Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 468: Five places

As he moved forward, Ye Hao couldn't help asking again, because even with the immortal Taoist traditions like Jixia Academy, there were only five places to go to the Yaohuangzong this time, and those of the supreme Taoisms this time even had only one or two places. Those pseudo-Supreme Orthodoxy do not even have the qualifications to participate.

This shows how amazing the specifications of this Dandao event in the Southern Territory are.

And the five places in the Jixia Academy this time made all the spirit evolving realm disciples in the Academy extremely excited, and tried all means and connections to get the places.

Because when you go to the Medicine Emperor Sect, you have the hope of getting a small Rong Ling Pill, you must know that it is a rare treasure pill that can increase the chance of a cultivator to survive the small catastrophe of the Ling Yan, and it is the dream of all the spiritual development realm Tianjiao in the world.

The path of spiritual practice is elusive, and it will eventually become empty without entering the sky.

The disciples of Jixia Academy understand this truth even more.

Of course, the number of places to go to the Medicine Emperor's Sect was too precious, and it was not a school disciple who could control it. Originally, Ye Hao was still worrying about this, but Li Qianmu promised him on a large scale, and he would definitely get it. One place.

After this year, Ye Hao knew a little bit about this wonderful Mr. Qi, knowing that there was nothing bad about him, but his unreliable level kept him out of the way.

"Don't worry, I, Li Qianmu, open his mouth and ask for a place, even if he Yan Sheng Gong dare not say anything."

The sound of Li Qianmu's chest shook the sky, his words were not surprising, and Ye Hao's eyes twitched.

Even the disciples of the Burning Fire Realm can only barely tie their hands. He is often provoked by the disciples of the Academy but only dared to scold the street. His mouth is either Sheng Gong or Li Taibai, the two supreme scholars. Ye Hao can't help but wonder if this guy is. How did you survive in Jixia Academy.

However, even if Ye Hao doubts any more, now he can only believe in Li Qianmu. After all, after Hengqu's trial, the two Xuegong Supremes have already retreated. Could he still disturb the two Supremes for these personal matters?

Moreover, even if he went, Ye Hao didn't think he had such a big face to ask for a place from the supreme.

In Li Qianmu's constant assurance, the two finally arrived at the largest square in the hinterland of the Xuegong. On top of it, a treasure boat with gleaming runes and flowing divine light lay like a giant prehistoric beast.

The Southern Territory is so vast that even the Supreme cannot cross directly, and this type of flying spirit soldier is an excellent means of transportation for all parties.

Especially the immortal traditions like Jixia Academy, the flying spirit soldiers possessed are able to achieve space jumps, the speed is not even inferior to the unfettered realm powerhouse, and the victory is more durable.

"finally come!"

"Why is he?"

When the two appeared, the figures waiting in front of Baozhou all made noises with different expressions, and Ye Hao immediately noticed those figures in the distance.

A tall girl with silver hair was the Dandan from the Sky Demon Tiger Clan.

There is also a handsome youth in purple robe, Chen Wuji, the emperor of the Chen family in the Southern Territory, and also the tianjiao who has passed this cross-channel trial to worship the Jixia Academy.

There is also a young man wearing a Confucian shirt with a faintly haughty look, Liu Qingyang, a senior disciple of Jixia Academy, who is now at the pinnacle of spiritual development.

The last person was Xie Daoyun impressively.


Although three of these four are new disciples who have entered the Jixia Academy, they are so talented that they have reached the peak of the spiritual development within this year, and even Xie Daoyun has developed 38 spiritual veins. There was a sensation in Dejixia Academy.

After all, apart from the forty-five spirit veins that Hanlin walked and Qi Hanlin evolves, the evildoer Wushuang, the number of 38 spirit veins in Jixia Academy is extremely extraordinary, and it is definitely considered the best among the disciples.

It is precisely because of this that the four people in front of Baozhou can get the opportunity to go to the Yaohuangzong this time. After all, if they can get the Xiaorong Lingdan, they can increase the success rate a lot when condensing the phenomena of heaven and earth.

If you step into the astronomical realm, then you will truly soar into the sky, and your future achievements will be limitless.

Of course, the four Tianjiao all vaguely knew the depth of each other, especially Xie Daoyun who was outstanding, and he was well-deserved for getting the place to go to the Medicine Emperor's Sect, but Ye Hao's arrival was really beyond their expectations.

"Why is this kid the last place?"

"How many spiritual veins did he evolve? How can he be qualified to go to Medicine Emperor Sect?"

Both Liu Qingyang and Chen Wuji frowned, their faces faintly dissatisfied, Xie Daoyun also squinted slightly, and the silver-haired girl's pretty face was full of curiosity.

"Well, this is a matter of the supreme decision, you can't wait much to say."

In front of Baozhou, in addition to the four of Xie Daoyun, there is also a middle-aged man with a majestic look. His breath is like a sea, and he can't predict it. The whole person seems to be integrated into the nature of the world. If it is not in the eye, it is simply not noticeable. To its existence.

The middle-aged man is indeed Zhao Daoling Zhao Tianren, the most popular quasi-superior in Jixia Academy, and the leader of this trip to Yaohuangzong.

In fact, as Zhao Tianren, he didn't need to make this trip at all, but he was in retreat for a long time, quietly thinking, and quite optimistic about Xie Daoyun's talent, worried about accidents on the way, so he took the initiative to take the lead.

Now that the supreme saints in the world are banned, a quasi supreme can definitely be said to be the strongest combat power in the world.

"Zhao Tianren, why can that kid also go to Medicine Emperor Sect?" Liu Qingyang frowned, "and why should Li Qianmu go with him?"

Zhao Daoling's complexion remained unchanged, and she coldly glanced at the lazy figure that came with a smile in the distance, and said indifferently: "Then Li Qianmu has been in the retreat of the supreme for a month, and only then has he asked for a place. Since the supreme has decided, you wait. Don't put your beak."

The supreme is the supreme after all, even if it is temporarily banned for a thousand years, even a quasi-supreme like Zhao Tianren dare not show any respect.

"It turned out to be so."

"It's really embarrassing for such a strange flower to serve as the husband of my Jixia Academy."

After learning the reason, Chen Wuji and Liu Qingyang both disdain their lips, and Xie Daoyun never reveals the slightest emotional fluctuations, extremely indifferent, as if Li Qianmu and Ye Hao are no longer in her eyes.

Indeed, she, who has developed 38 spiritual veins within a year, is highly valued in the Jixia Academy. If she can get Xiaorong Lingdan to enter the celestial state in one fell swoop, let alone a teenager, even Mr. Li Qianmu, she You don't have to look at it.

Until then

Thinking of this, Xie Daoyun couldn't help sneering in his heart, and couldn't help but recall the humiliation in front of the Jingge Pavilion.

"Everyone is here, so let's set off." Zhao Daoling glanced at the last two who came indifferently. "This time I go to the Medicine Emperor Sect, everything will follow my orders. Noodles."

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