Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 446: The saint is immortal, the thieves are more

The deep drink of the Confucian scholar in the green shirt made Ye Hao suddenly return to his senses. Although the blood curse in his body has been resolved, the two ancestral artifacts of the Blood Lin tribe and the Six-armed tribe still exist, and the magic emanating from these two ancestral artifacts The power made him feel the opportunity to evolve the spiritual veins more clearly than ever before. Such a formidable opportunity, it can be said that few people have been able to meet throughout the ages.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Ye Hao immediately closed his eyes and settled, feeling the mysterious and mysterious feeling in his body. The derivation of the spiritual veins is extremely mysterious. Even the cultivators who have passed this state can't tell the specifics. As for those who are strong and even saints, it is natural. Able to insight into one or two, but neither would like to say more.

"The Lingering Realm is extremely special. You have to explore it yourself to have the deepest understanding. It will be easier to condense the phenomena of heaven and earth in the future. If others point out that the harm is greater than the benefit, so everything depends on you."

The Qingshan Confucian said with a solemn expression: "The derivation of the spiritual veins is simply a comparison of their respective accumulations. The effort of holding the Buddha's feet temporarily is of no use, so you just have to go with the flow."

Listening to the former's words, Ye Hao's mind gradually became quiet, his body's qi machine roared along the mysterious and mysterious feeling, and an extremely mysterious aura filled his whole body unconsciously.


Suddenly, an earth-shaking tiger roar suddenly erupted from Ye Hao's body, and a fierce and mighty white tiger phantom condensed strangely behind him, screaming up to the sky, and immediately submerged in his body.

"Sky Demon Tiger Clan?" The Qingshan Confucian nodded secretly, "It seems to be the blood of the Demon Emperor. Although it is thin, it is not a small help."


At the moment when the white tiger phantom disappeared, Ye Hao faintly heard a humming, and then the three mysterious lines that seemed to be between the essence and the illusion quietly appeared, fleeting, and the breath of the young man was at this moment. Climbed in vain.

"Three spiritual veins, not bad."

The Confucian scholar in the green shirt nodded, and a look of expectation faintly appeared in his eyes.


Soon, a fierce roar erupted in Ye Hao's body, like a volcanic eruption, a tsunami surging, and behind him, a hazy figure of a human figure appeared, a domineering, supreme aura of self-dominant eruption, this way The phantom took a step forward and suddenly merged into the former.

"this is"

The eyes of the Confucian scholar in Qingshan shrunk slightly, and the phantom figure disappeared so fast that even he could not see through.

You know, even though he is only a remnant soul, his vision is still there after all, so that even a saint can't see through it at a glance. This is really amazing.

Of course, even Ye Hao himself was a little shocked, because just now the vision was derived from the mysterious essence and blood he had already refined. At this moment, under the mysterious power of the second race ancestors, that drop of essence and blood actually looked like It was refined again from his flesh and blood, and finally evolved into four spiritual veins, completely disappearing.

Ye Hao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the two ancestors of the Blood Lin tribe and the Six Arms tribe were so mysterious. They seemed to be able to force out all the potential in the body that he didn't know, and finally evolve into a spiritual vein.


At this moment, Ye Hao suddenly realized that the mysterious and unpredictable Dao rune on his chest, under the power of the second race ancestors, seemed to be drawn by some kind, and it also diffused a mysterious brilliance, and finally condensed it. The four spiritual veins.

"This is the Holy Spirit body of the Holy Spirit Race?" The Qingshan Confucian was a little surprised. He hadn't noticed this when he observed the youth before. "It seems to be a little different from the true Holy Spirit Race. Can the Holy Spirit body be cultivated? "


Astonishment appeared in the eyes of the Confucian scholar in the green shirt, faintly unable to see the young man before him.


In silence, a dull thunder resounded abruptly, and in a moment, Ye Hao surrounded his body with dark purple electric lights, like thunder dragons, exuding extremely astonishing power.

"Yin Ming Thunder Seed?!" The Confucian scholar in Qingshan raised his eyebrows, his eyes were even more surprised, "Senior is worthy of being a senior, it's a great opportunity, just relying on the current realm, he can actually refine these wonders of heaven and earth. "

Of course, he didn't know that the seed of the thunder had been surrendered by Shen Jiuyou's refining once, so Ye Hao didn't have much difficulty in refining it.

"The Thunder Seed of Yin and Ming can evolve five spiritual veins, and it really deserves to be a miracle of heaven and earth with both Yin and Yang."

The Qingshan Confucian said to himself that now the former has evolved 16 spiritual veins in total, which is quite amazing, because even if the general emperor-level Tianjiao uses the power of the Dao soul, I am afraid that it will not be able to derive this number of spiritual veins for the first time.

It needs to be known that the Dao Soul and Dao Soul cultivation techniques are the greatest help in deriving spiritual veins, and right now Ye Hao can derive sixteen spiritual veins without relying on the power of the Tao soul, which is absolutely stunning.

"Next, the power of the Dao Soul should be used." The Qingshan Confucian squinted his eyes and stared at Ye Hao's abdomen. He seemed to be able to see the scene of his life in the sea, and he could not help but frown slightly, "Why do I follow this soul Haven't seen it? What kind of cultivation method is used to condense the Dao Soul, it shouldn't be weak if you look at it."


While the Confucian scholar in the green shirt was talking to himself, Ye Hao ordered the four imperial soldiers in the sea, namely the Dragon Sword, the Soul Bridge, the Heaven Breaking Halberd, and the Xuanhuang Flag, to explode into a shocking spirit. As for the remaining five imperial soldiers, they are There was no movement, and it was still floating quietly.

The next moment.

The humanoid Dao soul that stood like a fairy and a demon in the sea, like an immortal monument, also filled with a mysterious and mysterious aura, and the superb aura permeated the entire sea of ​​life, and finally let Ye Hao's body, Ten mysterious veins appeared again.

"Ten spiritual veins?" The Confucian scholar in Qingshan frowned. "Although it's not bad, you can see the aura of this soul, it should be more than that, it's weird."

The Qingshan Confucian guess was correct. After all, Ye Hao's cultivation of Xuanhuang Tiangong was not complete, and it was extremely shocking to be able to derive ten spiritual veins based on this.


At this moment, inside Ye Hao who was sitting cross-legged, bursts of roars suddenly burst out, like thousands of thunder bursts, and like a sea of ​​anger surging, when a vast and terrifying wave of blood erupted, his body actually condensed ten Three mysterious spiritual veins, shining brightly, fleetingly, seem to be hidden in the deepest part of the body.

"Thirteenth article?"

This scene changed the face of the Confucian scholar in Qingshan, and his eyes appeared unbelievable and amazed. As far as he knew, even the extraordinary secrets of body refining, like the six golden body of the endless buddha, would never It is possible for the practitioner to evolve thirteen spiritual veins in this state.

"Don't talk about a body refining secret technique, even with a special physique, it is difficult to reach this level." The Qingshan scholar frowned, and there was a look of uncertainty in his eyes. "What is the secret body refining technique? Have such terrible potential?"

In the silence of the Confucian scholar in Qingshan, the room gradually fell silent. Ye Hao sat quietly, his aura suddenly became strong and weak, and even the ancestors of the second race became extremely weak, as if it would be complete after a short time. disappear.

At this moment, there are thirty-nine spiritual veins evolving from the youth.

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