Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 496: Whose pill

The robbery clouds gathered above the sky, and the darkness was crushed. It enveloped the entire Medicine Emperor Sect. The clouds exuded a terrible aura. Even the old monsters in the Medicine Emperor Sect that could not be retired were shocked. After the shock, they were all The color of ecstasy emerged.

"This is Dan Jie!"

"It must be Jiusi who has become a Pill of Rong Ling!"

"Hahaha, my medicine emperor will be a big hit!"

In the deepest part of Yaohuang’s ancestral land, a middle-aged man sits cross-legged on the platform. His whole body does not emit the slightest breath, like an ordinary mortal, but the vicissitudes in his eyes seem to have lived for tens of thousands of years. A strong breath of time.

This person is the supreme Yaohuangzong.

Although Yaohuangzong Zhizun was also banned by Zhang Sheng, unable to leave the ancestral land, but at this moment, his eyes were cast to the sky, and there was a gratifying color in his eyes, "The position of the young master of the medicine emperor emperor can be fixed."

In the excitement and ecstasy of all the experts in the Medicine Emperor Sect, the faces of everyone in the stands were also full of strong shock and disbelief.

Cultivation goes against the sky, so the practitioners are most jealous and sensitive to the catastrophe, which can be said to have instinctive fear.

But in this world, it is not only the cultivator who will encounter the heavenly calamity, some of the most treasured heavenly things are born, or some high-grade pill medicines are newly formed, and occasionally the heavenly disaster will appear.

"Isn't the pill calamity only the pill of the seventh pinnacle can appear!"

"This is what the world said, but at the peak of the ancient pill path, the pill at the peak of the sixth rank may appear pill!"

"The ancient pill must be Ji Jiusi who made the ancient melting pill!"

"Yes, there is no other possibility besides that, only the ancient pill can provoke the pill!"

"Unexpectedly, this Ji Jiusi actually succeeded."

"The Emperor Yaozong is in the hands of Ji Jiusi, and with time, it will be more brilliant."

"Immediately notify the Sect Master Pill Club, the Medicine Emperor Sect is destined to rise."

Everyone in the stands was shocked. Those old alchemy masters couldn't help but feel the word Tianjiao. At this moment, the goddess and saints all have beautiful eyes and staring at a golden robe. , Ji Jiusi, the handsome and extraordinary, even Xie Daoyun, who has always been cold and arrogant, is full of brilliance.

Only Ji Jiusi, such a wicked arrogant talent, would be tempted by the saints of the supreme orthodoxy. Even if some older people are happy to see it, they are obviously very optimistic about the future achievements of the former.


The black cloud was pressing on the top, the sky seemed to be surging with a black wave, and the terrifying electric lights flashed across the sky like a dragon, extremely frightening.

"Sure enough, it's a pill."

In the square, those alchemy heaven arrogances who have not been eliminated murmured, and their faces appeared decadent.

Even Wu Ya, Shi Yuan and Fang Han's eyes were full of shock and froze in place.

But even if they were not reconciled in their hearts, they could only admit that Ji Jiusi's alchemy attainments were above them.

"Six-rank pill can provoke the pill." Dan Sheng clenched his teeth and couldn't help turning his eyes to Ji Jiusi, "Isn't it said that the pill in the world has fallen? Why are there such Tianjiao figures!"

Although he had also refined the sixth-rank pill, he could only be regarded as the upper-middle rank among the six-rank pill, and he hadn't reached the level of motivating the pill, which was worse than Ji Jiusi.

Dan Sheng's heart was full of unwillingness and anger. He came to participate in this pill meeting. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to step on the foot of the Dan Dao Tianjiao, and declare the Dan clan back to the world in the most high-profile way.

But all this was completely lost because of Ji Jiusi!

Dan Sheng was originally very confident about his alchemy attainments, because even among the Dan clan, his alchemy was ranked in the top five. He thought he would be able to easily win the alchemy championship, but Ji Jiusi's alchemy attainments were really good. It was beyond his expectation.

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Dan Sheng also understood that Ji Jiusi's alchemy was the most glorious in the alchemy, and the ancient times, where the arrogance and evildoers coexist, could rank in the forefront.

auzw.com Dan Sheng's face was gloomy and ugly, the corners of his eyes were constantly beating, and he stared at Ji Jiusi, while the latter was dressed in a golden robe, handsome and handsome, like Emperor Dan Yaohuang, and his handsome face also showed excitement. Staring at the sky robbery cloud, it is full of fiery excitement.

"Pill Tribulation, the Rong Ling Pill that I deduced is indeed correct!"

Ji Jiusilang smiled, full of spirits, and there were many alchemy arrogances in the field. In front of him, in the void, a golden pill that looked like the sun was floating and rotating, and the rich and incomparable medicinal fragrance diffused and diffused, and it was extraordinary.

"Dan Jie, come on!"

Ji Jiu's eyes broke out, and the breath of the whole body rose to the sky.

"Jiusi, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with this pill calamity with your strength, but it shouldn't be careless."

Yao Huangzong's celestial old man who presided over the pill meeting was flushed, and he exhorted with excitement.

Ji Jiusi was their hope for the future of Emperor Yaozong, and no accident was allowed.

"After the pill calamity, this ancient spirit melting pill is truly made!"

"Compared with the ancient Rong Ling Pill, the Xiao Rong Ling Pill is really tasteless."

"It's no wonder that the Medicine Emperor Sect is so generous this time and took out fifty Xiaorong Spirit Pills at once."

The powerful people from all sides felt that the heavenly robbery cloud seemed to be condensed to the extreme, and patches of electric light appeared intertwined, and even the powerful people in the ordinary astronomical state felt frightened.

The pill calamity of the sixth-grade pill, if the alchemist does not have the strength of the celestial image realm, the hope of passing it is extremely slim.

It is precisely for this reason that apart from alchemy attainments, the alchemist's own cultivation is also extremely important and cannot be ignored.

"Although the alchemy pill calamity is shared by the alchemist and the pill, the risk factor is not small."

"Ji Jiusi has already condensed the phenomena of heaven and earth, it shouldn't be difficult to survive this catastrophe."

As everyone exclaimed, no one noticed that Ye Hao was also staring at the sky at the moment, his brows furrowed, his face full of solemnity.


In the next instant, a loud and earth-shattering noise erupted fiercely from the sky, the mighty and heavy robbery cloud surging and rolling, a purple thunder cut through the void like a sharp sword, and crashed down.


"After Pill Tribulation, it is the time when Ji Jiusi's name moved in the world!"

Everyone sighed with emotion, and the strong Yaohuangzong clenched his fists tightly, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"En? Why does the location where Lei Jie fell a bit off?"

The purple thunder fell into the air, and the strong frowned first, and doubts appeared in his eyes. Ji Jiusi was in the center of the square, but the position where the thunder fell was biased toward the edge of the square, and it seemed that he was not running towards him.

"Could it"


Several heavenly beings in the field seemed to perceive something, and they all stood up abruptly, with unprecedented shock and horror in their eyes.


At almost the same time, the purple thunder in mid-air also crashed down, slamming heavily on the edge of the square, completely submerging one person and one tripod.

In the center of the square, Ji Jiusi's face was stiff, as if petrified in place.

In the stands, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, dumbfounded.

Throughout the film, the crowded crowd was suddenly silent at this moment.

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