Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 518: who are you


Ye Hao was dressed in a black robe, glowing with golden brilliance, like a **** descending from the earth, just like this, he blasted out a punch without fancy, causing the void to scream and blast directly, and a bright fist print filled with terrifying power, like It was an ancient sacred mountain that fell. This fist mark was too terrifying. Ji Jiusi, who was in the celestial state, was shocked and his scalp was numb. The two old men at the peak of the celestial phenomenon were even more anxious, but there was no time for rescue .

The young man's speed was too terrifying, he appeared in front of Ji Jiusi in a flash, without even a trace of firework, as if he appeared out of thin air, strange and terrifying.

"court death!"

There is no way to avoid it, Ji Jiusi's face was stubbornly hideous, and the strength in his body erupted unreservedly, and he could only bite the bullet and punch.


The field seemed to be exploded by thunder, and the violent power raged violently, making the space tremble, and there were cobweb-like cracks, which was extremely frightening.

You must know that the space is far stronger than before, and only the strong at the peak of the sky can break the space with all its strength.

Even though Ji Jiusi was in the celestial state, the young man had never evolved the phenomena of heaven and earth after all, and his offensive was so powerful that everyone in the field was extremely shocked.


In the raging storm of power, Ji Jiusi seemed to have suffered an unimaginable heavy blow, and directly sprayed out a large mouth of blood, and the whole figure flew out like a rag pocket.

"Little Lord!"

The two elders at the peak of the celestial phenomenon were struck by lightning, and they all rushed to Ji Jiusi to rescue them. At the same time, there was a deep shock and amazement in their eyes.

The confrontation with talents just now, although the teenager is suspected of sneak attack, but their young master is a real celestial phenomenon powerhouse, why would he lose to a spirit eruption realm ant in the hard-shaking confrontation?

Could it be that the physique of that ant could be comparable to a strong celestial phenomenon?

In this world, there are indeed tianjiao who can fight higher, but their Yaohuangzong is the supreme Taoist tradition, the young master Ji Jiusi naturally cannot be an embroidered pillow. Among his peers in the celestial image realm, he is definitely regarded as a strong one, and was defeated by others. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen to him.

"If you don't want to die, I will try my best to hold one."

At the moment the two old men flew by, Ye Hao immediately shouted toward Lu Guan, and at the same time urged Sanqing You Tianbu to the extreme, following Ji Jiusi like a shadow.

"It's the world's fastest!"

"Little beast, dare you!"

Seeing Ye Hao's terrifying speed, the two elders at the pinnacle of celestial phenomena finally recognized his body skills. They were the world's top speed in the world, even like the Sanqing Tianbu of Tongtiandao Peak.

The eyes of the two elders were splitting apart, but the stormy waves in the bottom of their hearts could not be calmed down.

The Supreme Speed ​​of the World, even some immortal Dao traditions are not necessarily present. Only those immortal Dao traditions with incomparable background can have this kind of top-notch body skills, but they are also regarded as one of the most important Dao traditions. It will never be spread easily, and even the Taoist family Tianjiao may not be able to practice.

Jixia Academy does indeed have a world speed, called Zhichi Tianya. It is rumored that you can reach the peak and you can cross a field with one step. The Tianya is so far away and close at hand. It can be said to be terrifying to unimaginable.

auzw.com If the young man casts it close to the world, even if they are shocked, but they are barely able to accept it, but the body skills they use are ethereal and ethereal, with an endless breath of dust, it is like the legendary Sanqing You Tianbu.

This world speed is one of the most important foundations of Tongtian Daofeng. How can a kid who has newly visited Jixia Academy master it?

At the same time, after Ye Hao's voice spread, Lu Guan wrinkled his face incomparably entangled, and finally he looked like he was willing to let go, and said impassionedly: "Brother Shen, the little monk's life and wealth depend on you!"

Lu Guan knew very well that after knowing Ji Jiusi's plans, he and the young man were already grasshoppers on a rope. If the former died, it would be difficult for him to get out of this ruin.

Of course, Lu Guan also knows that the combat power of the two sides can be said to be extremely disparity. Ji Jiusi himself is a strong celestial phenomenon, and there are also two strong Yaohuangzong who are at the peak of the celestial phenomenon to help each other, but neither he nor the young man has condensed the celestial phenomena. No matter how you look at this battle, they don't have the slightest vitality.

But after seeing the terrifying combat power of the young man in the cross-channel trial, Lu Guan finally chose to believe in the former, so he directly sprayed a mouthful of blood to activate the secret technique, and the whole person was like a burning sun, rushing towards One of the old men at the peak of the sky.

"Zhang Liujin body!"

"Fudo Mingwang!"


Lu Guan was really desperate this time. It can be said that he didn't have the slightest reservation. The mystery and magical powers of the endless buddhaland blasted out like raindrops. It is the old man who has the cultivation base of the peak of the sky. At this moment, he can't move forward. Repeatedly, directly urging the phenomena of heaven and earth, wanting to crush the former directly.

"Stupid Ant, in front of absolute power, all tactics are a joke!"

Of course, even if one person was dragged, the other old man at the peak of the celestial phenomenon laughed out loud, appeared behind Ye Hao instantly like a shuttle in the void, and patted his back with a palm.

However, Ye Hao seemed to be unable to feel the murderous and awe-inspiring offensive from the rear. He was still pursuing Ji Jiusi's continuous bombardment. The fist marks were like lightning, and like a big day, Ji Jiusi screamed again and again, like a There is no strength to fight back like a sandbag.

"Die to me!"

In the rear, the old man at the peak of the sky screamed sharply, but when his palm was no more than a few inches away from the young man’s back, an overbearing and terrifying aura rose to the sky, as if it could break the sky, and the pressure was shocking. The old man's eyes shrank suddenly, and his figure retreated violently without hesitation.


In the void, a black big halberd flashed directly and slashed down diagonally. If the old man's reaction slowed down by the slightest, he would be hit hard even if he didn't die.

"What's this! Dao soldiers? Free and easy treasure? Or"

The black-robed old man lost his voice in horror, and a layer of cold sweat appeared all over his body. The black euphorbia halberd was broken, full of cracks, and even missing a tip at the tip, but its diffuse aura was too terrifying, making him the peak of the sky. I felt a panic of fear for both.

"Nine styles!"

Ye Hao didn't look back, he directly pinched the tactics and drank heavily. Suddenly, the black big halberd seemed to have autonomous consciousness, slashing towards the old man with boundless dominance.

This black euphorbia was naturally the Heaven Breaking Halberd. After it was taken from Wang Shiyuan's hands, Ye Hao gradually learned the magical powers in him, so it would not be difficult to use it.

Although the Heaven Breaking Halberd was not the peak, it was once an emperor soldier of the Extreme Dao. At this moment, the elders who were the peak of the celestial phenomenon were all in danger, constantly roaring.

"Damn, who are you!"

At the moment when Ye Hao urged the Heaven Breaking Halberd, Ji Jiusi finally grasped the gap and retreated in a miserable manner, staring at the young man with a little horror.

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