Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 520: Slash the peak

Since the images of jade slips outside the Kunlun Ruins were circulated, the black murderous knife in the young man's hand can be said to be unknown to no one.

And this knife was also the most obvious feature of Ye Hao, who was wanted by the Eastern Desolate Cang Clan.

At the moment, the two elders at the peak of the sky looked stiff and couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Shen Xuan, the new entry disciple of Jixia Academy, turned out to be Ye Hao who caused a terrible storm in the Eastern Wilderness and escaped from the saint?

If it hadn't been for Lu Guan to have passed out with exhaustion at this moment, I am afraid that the shock in his heart would be more than that of the two.

The rumors of the boy were really too shocking, and there was a terrible storm in the Kunlun restricted area, and even a saint shot, but he still escaped.

Such a record, no matter how it is done, is enough to make the strong people of all ethics in the world feel astonished.

Of course, at the same time, everyone regarded it as a hot treasure for one party, as well as a blue sky ladder that can reach nine days.

After all, the rewards of the Immortal Cang Clan and the favor of a saint are too heavy and too heavy.

"Shen Xuan Ye Hao is good!"

After the anger and horror passed, the two old men at the peak of the sky showed unprecedented greed.

Ji Jiusi fell here, and afterwards the sect knew that the two of them could not escape the blame.

But if Ye Hao were to be captured, then Ji Jiusi would be resurrected from the dead, and the sect would never mind letting him die again.

"Ye Hao, don't hesitate to catch it without obediently"

"Hahaha, God helps me, as long as you capture this kid, you and I will be on the same footing!"

The eyes of the two celestial peaks were full of excitement and ecstasy, and the power within their bodies erupted unreservedly, directly urging the heaven and earth phenomena, rushing towards Ye Hao like crazy.


In an instant, the three of them fought together, and the magical secret techniques kept colliding, and the mysterious runes permeated, and the scalp numbness of the training went through the air, causing the void to continue to tear and collapse, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

The astronomical realm is worthy of the astronomical realm, and the two old men are both at the peak of the astronomical phenomenon. Together, Ye Hao can't beat it even for a while.

If it were not for his perfect golden body, not weaker than the celestial phenomenon powerhouse, and also practiced the Sanqing Youtian Step, otherwise he would not be able to entangle with the two astronomical peak powerhouses.

"It seems that we have to step into the domineering blood realm as soon as possible!"

Ye Hao has a solemn expression. Although the physique of the golden body and extreme state is not weaker than that of the celestial phenomenon, it does not have much advantage. If he wants to respect the celestial phenomenon in his physique, he can only push the extreme state law into the blood. It is possible in one state.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Sun Dragon Soul Pill who stepped into the Domineering Blood Realm was in his storage bag, but Ye Hao had never tried to break through without a retreat in the near future.


During the battle, Ye Haolong's emperor sword kept slashing out, and the sky-breaking halberd was a terrifying killing, restraining one of them, making it impossible to make a full shot.

But this is the case, with one enemy and two, and with the spirit evolving to fight the celestial peak, Ye Haoli still couldn't catch it.

"Boy, don't be obsessed, if you take the initiative to return to the sect with me, you may still be able to get a chance!"

With the battle, the two elders at the peak of the sky both shouted angrily, and both of his faces could not help but look ugly at this moment, and at the same time, the shock in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

Ye Hao has a great reputation, but in the past they wanted to come to him to be just a junior. Even if the Kunlun Ruins slayed a Happy Realm, they must have used some kind of evil secret technique. If they meet, they will definitely be able to raise their hands. Suppress it.

But it was not until after the real battle that the two realized how outrageous they were.

The young man clearly only has the cultivation base of the Spiritual Evolvement Realm, but his physique, the terrifying speed, and the mystery of supernatural powers are not weaker than those of the Celestial Phenomenon realm, and even slightly better.

Except for not condensing the Heaven and Earth Dharma phenomena, the young man's combat power is not at all different from the celestial phenomena realm powerhouse.

The two elders of Yaohuangzong couldn't help feeling a little hairy in their hearts. If they were allowed to grow up, they might be able to become powerful men in the world.

auzw.com Roar!

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at each other in unison, and the murderousness in their eyes became more and more intense.

The young man's talent is too terrifying, if he is allowed to leave this time, it is definitely tantamount to burying a great disaster.

"Die to me!"

Finally, the two elders at the peak of the sky no longer kept their hands, and their attacks became more and more fierce. In order to be foolproof, they would rather take a corpse to the Cang clan than let the young man escape from the eyelids.



The battle between the fields became more and more fierce, and the aftermath of violent power continued to disperse, leaving a large blank on the ground, and even some deep-buried prohibitions broke out at this moment, leaving the three people who were shunned with unlimited injuries.

"No more delay!"

After a long time of fighting, Ye Hao's eyes became increasingly fierce. After all, it will change after all. If he comes to the third party to intervene at this moment, I am afraid that his identity will no longer be concealed.

"Dengxian seven steps!"

Ye Hao snorted coldly, a huge misty shadow, with a burst of terrifying coercion, exuding the charm of immortal Dao, just like this, it suddenly appeared.

"The supernatural power of the Cang Clan!"

"How can it be!"

The Cang Clan’s Dengxianlu was so famous that the two elders immediately recognized the calendar, and this made their hearts more shocked.

Isn't Ye Hao immortal with the Cang clan?

Why do they still have the magical powers of one of the Cang Clan's heritage?

"This kid is weird, don't keep your hands!"

The two elders at the peak of the sky looked at each other, urging the sky and the earth to run directly on the hazy phantom.


The void roared, the shock continued, and the aftermath of terrifying power raged and erupted, causing the surrounding earth to continue to sink and collapse, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Deng Xian Qi Da came from the Cang Clan's Deng Xian Lu. It can definitely be said to be the world's top magical secret technique. It is extremely powerful, but Ye Hao's realm is weaker after all. Therefore, under the pressure of the two old men's world and the law, that way exudes immortality The phantom of Qi Yun finally seemed to be unbearable and collapsed.

"Boy, let's catch it!"

"Hahaha, see what else you can do!"

The two old men laughed wildly and looked at Ye Hao with fierce and greedy eyes, but when they saw the young figure clearly, the whole person couldn't help but stunned, and at the same time an unprecedented crisis of life and death enveloped them very strangely.

At this moment, Ye Hao’s body burst into brilliant golden radiance, like a nine-day deceased god. Even his pupils are as bright as the sun at this moment. In his body, there is a vast sea of ​​terrifying blood, like The raging sea churned and rose to the sky.

The most shocking thing is that behind him, there was a figure of a human figure wearing an imperial crown and wavy robe, which was extremely dim and vague. Although he couldn't see his face, he still had a supreme attitude of looking at the world. It's like the immortal emperor who is in charge of all living beings, extraordinary.

"Indestructible Golden Body Fist!"

Without giving them the slightest time to react, at the moment when the two of them looked at him, Ye Hao slammed out a punch, and the strange figure behind him also made a fist in vain.

Suddenly, the wind swept through the clouds, the sky was trembling, and a vast and terrifying supreme coercion erupted violently, and while rising from the sky, the phantom that looked like an immortal emperor had already hit the void in front of him and fell.


A dazzling fist print like the sun burst out, and the invisible ripples made the space collapse and shatter like a mirror, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

"What magical power is this!"

On the other side, the expressions of the two old men at the peak of the sky changed wildly, full of amazement, desperately urging the sky and the earth, but the next moment, the bright fist that exuded a frightening atmosphere, the two people looked in fear and amazement. China grew bigger and bigger, and finally enveloped them completely.

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