Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 442: Brand of sin and blood, shackles of soul (2)

The spiritual development realm can be said to be the last and most important accumulation of the cultivator's foundation. There are even rumors that the foundation of this realm will have a great influence on the cultivator's future involvement in the realm of saints, and it is not sloppy.

If you want to evolve your own spiritual veins, the cultivator must refine the heaven and earth source fire, and refine his Dao soul, spiritual power, meridians, and physique to the extreme, and then he can sense the opportunity for his own spiritual veins to evolve.

It stands to reason that after refining the Chaos Immortal Fire, Ye Hao had already refined all aspects of himself to the extreme, and he couldn't be more complete at the level of Burning Fire, but he never sensed the opportunity for his own spiritual veins to evolve, which can be said to be extremely abnormal.

"how can that be?"

Hearing that, even the Confucian scholars in Qingshan were stunned. He originally thought that the youth was deliberately suppressing himself, because even from his perspective, the accumulation of the former is extremely amazing, not weaker than those of the immortal patriarchs. , If you want to evolve the spiritual veins, it should be a matter of course, how can you not sense the opportunity of breaking?

"Senior, when Zhang opened up this trial site, he had left behind some players. You might as well try again."

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan groaned and spoke, Ye Hao nodded when he heard the words, and closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

However, as time slowly passed, Ye Hao still did not sense the opportunity to derive his own spiritual veins, and finally reluctantly opened his eyes and shook his head at the former.

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan frowned slightly and asked, "Senior, don't you feel a trace of special power permeates this world?"

Hearing that, Ye Hao still shook his head, his face felt helpless. He had heard Xie Daoyun mention this a while ago, but he didn't feel the slightest special in this world.

"It makes no sense."

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan muttered to himself. After thinking for a while, he looked at Ye Hao and said, "Senior, if you don't mind, can you let Zhang take a look?"

Ye Hao hesitated for a moment, and even after agreeing to it, after all, if the former's unfathomable strength were to be disadvantageous to him, there was no need for such exhaustion.

"So it is offended."

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan bowed a respectfully, making Ye Hao uncomfortable again.


In the next instant, the Confucian scholar in the blue shirt took a step forward, like a shuttle space, and instantly appeared in front of Ye Hao, with slender jade fingers suddenly touching the center of his eyebrows.

Suddenly, a force of divine consciousness that was as vast as the ocean, poured into Ye Hao's body like a tide.

It was only at this moment that Ye Hao suddenly realized that even though the Confucian scholar in the blue shirt said that his sleeves were floating, his figure was faintly illusory. It was obviously just a state of spirit, not an entity.

It's just that it's just the current state, even if the Qingshan Confucian converges all his energy, Ye Hao can still feel a vast and boundless force faintly radiating from the former.

At this moment, he seemed to be facing the majestic sea, and also like facing the boundless starry sky and universe, he couldn't figure out its depth at all.

"Is this a saint?"

Ye Hao's heart roared, as if the blood had stopped flowing, it seemed that in front of this qingshan scholar, he was like an ant, and the former was enough to kill him countless times with just one breath.

At this moment, Ye Hao really realized how lucky he was to escape from Cangzu in Kunlun Ruins.

"Will such a terrifying existence actually fall?"

After the shock, Ye Hao couldn't help becoming more solemn. He really couldn't imagine what kind of change it was that made existences like Zhang Sheng desperate to see no trace of hope, and the Dao Heart collapsed, and the miserable end was wiped out.

For the thoughts in his mind, the scholar in Qingshan seemed to have no time to pay attention, his brows were frowned, and his elegant face gradually became dignified, a trace of extremely thin, but the pressure of the saint, which was enough to crush the sky, diffused at this moment.

auzw.com boom!

For an instant, the mysterious space vibrated and roared, and even the stone statues outside, and even the entire trial site, shook violently at this moment, and the scene was extremely shocking.


Under the pressure of this sage, Ye Hao's figure trembled violently, and his whole body's blood was like boiling magma at this time, with a very strange roar, and even in the blood, there appeared numerous and complicated blood-colored symbols. The text is extremely small, like sinking sand in the vast ocean, densely packed, countless.

"what is this?"

Ye Hao's complexion changed, and his breathing became even more sluggish. He was forcibly enduring the pain of blood burning. He was unbelievably strange inside his body, even he himself didn't know that there were these blood colors in his blood. Rune.

"It's a vicious blood curse." The Confucian scholar in Qingshan said with sharp eyes and a solemn expression. "Hold on again."


While the blue shirt was drifting without wind, a more vast and terrifying coercion filled his body, and the divine consciousness suddenly poured into the sea of ​​young knowledge at this moment.

"this is"

After seeing Ye Hao's half of the soul that seemed to be soaked in ink, the Confucian scholar in Qingshan was slightly startled, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

And the sealed evil spirit seemed to know what a terrifying existence he was facing at this moment, and he was extremely clever and did not appear.

"This thing depends on blessings and misfortunes, it may be your chance." The Confucian scholar in Qingshan groaned, and then ignored the evil spirits, slowly covering the young spirit with the coercive consciousness of the saint.


As the spiritual consciousness of the Confucian scholar in the blue shirt spread, Ye Hao's spirit made a weird sound, as if a thick iron chain was dragging, and immediately after his spirit, a blood chain appeared suddenly, as if Embedded in Ye Hao's soul, firmly bound his whole person.

These blood-colored chains are extremely strange, not like the runes of Zhou Tianxing's Sealing Demon Array, which exist on the surface of the gods and souls, but appear from the inside out, as if they were born with them.


"What the **** is this?!"

The Qingshan Confucian spoke in a deep voice, and even the evil spirit couldn't help but scream. Obviously, even it couldn't think of the existence of these weird blood chains in the young spirit.

The scholar in Qingshan exhaled, slowly retracting his fingers.

Ye Hao's face was blank, and a stormy wave had already been set off in his heart, and he couldn't calm down at all.

In any case, he couldn't think of the existence of these weird things in the depths of his own blood and soul. You must know that even Shen Jiuyou hadn't noticed it at the beginning, which showed that it was strange and mysterious.

"What exactly is this?"

Ye Hao suppressed the horror in his heart and looked at the Qingshan Scholar with anxious eyes.

The scholar Qingshan sighed, his complexion and solemn expression: "A very vicious blood curse, it is precisely because of its existence that it has blocked all the possibilities of your spiritual veins and breakthroughs."

"Blood curse?"

Ye Hao's figure was shocked, like being struck by lightning, at this moment in his heart, he couldn't help but recall the two weird words that his grandfather said at the beginning.

The blood of sin, the shackles of the soul.

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