Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 461: Mr. (4)

Just as Ye Hao stood on the periphery of the crowd, an academy disciple who was in charge of the ceremony immediately stepped forward and led him to the long stone steps at the end of the square.

"Brother Shen, you finally came."

Under the stone steps, Sun Ming greeted with a smile, but he could still see a trace of tension in his eyes. After all, the Southern Territory Sun Family, no matter how extraordinary, could not be compared with the immortal orthodoxy such as Jixia Academy, especially at this moment, there is a sea of ​​people The eyes are all the talents of Jixia Academy, even Sun Ming's palms ooze a lot of cold sweat.

For Sun Ming, Ye Hao couldn't talk about good feelings or dislikes. It was just that he had a brief contact in the trial site. It seemed that his nature was not bad, so he also nodded and said hello.

With Ye Hao's arrival, the players who had obtained this quota and decided to visit Jixia Academy finally arrived.

Liu Qingqing, Sun Ming, Xu Hai, Zhao Hong, the silver-haired girl from the Sky Demon Tiger clan, Song Jia, the two emperors of the Southern Chen family, and the Li family, as well as Xie Daoyun and Ye Hao.

Including Ye Hao, all ten people were silent at the moment, with tension, excitement, and anxiety in their eyes.

Xie Daoyun's pretty face was indifferent, and when Ye Hao arrived, she glanced coldly, only to find that the young man seemed to have not seen her, not to mention the look on his face, even his eyes did not change at all.


Xie Daoyun sneered in his heart, thinking that the young man was just trying to maintain that ridiculous face, and there must be some regrets in the future.

After all, she was about to become a quasi-sovereign closed disciple. When Zhao Tianren stepped into the supreme realm in the future, her status in the Jixia Academy would definitely rise, even second only to the famous Qi Hanlin.

For Xie Daoyun's opportunity, the rest of the trialists had more or less heard of it. Except for Liu Qingqing and the girl of the Demon Tiger Clan that day, the rest of the people looked at the front with envy.

"All the people who have obtained the trial quota this time, the ceremony begins!"

At the top of the stone steps, at the top of the stone steps, an old-faced Confucian did not know when to appear, and his meticulous voice suddenly echoed in the field.

"Being able to get a quota for the Hengqu trial proves that all ten of you are among the dragons and phoenixes. Since you have entered my Jixia Academy, the Academy will naturally do your best to lead your future practice."

That year, the old Confucian had a deep voice, not rushing, and even speaking a little verbosely, but the disciples of the Academy did not dare to show dissatisfaction at all.

Respect for teachers.

The gift of Confucian gentlemen.

And the old Confucian scholar at the top was the one who was responsible for the initiation ceremony of the new disciples.

It can be said that 80% of the introductory ceremonies are presided over by the disciples of the school.

It is precisely because of this that even if the old Confucian scholars did not have the cultivation level of the Celestial Phenomenon, they were even weaker than some senior academic disciples, but everyone still respected them.

"Next, I will personally select the students, Mr. Xue Gong!"

After half an hour, the voice of the old Confucian scholar above finally settled, causing everyone in the room to shout loudly.


In the deafening voice, a middle-aged man above the stone steps appeared abruptly as if teleporting, his sleeves were lightly waved at the purple-robed Emperor Chen below, and the latter's figure seemed to be smashed. The weird force drew, disappearing instantly.

"That was just now"

"Elder Fang!"

"Tsk tusk, Elder Fang has stepped into the realm of questioning, and the future is promising. That kid is lucky."

Everyone was talking about it. From time to time, there was a famous academic palace expert who appeared above. The weakest was also in Nirvana, and the strongest had the cultivation level of Xiaoyao Peak.

As these powerhouses appeared and left, only Liu Qingqing, the silver-haired girl of the Sky Demon Tiger Clan, and Xie Daoyun and Ye Hao remained in the field.


Amidst the noise, the nothingness above was directly torn apart, and an old man walked out of it, and smiled at the silver-haired girl, "Fate with me, come on."

auzw.com The silver-haired girl and old man of the Sky Demon Tiger Clan disappeared instantly.

"That was Elder Li just now!"

"Hey, it is rumored that he has been stagnant at the peak of Xiaoyao for many years. Now he is in retreat, and he is confident that he will step into the realm of heaven and humanity. He didn't expect that even he would love talent.


In the bursts of uproar, nothingness cracked again, and a middle-aged beautiful woman with a plain face walked out and waved to Liu Qingqing with a smile.

The girl in the green dress disappeared, and Jiang Tage in the crowd also smiled slightly and let out a sigh of relief.

"Is that Elder Tang?!"

"Didn't it mean that she has just stepped into the realm of heaven and human, and is retreating?"

"Hey, that girl has such a great opportunity to become a disciple of heaven!"

Hearing this, Jiang Tage curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and said, "How can I speak? Who can accept Qingqing as a disciple is the biggest opportunity."

The surrounding Xuegong disciples were all taken aback, opened their mouths to say something, but they seemed to know the name of Jiang Tage, and in the end they all smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

"Only the Xie family goddess and the boy are left."

"What's the origin of the black robe boy?"

"I heard that it was Xie Daoyun's supporter this time."

"Guardian? Didn't it follow Xie Daoyun to mix up?"


As everyone was whispering, the space above was shaking, and a middle-aged man with a majestic expression walked directly out of nothingness.

"Zhao Tianren!"

"Sure enough!"

"A quasi-sovereign goddess of the Xie family is really going to fly into the sky."


With a wave of the middle-aged man's sleeve robe, he took Xie Daoyun and disappeared instantly. Then the scene was completely boiling, and there was a burst of envy and emotion.

At this moment, under the stone steps, only Ye Hao was left.

The crowd in the room slowly fell silent until most of the incense passed, but there was still no strong scholar from the palace appeared, which couldn't help making the faces of everyone in the square extremely strange.

If there is no expert in the Academy to choose that young man, even if he gets a trial place, he can only leave Jixia Academy.

Such precedents have not never happened before.

"In this way, he should have followed Xie Daoyun and mixed up. Naturally, the inside story can't be hidden from the strong academics."

"Tsk tusk, it's really a pity, at this point, I still can't worship Jixia Academy."

"That's not what I said. Although I said that there are no classes at Jixia Academy, not everyone can come in."

As everyone laughed and discussed, Jiang Tage couldn't help but frowned. In the secret place in the deepest part of the academy, Li Taibai raised his head and drank a drink, raised his eyebrows and said: "You go or me?"

Shenggong Yan groaned slightly, and then sighed slightly: "He has a deep killing intent in his heart and is not suitable for you to teach. I will go."

The supreme personally came forward to accept him as a disciple, which is unprecedented in Jixia Academy. Even Qi Hanlin was only discovered by the supreme after he had visited the entrance palace for a period of time and focused on training.

It’s hard to imagine how the disciples of Jixia Academy would react if the true supreme appeared at the ceremony of the newly promoted disciples.

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