Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 450: Seal the world supreme (3)

Above the sky, the Confucian scholars in blue shirts carried the jade ruler, their clothes wafted, and there was endless romantic freehand brushwork. The turbulent awe-inspiring righteousness gathered like a shocking tsunami, and finally all poured into the jade ruler.


The heavenly ruler was bright, and a dull loud noise erupted from it, as if some kind of seal shackles had been broken, endless runes of the avenue appeared, and the terrifying breath made the sky violently shake for hundreds of thousands of miles, like It is going to be unable to withstand the complete collapse.

The Jidao Saint Soldier is too terrifying, and the mere wisp of air that it emits is like it can crush the eternity, break the sky, let the world shatter, and subvert the universe, if it is fully erupted, it is impossible to imagine its true power.

"A little bit of breath, a thousand miles of breeze."

The Confucian scholar in the green shirt loosened his palm, and the sound shook the world. In the next moment, the dazzling crystal jade ruler, with the mighty brilliance and righteousness, disappeared into the distance instantly as if breaking open space.

The world was silent and silent. Everyone in the room, including the four supreme princes, was tense, staring at the distance dumbfounded, the measuring ruler had long since disappeared, and even the supreme-level gods could not detect the slightest trace. There is only an invisible crack in the space, which seems to cut the entire space in half.

"What does he want to do?"

The six-armed supreme voice was dry, and some did not understand the former's intention.

The supreme Xuelin clan shook his head with great fear. Although he didn't know the deep meaning of Zhang Sheng letting the Tianzhi leave again, the pressure on his body at this moment, especially his supreme, felt shocked.

Since entering the realm of supremacy, he can say that he has not experienced this kind of feeling for thousands of years.

In fact, let alone the two of them, even Sheng Gong Yan and Li Taibai didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Sheng's move, let alone the powerhouses of the other parties, they all looked inexplicable.

But even so, even those who are dull at this moment are also aware that today, the entire Southern Territory, and even the entire world, will undergo earth-shattering drastic changes.



When there was silence in the room, an angry shout suddenly sounded in the distance, and at the same time, a mighty supreme pressure surged like a raging wave, hitting the sky, causing the sky to shatter instantly like paper.

"Measure the sky ruler?" This anger sounded again, shaking the world, "Shenggong Yan, are you going to fight my Feng Lei Sect at Jixia Academy?"

In the next instant, nothingness in the distance burst directly, and the measuring ruler filled with terrifying runes rushed out first, and then a powerful and bright figure also rushed out of the space cracks, the mighty supreme pressure filled the sky, suppressing the world.

"The founding ancestor of Wind Lei Zong?"

"This old guy is still alive!"

The moment the former appeared, the powers of all parties were completely crushed by this violent supreme coercion, and the heavens and people trembled all over, and it was extremely difficult to prevent themselves from kneeling down.

As for the four supreme lords above, they were all a little shocked at this moment. Fenglei Zong was the supreme orthodoxy of the Southern Territory, with the supreme realm giants in charge, which can be said to be extremely brilliant and extremely powerful.

But at present, people are not the well-known Fenglei Zong supreme, but the first ancestor of the Fenglei Zong first generation. It stands to reason that this person has been cut off from his life ten thousand years ago and completely sat down. No one thought that he was still alive. Yu Shi.

One side of Taoism double supreme, Feng Lei Zong's formidable, really beyond everyone's expectations.

"you are"

auzw.com At the moment when the Supreme Feng Lei Zong arrived, he immediately saw the middle-aged Confucian scholar in the precarious blue shirt. There was a thick face of unbelievable and amazement. He originally thought it was Yan The Holy Father urged the Momentum Ruler, but who would have thought that there was someone else.

"Zhang Sheng?!"

Soon, the Supreme Feng Lei Zong finally recognized the identity of the former, his face was indescribable. When he pioneered the rise of Feng Lei Zong, although Zhang Sheng had already fallen, he had more than one Confucian sage. I have seen its statue once.

"You and you haven't fallen yet?" Feng Lei Zong Supreme suppressed his heart with horror, and his expression was a little gloomy, "Why did Zhang Sheng act on my Zong Supreme? My Feng Lei Zong has never offended Jixia Academy."

In addition to the dormant ancestor of the first mountain, Feng Lei Sect also has a supreme realm giant sitting on the surface, but he was directly suppressed and sealed by the measuring ruler. If it were not for the powerful ancestor of the Feng Lei sect, he would probably end up in the same way, unable to chase. The measuring ruler appeared here.

"There is a breath of immortality in the body. The chance is amazing. No wonder you can live a second life."

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan spoke lightly, making the ancestor of Defeng Lei Zong's face even more gloomy. When his life was about to die ten thousand years ago, he was lucky enough to get a rhizome of the immortal medicine. It was for this reason that he was able to break the supreme longevity. Yuan's destiny lives in the second life against the sky.

Apart from the suppressed supreme of Feng Lei Zong, this secret can be said to be unknown, and his existence is also the biggest hole card of Feng Lei Zong.

But in the eyes of the former, all of this seems to be invisible at all.

"I have no hatred with your sect, and I will not target the others. It is just to make your sect supreme self-proclaimed for a thousand years, but he is unwilling, then I can only do it myself." The scholar in Qingshan holds the measuring ruler. Speak lightly.

The Supreme Feng Lei Zong smiled with anger, and the existence that can enter the Supreme Realm can be said to have the invincible arrogance and self-confidence of the world. Even a saint, it is absolutely impossible to make these creatures self-proclaimed for thousands of years in a few words.

Such a request can be said to be the greatest humiliation.

"Let my Zong Zhizong proclaim himself a thousand years, so domineering Zhang Hengqu!" Feng Lei Zong Zhizong's momentum is overwhelming, and the clouds are still in the wind, and he laughed angrily, "Does that make this emperor also proclaim himself a thousand years?!"

"Yes, including you." Qingshan Confucian nodded indifferently, "I don't have much time, so I can't get your consent. I'm offended."


The Qingshan Confucian spirit burst out, and the measuring ruler in his hand was like a dazzling galaxy, directly cut down at Feng Lei Zong.


Feng Lei Zong's complexion changed drastically, anger roared again and again, and thunder bursts in his body, terrifying avenue runes flickered, and the chains of order gods were more entangled with thunder, and the power was extremely terrifying.



The two played against each other, and the sky collapsed and the space collapsed. It was almost a doomsday scene, but the sage is a sage after all, let alone the Qingshan Confucian who is still in charge of the supreme sage measuring ruler, even if the Feng Lei Zong is strong enough , But in the end it was completely sealed by the eruption of the ruler.


With a wave of the sleeves of the Confucian scholar in the green shirt, he blasted Feng Lei Zong Supreme into the cracks in the space and sent it back to the ancestral land of Feng Lei Zong, completely suppressed.

"Zhang Hengqu, Feng Lei Zong took this account down!"

The Confucian scholar in Qingshan ignored the anger before the former disappeared, and the measuring ruler in his hand disappeared again.

Soon, in the distance, a terrifying sound of tigers roared into the sky.

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