his own condensed Dao soul, only the Dragon Emperor Sword, the Soul Suppressing Bridge, and the Xuanhuang Banner have similar essences. The physical existence of the soul, the remaining six imperial soldiers are only phantoms, unable to exert too much power at all.

Actually, he only got one-third of the inheritance of Xuanhuang Tiangong, and so far, he has only found the remnants of the Dragon Sword in the Kunlun restricted area, which is far less than Wang Shiyuan.

"Why, are there no other means?" Seeing Ye Hao's silence, Wang Shi on the other side licked his lips testily, "If only this is the case, then I will accept your inheritance! After all, Xuan Huang Jiu Turning Heavenly Skill, such a supreme practice method, on a waste like you, is tantamount to a pearl covered in dust and violent to heaven."

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, and answered the question: "The rest of the inheritance of the exercises is all on you?"

Hearing this, Wang Shi grinned silently and raised his eyebrows mockingly: "Guess."


Ye Hao's face was dignified, and the Wang Shizhen in front of him was like a cold pool without waves, unfathomable, giving people a sense of discomfort that was so cold that he couldn't even see through it.

"Oh, it seems that you are also poor. Although there are some small surprises, it still disappoints me a little." Wang Shi grinned and shook his head, "If this is the case, then I won't waste time with you."

"Nine Phoenix Mirror, now!"


As the cold drink spread, above Wang Shiyuan's head, an ancient mirror filled with terrifying aura suddenly appeared.

The ancient mirror is dark and full of cracks, as if it will break apart at any time, but there is still a hot breath of ancient vicissitudes that pervades, extremely frightening.

The Nine Phoenix Mirror, one of the nine emperor soldiers in the invincible world when the ancient Emperor Xuanhuang overwhelmed the world, is said to have found nine dead eggs of the true phoenix in his early years and refined them with great magical powers, which is equivalent to hatching and surviving in an alternative way.

You know, the true phoenix is ​​one of the most powerful creatures of the monster race. It almost only exists in legends. It is like a god. It can be said to be the supreme **** of the monster race. Like the true dragon, it is known as the natural supreme. The peerless Demon Emperor, as long as he has passed his infancy and truly grows up, he can easily step into the Supreme Realm and become the Demon Emperor Dao Fruit, which few people in the world dare to provoke.

And the Nine Phoenix Mirror is made from nine true phoenix eggs, which shows how terrifying this ancient Emperor Xuanhuang, known as the first supreme in the end of ancient times, is.

Ye Hao couldn’t be more clear about the power of the Nine Phoenix Mirror, because when he faced the black evil sect sage Lin Xuan at the burning cremation site, he used the phantom of the Nine Phoenix Mirror Dao Soul, which was condensed without essence. Will easily kill a holy child Tianjiao.

Not to mention that what Wang Shiyuan controls at this moment is not a Taoist soul similar to a phantom or even a spirit, but a real Nine Phoenix Mirror.

Fortunately, the Nine Phoenix Mirror, like the Dragon Sword in his hand, is already broken, no longer the power of the peak period. Otherwise, even if Ye Hao has the power to resist, he will only be killed instantly. .

Of course, even if it is a broken imperial soldier, Ye Hao doesn't dare to underestimate the slightest. The power in his body is running and boiling, like a rushing river, pouring into the Dragon Sword, and for a while, a mighty real dragon The coercion rose to the sky.

"A Dragon Sword can't save you."

Upon seeing this, Wang Shiyuan smiled sorrowfully, and the black euphorbia in his hand cut through the space like a spontaneous spirit, and shot at Ye Hao instantly.


Ye Hao's expression changed drastically, and the Dragon Emperor Sword in his hand carried the mighty real dragon pressure, suddenly cut out, entangled with that overbearing halberd.


Almost at the same time, the broken ancient mirror above Wang Shiyuan shook in vain, and a shattering red light, like a vertical magma, with a scorching vastness, as if the terrifying aura that could burn the heavens, burst out from it. .


The sky quashed, and the void was torn apart. This hot and terrifying bright red light seemed to melt and burn the entire space. The four true phoenix phantoms in it also brought up a large amount of flow inflammation, screaming and shaking the sky, and rushed to the leaves. Hao.

The intense life-and-death crisis caused Ye Hao's scalp to explode, his hair standing upright, and while resisting the black euphorbia stubbornly, he suddenly pinched his fingers, gritted his teeth and shouted:

"The Soul Bridge!"

"Xuan Huang Qi!"

"Show me!"

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