Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 499: Champion (1)

"This medicinal effect"

"how so!"


In the dead silence of the room, the breathing of several elderly men in charge of Pill testing could not help but violently fluctuate. While their mouths were dry, their faces were shocked and confused.

Because among the three poor-quality pill, they also tested the properties of Rongling Pill, and what they couldn’t believe most was that the properties of the pill were several times higher than those refined by Ji Jiusi. So much!

If Ji Jiusi's pill is an ancient spirit melting pill, what is that young man's pill?

It is clear at a glance whether the two medicines are strong or weak.

But this is the case, the elders who are responsible for verifying pills still feel incredible and can't believe it.

Who is Ji Jiusi?

It can be said that since the establishment of the Medicine Emperor Sect, in addition to the first ancestor of the sect, the alchemy talent can definitely rank first.

Such an enchanting Tianjiao can derive and refine the real ancient melting pill by virtue of the small melting spirit pill. Although it is shocking, it is finally within the range of everyone's acceptance.

And the young man in the Jixia Academy, watching his alchemy technique is definitely a beginner elixir. The most important thing is that he still uses the common fire to make alchemy. With such simple conditions, how can he refine the ancient pill of the sixth peak? ?

The most important thing is that Ji Jiusi's pill formula was derived by himself. Where did that young man's pill come from?

"How many, what's wrong?"

The expressions on the faces of several alchemy masters made the celestial elder of Yaohuangzong's heart tremble, but he still suppressed his anxiety, his face solemnly said: "Since the alchemy is over, I will quickly announce that my Zong Tianjiao will win. Right!"

Several elders who experienced the remedy looked at each other and opened their mouths, not knowing how to speak.

"Several seniors, is there anything wrong?"

Ji Jiusi's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth every word. From the strange expressions of several people, an unbelievable uneasy thought appeared in his heart, but he didn't want to believe it at all.

"I can't judge this pill."

In the end, an old man who was in charge of checking the alchemy smiled bitterly. He ignored the sight of the Yaohuangzong powerhouse who was about to kill. He turned his eyes to the leaders of the alchemy powers in the stands and sighed: "Everyone, this matter is too big. Come and test the pill and be a testimony."

As the words spread, everyone's heart trembled, and there was a strong shock and shock on their faces.

What kind of pill is it, even the few masters who are responsible for checking the pill can not make a decision?

Could it be that

People's minds roared, like being struck by lightning, they could not help but set off a shocking storm.

At the same time, the powerhouses headed by Witch God Valley, Tianding Pavilion, and Dan Clan, including Korean Medicine Masters, and even Medicine Emperor Sect, all stepped out of an alchemy master and went out to test their pills together.

These dao traditions can be said to be the powers of the alchemy that stood at the peak of the world, and the few people who have tested the alchemy at this moment, whether it is alchemy or the right to speak, have great authority.

The results obtained by their alchemy test, not to mention the Yaohuangzong, I am afraid that no one in the entire world can refute it.

"The medicinal properties of this pill is so amazing!"

auzw.com During the pill test, the alchemy master of the Witch God Valley couldn't help but breathe, and there was a strong shock in his eyes. Although he only advocated pill test, he was just for the disgusting medicine emperor. Zong, never expected such a result.

"The properties of this pill are even better than that of Xiaoyou Ji's'Ancient Melting Pill'."

The strong man in Tianding Pavilion who participated in the examination of pills spoke very solemnly, and his face was also full of shock.

"Yes, although the two kinds of pill are compatible with the characteristics of the ancient Rongling Pill, the pill that Ji Xiaoyou refined is more than one weaker, and it contains some unstable medicinal power. If you take it rashly, misfortune is unpredictable."

The medicine master Han said with a solemn expression. There were some defects in the medicine Ji Jiusi refined, but only a few masters of the medicine hadn't noticed it. It goes without saying how the medicine master Han Wudi's attainments were.

"Hey, it turns out that the refining is a counterfeit Rong Ling Pill." The Dan clan's strong man who participated in the pill test even laughed out strangely, sarcastically sweeping the people of the Medicine Emperor Sect, "The Medicine Emperor Sect, it's really a good calculation."

Hearing that, all the powerful people in Yaohuangzong were flushed and full of anger, but they did not know how to refute them.

If you want to say who is most qualified to judge the Rong Ling Pill, it is definitely the Dan Clan.

After all, the Rongling Pill is an ancient pill, and the Dan clan has experienced that era and fought against the Queen Mother of the West. There must be a real Rongling Pill in the clan.

"how can that be?"

Contrary to the previous few people, the old man of Medicine Emperor Zong's pill-testing elder kept moving his lips, his face was covered with horror and unbelievable, he couldn't say anything at all.

He naturally wanted to help Ji Jiusi win, but the pill of both sides was in front of him, and the strength of the medicine was an iron fact.

"How could it be impossible"

The words of the alchemy masters and the reactions of the elders of the sect were like a wave of thunder, making Ji Jiusi's face pale and swaying. It was obvious that his mind was greatly affected.

"Impossible! I am refining the real Spirit Pill, this kid is a liar at all!"

Ji Jiusi's eyes were red, and he rushed to the stone case madly, but when he personally picked up the pill for comparison, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the whole person froze in place, his face was never pale before. Ugly.

The fusion pill that he spent countless energy deduced was actually wrong?

Ji Jiusi couldn't accept this result at all, but the hard facts were in front of him, and he could not tolerate his disbelief.

The reaction of the few people off the court filled everyone in the stands with unprecedented horror. The black crowd was dead silent, like a burning flame suddenly being extinguished by a basin of cold water, without the slightest movement.

Until this moment, everyone couldn't believe that a young man who was just learning the way of alchemy had actually refined the ancient spirit melting pill, but the pill that Ji Jiusi refined was a fake.

Doesn't it mean that the most amazing evildoer of the Medicine Emperor Sect, the genius of the alchemy that is known to be born in a hundred thousand years, was defeated by a young man who was new to the alchemy?

The people's minds roared in the room, and their expressions were unprecedentedly blank. This result was beyond their thoughts.

Especially the few people in Jixia Academy, at this moment, they are stunned in place like a wood, their faces are not even horrified, and their minds are blank.

Because of this result, even now, they cannot believe it.

A young beginner learning the alchemy and using the Fanhuo Fanding to defeat Ji Jiusi of Yaohuangzong?

Doesn't it mean that the former's alchemy talent surpasses Ji Jiusi?

Thinking of this, Chen Wuji, Liu Qingyang, and Xie Daoyun included, their expressions looked ugly as never before.

Fortunately, they were full of disdainful mockery of the teenager before.

But who ever thought, it is them who are really stupid and short-sighted.

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