Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 444: Refine the sun and the moon, develop the spiritual veins (2)

Hearing this, Ye Hao's eyes shrank involuntarily, and an unprecedented fiery color appeared on his face.

A cultivator can derive spiritual veins three times in his lifetime, but the number of times to derive spiritual veins is not the better.

It is not unreasonable that the so-called rushing, declining, and exhausting are not unreasonable. Among the countless sages and powerful deductions, if the cultivator can completely evolve his spiritual veins once, the future benefits can be said to be unimaginable.

But after all, all this is just a deduction. The vast majority of the world's cultivators can derive their spiritual veins three times. It is said that only some peerless arrogances who have great opportunities can successfully derive their spiritual veins twice. .

As for the evil spirits that completely evolve the spirit veins once, they only exist in legends. There are rumors in the world. The most sacred master of Jixia Academy and the master of Swordsman who founded the ancient sword sect, and the sacred land of Yaochi Only a handful of people who had shocked the ancients and shattered the present, and had been invincible for an era, Queen Mother West took this spirit to the extreme in the legend.

Moreover, in addition to the number of times of deriving spiritual channels, the number of spiritual channels also has a vital impact on the strength and accumulation of the practitioner. It is really too difficult to derive spiritual channels. This state is even called the small catastrophe of spiritual development, and the degree of danger. It's not much worse than Nirvana.

It is precisely because of this that if you can derive 25 spirit veins, you are already at the top Saint Child level. If you can derive more than 30 spirit veins, you can definitely be regarded as the Tianjiao among the Tianjiao, even the Tianyan Sect. The Heavenly Flame Emperor's son who finally fell into Ye Hao's hands to kill the human world, was able to derive only thirty-three spiritual veins.

You know, the Tianyan Sect is willing to devote all its resources to cultivate the killing world, one is because of his and even the blood of the noble one, and a large part of the reason is because the killing world has evolved 33 spiritual veins.

Thinking back to everything about the spirit generation realm in his mind, Ye Hao couldn't help but breathe quickly, because in the inheritance left to him by Shen Jiuyou, it was mentioned that the number of spirit veins and the number of spirit veins have a very mysterious causal relationship. If you can fully derive your own accumulated foundation into spiritual veins in a single blow, the number of spiritual veins is definitely more than that of a person who derives three or even twice.

It is also for this reason that countless cultivators of the Burning Fire Realm would like to visit Jixia Academy. It is said that in this sage academy, there is a unique secret technique for evolving spiritual veins, and there is a certain chance that the cultivator will The second time when it fades again, it completely evolves its own spiritual veins.

According to rumors, the famous Hanlin in Jixia Academy walked Qi Hanlin. He cultivated that unique secret technique and completely derives his own spiritual veins in the second time. The number of spiritual veins is even more shockingly forty. The number of five points can be said to be truly stunning, rare in ancient and modern times.

You know, the Killing World, which only derives 33 spirit veins, is so powerful and famous, let alone the freak who derives forty-five spirit veins.

It is no wonder that Qi Hanlin of Jixia Academy can compete with enchanting evildoers like Zhang Kuaixue. The strength of these characters is beyond imagination and cannot be judged by common sense.

But right now, while Ye Hao is breaking the blood curse, he still has the opportunity to derive spiritual veins in one go. It is even more amazing than the unique secret technique of Jixia Academy. With such a monstrous opportunity, I am afraid that even if the Supreme Realm giant encounters it, I can't wait for it. Able to re-derive one's own spiritual veins.

"Thank you Zhang Sheng!"

Ye Haoqiang suppressed the turmoil in his heart, took a deep breath and bowed to the former, but he just moved, an irresistible force prevented him from continuing to salute.

"Senior, you don't need to be polite."

The Confucian scholar in the green shirt smiled indifferently, and sighed with a distant look: "Zhang has a faint foreboding that this world is afraid that there will be major changes in the near future. Now I regain my soul, I only hope that with my broken body, I can still help the world. , For this world, do my last effort."

Ye Hao's heart was shaken, the former is selfless and responsible, and he really deserves the position of a saint.

"Hehe, seniors don't need to think too much. Zhang also intends to forge a good relationship with seniors. I only hope that one day in the future, when my Jixia Academy is in trouble, if seniors have the ability, please help me. "

auzw.com The Confucian scholars in Qingshan speak very earnestly. The gentleman's magnanimity, and his actions and thoughts, can be shown to others.

Ye Hao smiled bitterly and didn't know how to answer. After all, with the background of Jixia Academy, it can be said that no power in the whole world is willing to provoke, even if it is the immortal Taoism, they are extremely jealous of this sage academy. If there is really Jixia in the future Ye Hao didn't think he could change anything because of the catastrophe that the Academy couldn't be spared.

As for the young man’s mind, the Qingshan Confucian seemed to know exactly what he was thinking, but he seemed to be very sure of the character of the former, and did not continue to say anything. A blood curse, but it is extremely domineering. If you can survive it successfully, you can derive your spiritual veins with one blow."

After a slight pause, he chuckled and said, "It is said that the Master of the Jixia Academy, the Sword Ancestor of Jianzong, and the Queen Mother of the West and the Taoist Ancestor of Sanqing Mountain, they all 48 spiritual veins have been derived. This number is also the universally recognized limit of spiritual veins. I hope you can seize this opportunity."

Ye Hao's heart was shocked, and he didn't know the true limit of the number of spirit veins until this moment. From this point, you can also see how enchanting the Hanlin walk that evolves forty-five spirit veins in Jixia Academy.

"let's start."

The scholar in the green shirt sighed slightly. After the young man sat cross-legged, his sleeves lightly waved, and a wisp of air filled with the pressure of the saint enveloped Ye Hao. Then, he looked at the top of the stone hall as if Can see the outside scene through this mysterious space.

"It's time to make the best use of everything."

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan murmured, and then slowly stretched out his palm, and grabbed it towards the void.

Suddenly, in the final level of the trial level, the earth shook, the sky shook, and the sky shook, especially the shining scarlet sun and the cold cold moon on the sky. At this moment, it was shrinking and teetering, and was finally completely destroyed by an imaginary hand. Master, disappear within the eyebrows of the stone statue.

Hold the sun and the moon and pick the stars!

Such a shocking handwriting, I am afraid that no one in the entire world can do it except the saint.

In the mysterious space between the eyebrows of the stone statue, Ye Hao stared in horror at the two rounds of the sun and moon that had shrunk countless times in the hands of the former. The terrifying coercion of the Emperor Dao's soldiers made his bones creak, if not for that strand. With the saint's coercive air machine sheltering, I am afraid that this imperial force alone would be enough to crush him countless times.

"The sun and the moon in this world are actually the ancestors of the two races?"

Ye Hao couldn't help but set off stormy waves in his heart. If the six-armed clan and the bloodlin clan emperor were in a sober state at this moment, I am afraid he would really understand why the two of them could not sense the existence of the ancestors.

Because these two Jidao Emperor Soldiers hang in the sky far away, they are too far away, and there is also a seal that Zhang Sheng personally displayed on them. With only their two spirit evolving realm cultivators, even with their blood, they will inevitably not be aware of it. slightest.


In astonishment, the Confucian scholar in the green shirt filled the palm of the Dao rune, and immediately flicked his finger, and the next moment, the sun and moon light wheel exuding the terrifying coercion suddenly fell into Ye Hao's body.



Ye Hao's eyes were splitting, and he screamed bitterly, and a violent wave of air broke out from his body instantly, causing the entire mysterious space to vibrate violently and roar continuously.

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