Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 478: Unfathomable

The withered palm fell, and a huge palm print like a mountain suddenly appeared in the void, overwhelming the sky, enveloping the dazzling gods, countless avenue runes flashing around, making the space seem unbearable, constantly crumbled and shattered,

The palm of his hand was too terrifying, as if the rules of the world, giving people a sense of inevitable weirdness, and instantly slapped Li Qianmu out like a fly.

"Ancestor Tianwei!"

The three powerhouses of the Huo family looked excited, and their eyes were full of shock. The three of them tried their best but they could only tie the weird young man, but the ancestors in the clan simply shot at will, leaving the former without the slightest. The power to fight back.

Quasi-Supreme deserves to be Quasi-Supreme.

To truly understand the rules of heaven and earth, it is only half a step away from that supreme supreme realm.

When the world supreme can't come out, the quasi-extreme-level powerhouse can be said to be invincible.


On the other hand, Li Qianmu had a bit of difficulty to stop his figure in the void. Although the ancestor of the Huo family did not make a full shot, his ability to resist the offensive of the next quasi-superior was enough to prove his strength.

"Ahem, it's really **** painful."

Li Qianmu rubbed his shoulders with grinning teeth, there was not much injury on his body, which made the three Huo family powerhouses squeeze their eyes, even Huo Dan can't help but frown, he estimated that the blow was only in China, even if it was a happy combination. The environment will be hit hard, and will never be alive and kicking like a okay person.

"The people at Jixia Academy really have some ways."

Huo Dan's eyes were cold, and his dry face was crumpled together, like a corpse crawling out of the grave, but the aura around him was extremely vast and terrifying, as if the whole world was driven by it.

The so-called quasi-sovereign has already taken the realm of the unity of heaven and man to the extreme, and the horror of mighty power can't even be compared with man.

"Although Jixia Academy is about to fall, the old man didn't want to tear his face so quickly. It shouldn't be, you shouldn't, you little fellow, shouldn't ruin my Supreme Avenue." Huo Dan's eyes were cold and filled with extremes. Horrible murder.

"Ancestor, the Holy Spirit born that day was taken away by another disciple of the Academy."

The Huo Family's Happy Realm was busy talking, after all, the innate Holy Spirit was the most important goal this time, and everything else was nothing compared to it.

"It's okay, I have already sensed the location of the holy infant." Huo Dan's eyes were full of fierce light, "After the human is destroyed, I will bring it back."


Huo Dan's momentum skyrocketed, like a **** descending on mortal dust, the whole world was roaring and shaking at this moment, and there was an extremely terrifying fluctuation.

It is the unique means of the strong who think that heaven and earth are all in the same force.

And Quasi-Supreme, even more truly shows this method to the extreme.

"Huh, didn't you just pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

"Haha, in front of my Huo family ancestor, you can pretend to try again!"

The three powerhouses of the Huo family sneered again and again, their eyes were full of joking, and they looked down at Li Qianmu extremely sarcastically.

Regarding this, Li Qianmu ignored it, even as if he could not feel the terrifying aura of the ancestors of the Huo family. He stretched his body lazily and said to himself: "Hidden clumsy, the old guy’s rules It's really annoying."

"When you are forced to this point, you can always show your hands and feet." Li Qianmu sighed lightly, his momentum changed, and he was lazy, replaced by an unprecedented calm and solemnity, muttering, "A quasi-supreme Zhang Hengqu, Zhang Hengqu, this time, you owe me a lot of favor."

Li Qian's muru shirt floated, and a trace of complexity and regret appeared in his eyes.

auzw.com "Unfortunately, this favor cannot be paid back by you."


Li Qianmu's body seemed to be thunderous, an invisible ripple centered on him, spreading like a wave, the sky quaked, the void roared, above the sky, within ten thousand miles, all the clouds, all the clouds burst and disappear in this ripple. .

Within the sky, a figure in a Confucian shirt stood proudly in the void, with a mighty rainbow, and the majestic and endless awe-inspiring righteousness was like a burning sun, suppressing the mountains and rivers.

"this is"

"How can it be?!"

Feeling the eruption of the former, the three powerhouses of the Huo Family all changed their complexions wildly, and their eyes were full of shock.

Even the ancestor of the Huo family, Huo Dan, the supreme powerhouse of the quasi-extreme state, is discolored at this moment, and his tight eyes are full of disbelief and amazement, "Who on earth are you?!"

Huo Dan's dry face was completely stiff, the strength of the former would definitely not be an unknown person in Jixia Academy, but he had never heard of it, which is simply incredible.

"In every inch, you have your own rules, dare to shoot against my school disciples, Huo family, you have exceeded the rules."

Li Qianmu's voice was indifferent, without the slightest emotional ups and downs. He took such a step and instantly appeared in front of the ancestors of the Huo Family, with a palm falling.

At this moment, Ye Hao took the small daughter and burst the speed of the flying spirit soldier to the extreme, like a sharp arrow piercing the sky and galloping towards the Emperor Yaozong.

As long as he catches up with Zhao Daoling's treasure boat, as Mr. Li Qian Mu Xuegong, even if the former is not happy with him, he will definitely not be able to just ignore it.

"Stay a little longer!"

Ye Hao gritted his teeth, his solemn face was eager.

As long as he was not stupid enough to come to Huo's house, he would not kill Li Qianmu even if he had escaped.

Although because of Zhang Sheng, the Jixia Academy will face a catastrophe that has never been seen before.

But that is after a thousand years.

Nowadays, Jixia Academy is still the immortal Taoism whose name is shocking in the world, with unfathomable heritage. If the Huo family dares to kill Mr. Xuegong, then Jixia Academy’s protection, even if the Huo family is an alchemy force , Has a huge network of relationships, and absolutely can't bear the anger of Jixia Academy.

After all, in addition to the top existence of the Supreme Dao, the strong under the Supreme are far more numerous and more powerful than those of the Supreme Dao.

This is the foundation of the immortal Taoism, let alone the Jixia Academy, a force that has been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

"Catch up!"

In my heart, a treasure boat finally appeared in Ye Hao's sight.

It was the Xuegong Baozhou where Zhao Tianren was sitting.

Ye Hao looked excited, and quickly controlled Feizhou to catch up with the former, and said eagerly: "Zhao Tianren, Li Qian pasture him"

"What are you yelling about?"

Ye Hao was just halfway talking, but a weird smile on Xuegong Baozhou interrupted him abruptly. Then, a figure that he could not imagine in any way, walked to the edge of the deck like this, and ridiculed: "Apprentice. , You can be really slow."

"Also, how did you teach you as a teacher? You need to be calm every time a big event, your xinxing cultivation is not enough."

Ye Hao's expression was frozen, dumbfounded, and the little girl beside her also had her mouth open, dumbfounded.

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