Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 440: Zhang Hengqu

The Confucian scholar in the blue shirt bowed his hands and bowed to the end, his expression was extremely sincere, even with a trace of admiration.

This worship is a Confucian disciple's ceremony, and it can also be said to be the highest courtesy of Confucianism. Ye Hao's eyes widened at this moment, and his mind seemed to be bombarded by a million immortal thunder and buzzed.

In any case, he couldn't think that there was such a mysterious space in the brow of the stone statue that was as high as the sky, and what shocked Ye Hao the most was the identity of the scholar in the blue shirt.

Confucian Zhang Zai, isn't it the one-foot-opening cross-channel Zhang Sheng that shook the ancient and the present? !

Ye Hao's expression was stiff and his mouth was dry. At the same time, a storm was already set off in his heart, and he couldn't calm down.

Although Zhang Sheng has only risen today and anciently, it has been at least tens of thousands of years since his fall. This is something that even the Jixia Academy has recognized. How could he have been in this trial ground? Appear inside the stone statue?

The most important thing is, if the Confucian scholar in front of him is really Zhang Sheng, then why does he bow to himself so much and call himself a senior very abnormally? If this is spread out, I am afraid the whole world will set off a shocking storm.

The detachment of the saint can be seen only by looking at the power of Cangzu. Even the forbidden strong man who stepped into the supreme realm can only lower his eyebrows and bow his head in front of the saint, because although the latter stands at the top of the pyramid, the saint is It has long since been separated from the supreme existence of the pyramid, and ordinary people simply cannot guess.

At this moment, Ye Hao's thoughts were completely confused, and he didn't know what to do. After a long while, he suppressed the shock in his heart, and his voice was extremely dry: "You admit the wrong person?"

Ye Hao is not sure whether the person in front of him is really the sage that astounded the past and the present at Jixia Academy, but in any case, it must be an unimaginable existence. Such a terrifying figure salutes him, and it really makes the teenager feel all over. Hairy, extremely uncomfortable.

The Confucian scholar in the green shirt stood up and shook his head gently and said: "There is no order in learning, and the master is the teacher. You can't go wrong."

Ye Hao frowned suspiciously, and said, "Do you know who I am?"

The scholar in Qingshan shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Ye Hao's eyes twitched, and he felt speechless. He didn't even know who the other party was, and when he came up, he called to the senior. If it weren't for the terrifying scholar in the green shirt, I'm afraid he would have turned and left.

Ye Hao was very self-aware. Although he said that the Burning Fire Realm had long been completed, he was actually incomparable with the unfathomable Qingshan scholar in front of him.

Because the gap between the two is even greater than the gap between the ants and the Nine Heavens Dragon.

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan seemed to know his doubts, and took a deep breath, his expression was a bit complicated and said: "Senior can ever"

"Don't call me senior."

Ye Hao was busy correcting, being called senior by such an unfathomable existence of terror, he really felt that he couldn't adapt.

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan chuckled and shook his head. Fortunately, he is not a pedantic person. After a little hesitation, he sighed slightly: "Have you ever heard of the four wild words that I did not know when I was enlightened in my early years?"

Ye Hao frowned slightly, and then his eyes suddenly tightened, finally remembering which four cynicisms the Confucian scholar said.

Set up a heart for the heaven and the earth, set up a life for the people, for the sacred and inherit the best knowledge, and open peace for all ages.

These four sentences are exactly the supreme aspiration that Zhang Sheng, a Confucianist, cut out of the cross channel at the beginning of his enlightenment.

It is precisely because of this that Jixia Academy, a sage who astounded the past and the present, was also called Zhang Hengqu by the world.


It's just that the four Hengqu four sentences that made countless cultivators admire from the bottom of their hearts turned into four wild words in the mouth of this Qingshan Confucian, which made Ye Hao's mind also suffered a great impact.

"Are you really Zhang Sheng?"

Ye Hao couldn't help swallowing, his voice was extremely dry and asked.

The scholar in Qingshan nodded with a smile.

Ye Hao's mind roared, his expression on his face completely stiff, it is true that the expression of the four sentences of Hengqu by the Qingshan scholar does not seem to be false, and if he is really malicious, Ye Hao does not think that the other party needs such a costly deception. Yourself.

However, even though it was the second time to be affirmed by the former, the shock that Ye Hao suffered from the bottom of his heart was beyond description.

"Aren't you dead?"

Ye Hao subconsciously exited, and then he consciously lost words. The Qingshan Confucian did not seem to care at all. He sighed: "Zhang has indeed fallen, even disappeared, and it can be reproduced now, all because of your senior."

Ye Hao looked blank and didn't understand what the appearance of this sage of academy had to do with him.

After pondering, Ye Hao continued to speak: "Then after I entered this place, have you been calling me to come?"

Ye Hao couldn't help thinking that after stepping into the trial ground, the extremely mysterious summoning power seemed to be the work of the Confucian scholar in front of him.

However, to Ye Hao's surprise, the former shook his head when he heard the words, and said quietly, "It's not me."

"It's this little world."

Ye Hao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't understand what he meant, but before he could ask further, the Confucian scholar in Qingshan gave another respect, and said respectfully: "At this point, I still have to thank seniors for letting Zhang fall for tens of thousands of years. Later, I can still know the four rants that I let go of that year. Although I can't do it myself, there are still sages who have never stopped.

Ye Hao's face was even more blank. The four lines of the Confucianist Zhang Sheng's horizontal channels have made countless cultivators in the world admire the hearts of countless practitioners. Existence was amazed, but according to what Zhang Sheng said at this moment, the ambition he had set back then could not even be achieved by himself?

There are rumors in the world that Zhang Sheng's fall was due to the collapse of his own Dao Heart. Isn't it groundless?

Ye Hao vaguely grasped something, and the stormy waves could not help but set off in his heart. If you know that the existence that can break through the supreme realm and step into the holy realm, a Dao heart can be said to be more than those female gold gods. Go to such a height.

Such a supreme existence, causing its Dao Heart to collapse, can be said to be more difficult than beheading it.

In thinking, Ye Hao frowned again. The four-sentence ambition that Zhang Sheng said just now, although he couldn't do it himself, there are sages who have never stopped.

"That you are not talking about me, are you?"

Ye Hao looked at the front with a weird look. How old he is this year, and his foundation is innocent, how could he be the so-called former sage in Zhang Sheng's mouth.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao's heart suddenly jumped, unconsciously recalling the mysterious Skywalker who had crossed the long river of time outside the Kunlun restricted area.

After Skywalker appeared, it was as if he had known Ye Hao a long time ago, not only repelling Cang Ancestor for him, but also constantly reminding him that time is running out and he must become stronger as soon as possible.

"Who am I?"

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