Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 534: Unmatched

In ancient times, the demon master who suppressed an era was so aloof and amazing. Although he did not know why he fell, the ancient demon sacred scripture he created is the highest inheritance of the monster clan, and even the ancient scriptures that can be compared with the entire world. not a lot.

The so-called 36 peerless exercises are inevitably eclipsed compared with this class of Unparalleled Ancient Scriptures. I am afraid that only the few exercises in the top five are barely comparable to them.

"With my talent, isn't it natural to become a demon sacred scripture?"

The Tian Yaozi smiled lightly, there was no arrogance in his eyes, but this appearance of course was the real arrogance.

You must know that the ancient demon sacred scriptures have been passed down from ancient times to the present. For millions of years and hundreds of millions of demon races, none of them can truly cultivate and master. This shows that the aptitude of the demon child is really evil.

"This halberd is not bad, it seems to be an imperfect imperial soldier?" Tian Yaozi looked at the Heaven-Splitting Halberd in his hand, with a satisfied expression on his face, and couldn't help looking at Ye Hao, "Unexpectedly, your ants have a lot of chance."

Ye Hao's face was ugly, and he also heard about the Demon Sacred Ancient Scriptures, especially the Military Control Technique, which was endlessly mysterious and powerful.

It is said that in ancient times, the demon master of the world used this method to make the world's immortal orthodoxy all the ultimate saint soldiers. It can be said that it is a real taboo method with mysterious power.

Ye Hao originally thought that all this was just a rumor and exaggeration, but he didn't understand how terrifying this taboo secret technique was until he really encountered it.

"Hehe, don't talk about your incomplete imperial soldier, even the sword Zhang Kuaixue used to be, I almost snatched it."

Tian Yaozi raised his eyebrows and sneered, playing with Po Tian Ji, seemingly very pleased.

But Ye Hao's heartbeat stopped in vain when several people heard the words, and there was an unconcealable shock on their faces.

As Zhang Kuaixue holds a sword as the Jianzong contemporary, his sword must be the sword of the sword!

You know, the sword is the greatest heritage of the Sword Sect. It is the ancestor of the Sword Sect. It is said that the legendary creatures such as the true immortal have been killed before endless years. It is unimaginable.

But the Tian Yaozi almost snatched the Immortal Slashing Sword from Zhang Kuaixue's hands, which simply subverted the imagination of several people.

"Did you win Zhang Kuixue?"

Yun Miaoxuan stared at the demon child in disbelief. Everyone knows that Zhang Kuaixue went to the extreme north to challenge the demon child, but no one knew the result of that battle. What the demon child said, let Yun Miaoxuan say Can't help but come up with this speculation.

However, the Tian Yaozi snorted coldly when he heard the words, and did not speak with a gloomy face.

And his reaction caused Yun Miaoxuan's heart to loosen slightly. With Zhang Kuaixue's intrepidity, even if the Tian Yaozi hadn't been defeated, he obviously hadn't beaten it. Otherwise, the terrifying record of defeating Jianzong with the sword would have long been known. Passed down to the world.

"That guy was born at a bad time, and one day he will lose in my hands." Tian Yaozi said coldly, and immediately turned his eyes to the boy, "But these have nothing to do with you, a bunch of ants, die."


The sky demon child's palm wrapped around the divine light and shook slightly, and the sky-breaking halberd black light suddenly flourished in his hand, erupting with an extremely terrifying aura, and slashed directly at Ye Hao.


Ye Hao's face was ugly, and he moved out in the first place, avoiding it dangerously and dangerously.

The Tian Yaozi mastered the military control tactics, which made him give up using the Dragon Sword for the first time, but in terms of physique, he fell into a disadvantage, too passive.

"Dying struggling, wasted effort."

The Tian Yaozi spoke lightly, rushing towards Ye Hao in an instant like an electric light.

"You go!"

Finally, Yun Miaoxuan made her move. With a graceful and ethereal figure, she directly urged the Tian Yaozi one step away to stop the demon, and shouted at Ye Hao behind.


"Yun Miaoxuan, isn't he your little lover?" Tian Yaozi raised his eyebrows and sneered, "You dare to stop me now, and the worm shakes the tree."



Tian Yaozi shot directly, although Yun Miaoxuan is as famous as him, but now he is already condensing the heaven and earth phenomena, leading the former by a big step, so he is not at all afraid.

It's just that Yun Miaoxuan deserves to be the saint of the Jade Lake. Even if the realm is slightly weak, she still bit her silver teeth, and she exudes an incomparably brilliant brilliance, with a thick and holy breath, she actually stopped the Tian Yaozi for a short time.

"Yao Chi's fairy scroll?"

The Tian Yaozi squinted slightly, his expression slightly solemn.

The fairy scroll was created by the Queen Mother of the West, and its profound and terrifying is not weaker than the demon sacred ancient scriptures. Yun Miaoxuan is the only person in the sacred land of the Jade Lake who has cultivated this method.

"Hurry up, leave the ruins, and seek shelter from the strongest Confucianists!" Seeing that the young man was still in shape, Yun Miaoxuan couldn't help but anxiously appeared in her beautiful eyes, "I am the saint of Yaochi, he dare not kill me, you stay This can only die!"

Ye Hao clenched his teeth, clenched fists dripping with blood.

He looked at Yun Miaoxuan, who was gradually falling into the wind, with strong unwillingness and murderous intent in his eyes.

Ye Hao knows that Yun Miaoxuan's words are true, and there is only one dead end left.

But if he leaves like this, leaving Yun Miaoxuan here alone, his heart will be hard to settle!

"wait me back!"

But in the end, Ye Hao still suppressed his unwillingness, said a hoarse voice, and slammed into the distance.

"Hey, it turned out to be a waste that must be sheltered by a woman."

But at this moment, a sneer came from a distance, with a sneer and contempt in the voice, and at the same time, a terrifying yin and yang two auras fell like a waterfall in the sky.


The sky quashed and the void was torn apart. Ye Hao's figure was instantly overwhelmed by the vast ocean of Yin and Yang. The terrifying aura made De Yun Miaoxuan and Lu Guan in the distance both look wild.

"Sanqing Daozi?"

The Tian Yaozi narrowed his eyes, and the pale golden vertical pupils appeared surprised and solemn, looking at the figure that appeared abruptly in the sky.

That was a young man wearing a Taoist robe, with a pure and delicate spirit. He exuded an aura of transcendence and horror, as if blending into the nature of the world, and exuding the mysterious Taoist rhyme between his hands and feet. Concussion, constant roar, the scene is extremely shocking.

The young man is impressively the Tongtian Daofeng Sanqingshan, the most amazing Tianjiao evildoer, Sanqing Daozi.

"Li Hong!" Yun Miaoxuan's beautiful eyes were shocked and shocked, and couldn't say anything. "You unexpectedly joined forces with the demon!"

In fact, it was not just Yun Miaoxuan, even Lu Guan in the distance, and even the Tian Yaozi had not expected that even the Taoist of Sanqingshan had come this time, and the target was also a teenager.

Yun Miaoxuan's face was extremely ugly, and Lu Guan's eyes were full of despair.

Sanqing Daozi is also one of the enchanting Tianjiao in the world, and his strength is not weaker than that of the Tian Yaozi. One Tian Yaozi is enough to make people desperate, not to mention the addition of a Taoist Li Hong.

Because these two people joined forces, even the swordsman Zhang Kuaisue who claims to be the most powerful among his peers is here.

Have to avoid the edge temporarily.

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