"Well, this alchemy event is truly unprecedented, at least for nearly ten thousand years, there has not been such a grand event."

"I heard that in addition to the Ancient Pill Immortal Land and the Witch God Valley, even the Tianding Pavilion has people coming!"

"Tianding Pavilion is the Taoist tradition that has collected the five great sacred cauldrons on the medicine cauldron list?"

"Not only the Tianding Pavilion, it is said that people from the Dan tribe who have not been born for a long time have appeared this time, which is really unexpected."

As the words spread, the crowds in the room were all silent, and even those who were strong in the celestial realm were shocked.

"The Dan clan still exists in the world?"

After the weird silence, everyone in the room took a deep breath. It is true that the Dan clan is too detached, and it has existed for a very long time, and there have been traces of it in the ancient years.

There are even rumors that the Dan tribe in ancient times could have been the leader of the Dan Dao, but they were born at an untimely time and met Queen Mother of the West.

In the face of Queen Mother Xi’s supreme existence, even the Dan tribe has only low eyebrows and bowed heads, choosing to avoid the world and disappearing.

No one thought that now that millions of years have passed, the Dan clan would be born again and would also come to participate in this Dan meeting.

"The Dan Clan was born this time, it seems that the ambition is not small."

"Hehe, and because of the emergence of the Dan Clan, the Emperor Yaozong had to change the rules of the Dan Club."

Someone laughed and opened his mouth, showing playfulness in his eyes. Because of the emergence of the Dan Clan, the Medicine Emperor Zong actually changed the rule that the top three of the Danhui could try to control the Medicine Emperor's Cauldron, so that only the champion of the Danhui could control it.

The Dan clan is really too extraordinary. If you participate in the competition, you will definitely be able to occupy one of the top three. With the long heritage of the Dan clan to this day, it is likely that there is a unique secret technique to control the emperor cauldron.

In order to prevent such accidents, even if the Emperor Yaozong made some jokes, he had to change the rules.

"Only the champion can try to control? Then if someone from the Dan clan takes the lead, wouldn't Yao Huangzong pick up a stone and hit him in the foot?"

"Don't forget that Yao Huangzong has produced Ji Jiusi in recent years. His enchanting talent is known as a pill genius born in a hundred thousand years. Even the Dan clan is estimated to be unable to compete."

"Yes, I also got news that what Ji Jiusi intends to refine this time is the ancient spiritual melting pill!"

"It looks like the rumors are true? Ji Jiusi really used the Xiaorong Ling Pill to derive the Ancient Rong Ling Pill?"

"No wonder! The ancient spirit melting pill can be said that alchemists of their realm can refine the highest-level pill. If it is successfully refined, the champion of this pill meeting will be Ji Jiusi."

"The Dan tribe has been passed down from the ancient times to the present, doesn't it mean that they have not mastered the pill for the real ancient spiritual melting pill?"

"The Rongling Pill was created by the Queen Mother of the West. Even the Pill Immortal Ancient Land does not have a pill, and the Pill Clan is even less likely to have it."

"Hey, Ji Jiusi was able to derive Rongling Pills. The enchantment of his talent, and the future achievements are really limitless."

In the midst of the discussion, Ye Hao couldn't help frowning slightly. He had just left the pill room half an hour ago, and he had just learned the news.

He did not choose to work with the Korean pharmacist and Qingwu, but returned to the place where Zhao Daoling and the others were, so as not to be noticed by those who were interested. Now the rules changed, Ye Hao couldn't help but turn his attention to the Korean pharmacist, and the former could only helplessly smile, obviously not. I thought that the Emperor Yaozong would act like this in order to ensure that the Emperor Yaoding was foolproof.

auzw.com For one party supreme orthodoxy, face and credibility can be said to be very important. Therefore, there are many voices of opposition in the medicine emperor sect for the change of rules, but in order to ensure that the medicine emperor is foolproof, These voices also had to be compromised.

However, although the rules have changed, this is the bottom line of the Yaohuangzong. As the supreme orthodoxy in the world, under the attention of the world, it will not be repeated again and again.

Of course, all this confidence is also all because of Ji Jiusi's participation, so that Emperor Yaozong is bound to win the title.

"The changes in the rules of the Pill Club have nothing to do with you. You only need to win the small Rong Ling Pill." Zhao Daoling turned his head and looked at Xie Daoyun's people, "The Medicine Emperor Sect will come up with fifty small Rong Ling Pills. , And there will be an assessment before the start of the pill meeting, and the top fifty will be assessed to get the pill."

"Little Rong Ling Pill is of great help for you to condense the phenomena of heaven and earth, remember to go all out and don't miss this opportunity."

Zhao Daoling's voice fell, and Xie Daoyun, Liu Qingyang, and Chen Wuji, including Princess Dandan of the Sky Demon Tiger Clan, all showed fiery eyes.

"Master, I heard that Ji Jiusi of the Medicine Emperor Sect can refine the Ancient Spirit Pill?"

After the excitement, Xie Daoyun suddenly spoke, his beautiful eyes were hopeful, and the faces of Liu Qingyang also showed desire.

Although Xiao Rong Ling Pill can improve the success rate of condensing Heaven and Earth Dharma Phenomenon, it still has some hidden drawbacks, and the success rate is far from being comparable to the real Rong Ling Pill.

If Xiaorong Lingdan can increase the chance by 30%.

The real ancient spirit melting pill can be improved by a full 80%.

Moreover, the ancient spirit melting pill had the miraculous effect of sheltering the minor catastrophes of the Lingyan, which can be said to greatly protect the safety of the cultivator entering the celestial image realm.

In the past, the Rong Ling Pill had broken the inheritance, and everyone could only retreat to the next best thing and regarded that Xiao Rong Ling Pill as a rare treasure pill.

But now that Ji Jiusi is able to refine the real Rong Ling Pill, Xie Daoyun and the others can't help but be moved.

"Don't think about that ancient spirit melting pill."

Zhao Daoling sighed and shook his head. In fact, after learning that Ji Jiusi was able to refine the real Rongling Pill, he tried to negotiate with the Emperor Yaozong, wanting to ask for a pill for Xie Daoyun.

However, the heaven, material and earth treasures needed to refine Rongling Pills are too rare and precious, even if Zhao Daoling is a quasi-senior, it is difficult for him to gather it for a while.

Hearing that, Xie Daoyun and Liu Qingyang had no choice but to shook their heads, their eyes full of loss and regret. A quasi-supreme felt troublesome material, so they didn't need extravagant expectations.

However, Ye Hao frowned slightly, and doubts appeared in his eyes. He also knew the Rongling Pill, but although the materials in the Pill were equally rare, it would not make a quasi-senior feel embarrassed, otherwise the Korean pharmacist would not be so generous. Let him practice his hands with this pill.

"Could it be that the Emperor Yaozong deliberately shrugged off?" Ye Hao thought, "Or"

"Well, you two will be in a team for the later assessment. You must take care of each other and don't lose my face in Jixia Academy."

Zhao Daoling spoke again. Liu Qingyang and Xie Daoyun looked at each other and came together. Chen Wuji also approached Dandan on his own initiative, apparently having already agreed on the tactics for this assessment.

"Shen Xuan, you"

Dan Dan was tall and graceful, with long silver hair, turning his head to look at Ye Hao, his pretty face made a hesitant voice.

There are a total of five places in Jixia Academy this time, and two or two groups are destined to have one person to be placed.

Because of that wonderful sense of intimacy, Dan Dan couldn't help feeling a little worried and embarrassed.

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