Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 454: The legendary sky map (1)

The Oriental Sky Vault directly exploded, and a golden Tiange filled with horror appeared, and suddenly blocked the offensive of the measuring ruler. Then, a powerful figure walked out, as if the world was under his feet, like an ant.

The ancestor of the Cang clan, Canglan.

The moment Ye Hao saw the incoming person clearly, Ye Hao breathed in vain, and his eyes were bloodshot, staring at the figure that looked like a nine-day god.

If it were not for the ancestor of the Cang clan, he would not have been forced to flee the Eastern Desolation.

If it weren't for this Cang Clan, Uncle Shen wouldn't have been forced to sublimate.

He and the Cang clan had no grudges or grudges.

But nowadays, there is no common sense.

"The ants dare to show killing intent to the saint?"

The saint’s sense of consciousness is too acute. At the moment Ye Hao’s eyes projected away, Cang Ancestor seemed to feel the emotions in his heart, and just spit out a word indifferently, causing the void to completely explode, and a large area filled with a terrifying atmosphere, enough The bright rune that killed Xiaoyao's pinnacle was pressing on the young man like a wave.


An invisible light curtain suddenly appeared, and the majestic sea-like righteous spirit burst into the sky, completely annihilating the terrifying rune.

Ye Hao's expression was extremely gloomy, and if he hadn't had the protection of Saint Zhang, he would have been dead at this moment and could not die again. It is true that he is too insignificant compared to the saint now, even if he is full of murderous intent, there is no way to vent it.

"En?" Cangzu exuded the aura of the great road all over his body. For the first time, he looked away from the Qingshan Confucian, and frowned at the young man, "Why is an ant entangled with me causally?"

Doubts appeared in Cangzu's eyes, and he faintly sensed a trace of cause and effect in the young man, but just when he was going to trace the root cause, Zhang Sheng shot it.


The measuring ruler burst out with a dazzling divine glow, like a dazzling galaxy, tearing through the void, sweeping through Cangzu.

"Zhang Hengqu!"

Cangzu retracted his gaze and snorted coldly, and Tian Ge in his hand was like a golden heavenly dragon traversing the sky, filled with terrible pressure, and just collided with the measuring ruler.

The earth-shattering roar erupted, the endless thunder raged, and the vast and bright avenue runes were like stars shining brightly, tearing thousands of miles of the sky directly, and the terrifying and boundless storm of power spread violently, just like the end of the world, the scene is too terrifying.

The sky danced in the hands of Cangzu, and he did not dare to be distracted. Zhang Sheng was no better than the mysterious man who called himself Skywalker. Both of them belonged to the world and were not suppressed by the entire world. They could explode the power of a true saint. .

The most important thing is that Jixia Academy is too terrifying to suppress the foundations of the supreme sage soldier. The power of measuring the sky ruler is comparable to the few treasures of Jianzong Slashing the Immortal Sword and Yaochi Good Fortune Fairy Ding. Tian Ge in his hand is his tool for enlightenment, and he is also an extremely sage soldier, but it is still inferior.

After all, the strength of the ultimate saints, in addition to their own material, the strength of the enlightened person also has a vital influence.

The first-generation master of the measuring ruler, the most sacred master of the Jixia Academy, not only created the original Confucian school, but also has the reputation of'nature does not give birth to a master, eternity is like a long night'. He has been arrogant for a long time in ancient times. Years are the supreme beings who truly stand on top.

Even though Cangzu had already entered the realm of saints, and was in the same realm as the master of the year, he still had a little jealousy in his heart.

auzw.com Boom!

The sky is constantly exploding, as if the stars are dying, the sky is breaking and the earth is breaking, the aura of Cang Ancestor's body is extremely terrifying, only a ray of Qi is emitted to tear the void, and the earth sinks.

On the other hand, Zhang Sheng, although the measuring ruler in his hand was like a white rainbow, with an extremely terrifying aura, his figure appeared to be weaker and weaker, truly showing the weakness of the remnant soul.

If it weren't for the terrifying power of the measuring ruler, even if Zhang Sheng was strong, but only with his remnant soul state, how could he continue to fight with the saints of the same realm to this day.

Of course, even if Cangzu's own condition is better, it is not unscrupulous. Just like Skywalker said, the reason Cangzu can survive from ancient times to the present is all because of the self-slashing, which sealed a large part of his own power. , To escape the rules of heaven.

But right now, facing Zhang Sheng, who is in charge of the sky ruler, if he didn't take the slightest scrupulous shot, Cang Zu Tuo could surely drag him to death, but on the contrary, he would definitely spend more energy.

For a mortal person, Cang Ancestor's heart was the same as the previous saints.

"Zhang Hengqu, your deadline is over, it won't last long." Cang Zu sneered, his whole body aura slowly receded, letting the ruler cast a seal, "It is extremely worthwhile to be able to bury a saint in person."

"But after a thousand years, this saint will also go to your Jixia Academy. Haha"

Cangzu was surrounded by densely packed horror runes, three feet above his head, there was a jade ruler phantom floating, as if it would fall at any time, strange and frightening.

The thousand-year seal was settled, Cangzu's figure slowly disappeared, Ye Hao's eyes climbed bloodshot, clenching his teeth, staring at the space crack where the former disappeared.

At the moment, the figure of the scholar in Qingshan is extremely faint and almost transparent. He turned his eyes to the four supreme beings in the field and said: "It's your turn."

Shenggong Yan nodded with a wry smile.

Li Taibai raised his head and drank a sip of wine, slammed his mouth and said, "Come on, anyway, after a thousand years, he will be another hero."

The six-armed tribe and the blood-lin tribe supreme faces are extremely ugly, Zhang Sheng even treats the supreme of the Jixia Academy the same, they will certainly not escape the end of being sealed.

But maybe the saint may not care about the millennium, but as the supreme, especially the supreme of the second race who has passed most of his life, he is really unwilling.

"Zhang Sheng, do you really think that the world's supreme and saint have been sealed?"

The Supreme Blood Lin clan gritted his teeth, trying to delay the world as much as possible.

The scholar in Qingshan sighed and said indifferently: "This is the limit I can do, and maybe there are some people who hide deeper, but only with me today, even if I find those people, there is nothing to do."

Indeed, if there are really some fish that slip through the net in the world, they are definitely some unimaginable existence. If Zhang Sheng in his heyday may be able to compete, but he is really powerless with only the remnant soul.

"excuse me."

The Confucian scholar in the green shirt spoke without delay, and the divine light broke out in his hand measuring the sky ruler. Sheng Gong and Li Taibai did not resist and allowed the seal to be added. However, the two supreme bloodlin and six-armed tribes were angry and screaming. , But even if they burst out all their power, they still can't change much.

Finally, three feet above the head of the four supreme beings, there is a jade ruler phantom suspended, like an invisible deterrent, permeating an extremely terrifying aura.

"As long as you don't walk out of your respective ancestral ancestors, this seal will not be the slightest threat." Zhang Sheng released his palm, measuring the ruler filled with grief, and slowly flew into the hands of Sheng Sheng.

"But if you use the supreme-level power, even a tiny bit, or try to break the seal, then this seal will directly destroy your supreme soul lamp. What the consequences are, you must be clear."

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