Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 433: Last hole card

Thinking of this, Ye Hao couldn’t help but feel a little eager. Now that the Ninth-Rank Elixir is available, and the ground dragon's saliva and Zhengyang grass have also been collected, he will try to add the ancient alchemy of the good luck pill scripture after the trial of the cross channel is over. Refined.

If the refining is successful, with the magical medicinal properties of the ancient pill, Ye Hao is sure to break the Denglong Tripolar Realm into the Domineering Blood Realm in one fell swoop.

At that time, only relying on his physique, he was afraid it would be enough to contend with the strong celestial phenomena.

"Cough cough cough"

Just as Ye Hao's thoughts turned, the aftermath of the raging and violent power in front finally calmed down, and at the bottom of the deep pit that was like a meteorite, a violent cough suddenly came out.

"not dead?!"

Ye Hao's expression changed drastically, and he looked into the deep pit in disbelief. He saw a tattered figure lying at the bottom, bleeding from his seven orifices, and his face was full of palpitations from the rest of his life. It was Wang Shi's resentment.

At this moment, Wang Shiyuan's white clothes were torn, and he had long been soaked with blood, scarlet, and even most of his body was **** and bloody. He could clearly see the white broken bones and broken organs, which was extremely shocking.

Such a terrifying injury, I am afraid that the average celestial phenomenon realm powerhouse has long since died unable to die, but the Wang Shiyuan of the Lingyan realm still hangs a sigh of relief and has not completely fallen.

"How can it be?"

Ye Hao's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help thinking that Wang Shiyuan had swallowed a lot of pills before, and there seemed to be a few Nirvana pills in it, but even if the Nirvana pills were supernatural, they would only have the effect of restoring his injuries. Golden body fist.

"Hey, hahaha, it's really dangerous, I almost capsized the ship in the gutter!" Wang Shiyi gasped and laughed wildly, his blood-stained face was full of sullen unwillingness, "If you didn't have that space escape talisman, you would have almost fallen into your hand."

Ye Hao's eyes shrank suddenly, and then he discovered that although Wang Shiyuan was lying at the bottom of the pit, his figure looked a little vague, as if he was not in the same space as him, which was extremely strange.

"Sure enough, it is a space escape!"

Ye Hao's heart was shocked. The paradise of protection such as Space Escape Talisman can only be refined by the supreme who is proficient in the way of space. Even if Han Wudi, who is now at the peak of Xiaoyao, is also proficient in the way of space, it is estimated that he will not be able to do this.

The way of space is so powerful that Han Wudi was hailed as the world's first celestial phenomenon, which can be said to have a close relationship with this.

It is precisely because of this that the Space Escape Talisman can be said to be extremely rare in this world, and it is truly a rare treasure of protection.

Because once the Space Escape Talisman is activated, it will form a very mysterious small space shelter holder, like a mirror, making all attacks like illusion, unless you step into the realm of freedom and have an understanding of space, you will not hurt at all. To the slightest.

The Space Escape Talisman in Wang Shiyuan's hand was actually incomplete. It was obtained from a ruin and was already on the verge of collapse, otherwise he would be unscathed this time and would not end in such a miserable situation.

Of course, the Space Escape Talisman is his last card. Although he has escaped with this, Wang Shi’s heart is still palpitating. If he hadn’t used the blood of the three-legged golden crow in that ruin to refine his body, I’m afraid it would count. With this broken space escape talisman sheltered, it was unable to completely resist the previous blow.

The talented young man used that type of magical powers really caused him too much shock, and his heart still cannot be completely calmed down.

"Being able to get the inheritance of the Xuanhuang Nine Turns Heavenly Skill, the luck of the body is really not weak, and there are even this kind of hole cards." Wang Shiyuan coughed violently, and could not even get up, but there was no fear in his eyes. , Staring at the young man like this, "What is that gray bead? What magical power did you use just now?"

Ye Hao did not speak, gritted his teeth and took a step, but his figure staggered for a while and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Hao sighed softly in his heart. For the first time he used the Indestructible Golden Body Fist, he knew that although this magical power was strong, its consumption was too terrifying. At this moment, his body's strength was completely drained, let alone continue to shoot, even maintain Standing extremely reluctant.


"In the future, if it is not a last resort, this magical power must not be used easily!"

Ye Hao's eyes flickered slightly, and the Immortal Golden Body Fist was like a double-edged sword. If he couldn't solve the battle after being urged, then he was really in the same state as the fish on the chopping board, and could only be slaughtered. , The risk is too great.

"I don't know if the situation will get better after the Extreme Realm Method breaks through to the Domineering Blood Realm."

Ye Hao thought, but there was no panic on his face, because once the Space Escape Talisman was activated, even the caster could not terminate it, let alone Wang Shi complained that his current state was worse than him, and he couldn't turn it over in a short time. Upset.


In the deep pit, Wang Shizheng lay on his back at the bottom, and after a long sigh, he grinned and said, "It's okay if you don't say it. One day, everything in you will belong to me!"


Wang Shiyuan's body space trembles suddenly, and his figure is rapidly blurred at this moment. At the same time, he struggles to pinch the tactics between his fingers. After a short time, the nine phoenix mirror in the distance and the wild umbrella covering the sky above become two streams of light. , Instantly submerged in him.

"Shen Xuan, I will come to see you again! Hahahaha"

In the sullen and crazy laughter, Wang Shiyuan broke through the world under the space escape talisman and disappeared in an instant, but Ye Hao could only watch him go away, and finally fell soft and fell on his head. Ground.

At the bottom of the deep pit, only the piece of trial jade that could not be taken away from this place was left, and it was faintly brilliant.


Outside the trial place, a faint stream of light flashed and disappeared, but the strong people of all races on the lake below had not noticed it. Only the four supreme-level powerhouses on the sky were aware of it and couldn't help but squint.

"Is that the kid named Wang Shiyuan?" Li Taibai raised his eyebrows, his face was full of surprise, "Looking at his appearance, he was defeated? Did he meet Jiang Tage?"

"What happened in the last stage of the trial?"

Shenggong Yan also frowned and pondered, his eyes appearing solemnly.

"That space talisman seems incomplete, do you want me to bring him back?"

Li Taibai spoke, but was finally stopped by Sheng Gong Yan shaking his head, "I have a hunch that something big will happen in the trial area. Let's not act rashly."

On the side, the Bloodlin Clan and the Six Armed Clan Supreme were also aware of the traces of the space escape amulet, but in the presence of the two Academy Supremes, they couldn’t take it rashly, and they didn’t have the slightest entanglement about Wang Shi’s complaint. It doesn't make much sense to shoot.

At this moment, Wang Shiyuan's face paled in the streamer that swept to the distance. After taking out a pill with great difficulty and taking it, the breath on his body improved slightly, and then his eyes were grinning. "Shen Xuan, I remember you!"

"It seems we still have to go to the far north first"

At this time, in the last stage of the trial, with the appearance of the gray bead from Ye Hao before, a layer of faint air flow abruptly rolled up above the nine heavens, like the faint fireflies scattered all over the place being pulled by some kind of traction. It is gathered into a disheveled, rickety phantom with blood from the seven orifices.

In the center of the paralyzed paralyzed place where this phantom twilight is depressed, the top of the stone statue on top of the earth, with its head lowered like a mad man who has lost his mind, the creepy and desperate muttering sounded from his mouth again and again. :

"Heaven and earth are unintentional, the people have their own destiny, the sacredness is long gone, and the world is not peaceful"

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