Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 537: War demon

In the final analysis, the three poles of Denglong are to use the human body as a great medicine to refine the body's potential to the extreme. When it reaches the peak, the body becomes Dao, the blood rushes into the sky, and the fragrance is emitted.

The extreme state of the golden body is divided into skin refining, tendon refining, bone refining, and marrow refining. With the help of the vast power of the treasures of heaven, material and earth, the body is refined to its peak.

And blood is the rest of the marrow.

At the tyrant blood level, it has begun to focus on the cultivation of the blood of the cultivator, and the required strength will be even greater.

Tianyang Dragon Soul Pill just met this need.

At this moment, Ye Hao seemed to have a wave rushing in his body, thunder resounded, flesh and blood continued to explode, and his bones seemed to be under unimaginable squeezing, constantly cracking, which was extremely terrifying.


Ye Hao gritted his teeth, groaning in the depths of his throat that didn't sound like a human voice, enduring inhuman pain.

At this moment, he can no longer be described in blood and blood, but almost no human form, as if he is about to fall apart completely, turning into a skeleton and blood mud, horrible and terrifying.

Although Denglong Three Extremes is known as the invincible body refining method, its power is really terrifying, but its training process is really too painful, even if Ye Hao walked all the way like this, he felt that he was almost unable to sustain it.

"Keep it going, you must keep going!"

Ye Hao's mind was a little lost, and there was only one obsession in his heart, that is, he must step into the domineering blood state.

Because if it fails, let's not talk about the murderous intentions of the Tian Yaozi and the Sanqing Daozi. In the future, why will he return to the Eastern Desolation and liquidate the blood debt outside Kunlun Ruins.


I don't know how long it has passed, as if it was only a moment, and it was as long as a century. Ye Hao's figure was broken, and there was a sudden roar in his body, making the void roar, and the entire cave was shocked.

Golden body four poles.

Three changes of domineering blood.

Ye Hao's eyes were red and bloodstained, and his whole person seemed to be in a mysterious and mysterious state. Subconsciously began to operate the domineering blood realm method, making the body roar even more, like Wanchuanhuihai, rushing to the sky, the original broken body, in A magical power shrouded, and healed visible to the naked eye.

The flesh, muscles, veins, bones and bone marrow are all filled with a touch of golden glory, which is extraordinary, and the blood in his body, at this moment, started to boil like magma, and the bubbling bubbling sharply decreased like evaporation.

Ye Hao sat cross-legged, his body roared constantly, blood mist filled his body, and transpiration radiated. This scene was extremely strange, but only Ye Hao knew that although the blood in his body was evaporating less, the power in his body was moving at an unimaginable speed. Climbing.

"This is the first change of the Three Changes of Tyrant Blood?"

Seeing the changes in his body, Ye Hao's heart was full of shock. At this moment, the blood in his body seemed to be condensing, only half of what it was at the beginning, but the color was glowing with a mysterious red color, which was darker than the red blood in the past, flowing with strands of treasure. Hui, mysterious and extraordinary.

Red blood is boiling!

The red blood in his body caused Ye Hao to lose consciousness for a while, feeling an unprecedented powerful force permeating his body.

Even at this moment, he has a feeling that if he meets a strong person at the peak of the sky, he can be completely crushed only by physical strength.

Although he had never condensed the phenomena of heaven and earth, Ye Hao is now not afraid of any phenomena of heaven.

This is the confidence of Denglong Three Extremes, Domineering Blood Realm!


On the other side, at this moment, the sky is falling apart, the mountains and rivers are rolling up, and the fierce and terrifying force storm is raging, making the void torn into pieces, and the earth collapses and sinks, and the scene is extremely terrifying.

Sanqing Daozi was surrounded by the power of Yin and Yang, and his robe was a little damaged. Qi Hanlin's whole body was filled with majestic righteousness, like a round of brilliant days, but there were also some injuries on his body.

"The Haoran Righteous Qi Jue is really not easy."

Sanqing Daozi's voice is solemn, with his strength, among the world's peers, except for the few peerless evildoers of the same name, he can be said to be invincible.

And Qi Hanlin is clearly in this list.

"Brother Dao, my younger brother has left the ruins at this moment, so please stop."

Qi Hanlin spoke in a deep voice. Although he said he was walking in the world of the Imperial Academy of Learning, but his opponents like Sanqing Daozi still did not dare to look down upon him.

"Hehe, that ant can be solved at any time, but you and I are in the Southern Territory, so it's time to make a difference."

Daozi Sanqing snorted coldly, his eyes boiled over, and his figure flashed out again, fighting with Qi Hanlin.


Compared with the two evenly matched, the battle between Tian Yaozi and Yun Miaoxuan was a one-sided battle.

Although Yun Miaoxuan said that he was as famous as the Tian Yaozi, his realm was a little weaker, and he had not condensed the phenomena of the heaven and earth, so he was not an opponent of the Tian Yaozi.

If she hadn't been for the immortal spirit body, and at the same time, she had cultivated the fairy spirit scroll of Queen Mother Xi, I am afraid that she would have been captured by the demon child, and there would be no suspense.

"Haha, Yun Miaoxuan, follow me back to the far north." Tian Yaozi sneered, the golden vertical pupils were amused, and the robbed halberd was filled with domineering killing, as if it belonged to him. terrible.

The Demon Sage Control Arms Art is too extraordinary. With the Heaven Breaking Halberd, the strength of the Demon Child can be said to be even more powerful.

Yun Miaoxuan had a lot of injuries on her body, panting violently, and even the white gauze on her pretty face was gone, revealing a beautiful cheek that can be broken by a blow.


The long sword in her hand is sharp and the sword shadow is fluttering, exuding a sharp and terrifying aura, obviously not an extraordinary thing.

But every time it collides with the Heaven-Breaking Halberd, a gap appears in the blade and it quickly collapses.

If it weren't for her to be the saint of the Jade Lake, with a profound background, she would no longer be able to fight against the demon child as an ordinary person.

"Yun Miaoxuan, Yun Miaoxuan, although you and I were equal in the past, you are really weak now, no different from ants."

The Tian Yaozi sneered, his eyes were full of mockery, and the Heaven Breaking Halberd in his hand severely chopped down, tearing apart the void, and blasting Yun Miaoxuan into the ground again.

"Liuli Fu Mohou!"

In the smoke and dust, Yun Miaoxuan's cold drink suddenly sounded, and suddenly, a jade cover exuding colorful streamer appeared, like a flash of lightning, instantly enveloped the sky demon, completely bound.

"The treasure of heaven and man? It's worthy of being the holy land of Jade Lake, and the background is really good."

The Tian Yaozi frowned, and immediately cast his gaze downwards, and saw Yun Miaoxuan's pretty face solemnly, sitting down directly, a mysterious and terrifying aura filled his body, which was extremely shocking.

"Want to take the opportunity to condense the phenomena of heaven and earth?" Tian Yaozi's golden vertical pupils shrank, and a sneer appeared on his face, "You are so wrong about using me as a stepping stone!"

When he and Zhang Kuaixue fought, they made a breakthrough in the fight, and now Yun Miaoxuan's actions are naturally not hidden from him.

Tian Yaozi knew very well that the reason why he was able to break through in that battle was all because Zhang Kuaixue deliberately let go. Now Yun Miaoxuan imitated her, he would naturally not be so stupid and let him successfully condense the phenomena of heaven and earth.

After all, if the former stepped into the celestial state, the demon child was not sure that he would be able to overcome it. Since he had already fought to this point, how could he be soft.


The Tian Yaozi didn't talk nonsense, and cut out the Heaven-Breaking Halberd in his hand, causing the colorful jade cover to oscillate continuously, but it did not break.

"It's really troublesome."

Heaven and Human Treasure is a step-by-step growth from Taoist soldiers to Heavenly weapons. Its power is extremely extraordinary, even if the halberd is fierce, it is ultimately an incomplete emperor soldier, unable to break open for a while.

auzw.com The demon snorted coldly, the power in his body burst into the sky, a burst of violent demonic energy rose to the sky, and the black halberd in his hand flourished, continuously cutting out like a violent storm.



The Tian Yaozi didn't leave his hands at all. After most of the incense, a shocking crack finally appeared on the colorful jade cover, and finally spread slowly.


The colorful jade cover, a treasure of heaven and man, burst out like this.


The demon child stepped out, holding a black halberd, blond hair dancing wildly, with a mighty momentum.

Below, Yun Miaoxuan's body momentum continued to rise, and a vague phantom appeared in the void behind it, as if the embryonic form of heaven and earth appeared.

It's just that the moment the Tian Yaozi broke the shackles, her face looked more ugly than ever.

The battle just now gave Yun Miaoxuan a lot of touch. It can be said that she has polished the last flaws in her spiritual development stage to perfection. It has reached the perfect time to condense the phenomena of heaven and earth. Then she can find a place to retreat. Take the opportunity to step into the astronomical realm and catch up with those few people.

However, Yun Miaoxuan did not expect that her strongest and last piece of body protection could not even last for the time of a stick of incense and was broken by the sky demon.

Looking at the black halberd in the hands of the former, Yun Miaoxuan couldn't help but feel a little bitter. In fact, she could take the opportunity to escape after only offering the glazed velvet magic cover.

The reason why she didn't leave was all because of her unique pride in her heart as the saint of Yaochi.

If she flees this time, then she will be considered as entering the celestial state, and she will never have any hope of victory if she meets the demon child in the future.

After all, the flaws in the Taoist mind are more deadly than the cracks in the foundation of practice.

It is for this reason that Yun Miaoxuan offered the last treasure of body protection, and wanted to condense the phenomena of heaven and earth here, but in the end, she still underestimated the halberd that was taken away from the young man. The Arcana could not resist for too long.

"Yun Miaoxuan, it's over."

Tian Yaozi grinned, he naturally knew that Yun Miaoxuan had no deep meaning to escape, and the pale golden vertical pupils couldn't help showing pleasure.

Being able to defeat the contemporary saint of Yaochi, a peerless evildoer with the same fame as her, and put it into the harem, this will undoubtedly have inestimable benefits to his future reputation.

"Haha, come back to the far north with me."

Tian Yaozi licked his lips, his figure turned into a flash of light and rushed out, and the Heaven-Pulling Halberd slashed towards the void behind Yun Miaoxuan without leaving a hand.

Right now is the critical moment for the condensing of the heaven and earth phenomena. If there is any mistake, Yun Miaoxuan Daoji will definitely suffer unimaginable damage, and will even completely cut off its path of practice.

Yun Miaoxuan was naturally clear about this result, but at the critical moment of the breakthrough, she couldn't move at all, and Qi Hanlin in the distance changed his face drastically, and wanted to rescue but was entangled by Sanqing Daozi.

"Just treat it as repaying the favors you rescued several times."

Yun Miaoxuan laughed at herself with a faint sigh, and her beautiful eyes slowly closed bitterly.


However, in the next instant, the expected sharp pain never came, and a rock-shattering sound of gold and iron resounded in the void, shocking people.

Yun Miaoxuan was startled, suddenly opened her eyes, and immediately her beautiful eyes shrank sharply, unbelievable and shocked appeared in her eyes, and her whole person was froze in place as if struck by lightning.

I saw in the void, a slender figure of a young man who did not know when to appear, hunting in a black robe, with a monstrous aura, a rusty iron knife in his hand, dangerously and dangerously blocked the halberd of the Tian Yaozi.

"Sage Yun, if you have the slightest accident, then what I owe you is really unclear." The young man turned his head slightly, grinned, and looked at her injuries, although the young man was smiling, but Black eyes felt even more chilly, "Next, just leave it to me."

When the words fell, the young man turned his head suddenly, and looked at the frowning Tian Yaozi with cold eyes, "As for you, let me see where your incredible arrogance comes from!"


The young man held a knife in one hand, and suddenly made a fist in the other. Suddenly, the mighty and violent blood rose to the sky, swept the wind and clouds, and immediately blasted a punch without reservation.

"Ignorant ants, worms shake trees."

The Tian Yaozi sneered and blasted a punch with indifferent expression, but as soon as the two punches touched, the indifference on his face suddenly turned into shock, and the pale golden vertical pupil contracted violently, "How is it possible!"



In the sound of horror, the body of the Tian Yaozi was bombarded by an unimaginable huge force, and the whole person set off a harsh sonic boom, suddenly flew upside down, and smashed a huge mountain at his waist, which was extremely shocking.



"How can it be?"

This unexpected scene caused drastic changes in the expressions of several people in the field. Even Sanqing Daozi and Qi Hanlin stopped the offensive by coincidence, looking at the returning figure in shock.

Young, naturally it is Ye Hao.

The moment Yun Miaoxuan saw the face of the incoming person clearly, the heart of Yun Miaoxuan was first surprised, and then worry and anger emerged, annoyed that the young man had gone and returned.

But at this moment, her heart was already full of horror, and she couldn't believe the scene before her.

Not only her, Lu Guan in the distance was already dumbfounded, staying where he was struck by lightning.

Rao Shi Sanqing Daozi and Qi Hanlin's eyes shrank violently, and there was a strong shock and astonishment on their faces.

They don't understand at all, and even wonder if they are dazzled.

The young man who had just fled, not only did he go back and forth, he was still struggling with his body, overwhelming the demon child?

how can that be!

You know, even though Sanqing Daozi and Qi Hanlin asked themselves that they were not afraid of the demon, they had to admit that they were indeed inferior to the former in terms of physique.

After all, the blessed physique of the monster race is too terrifying, far better than the cultivators of the human race, not to mention that the demon child is a chaotic demon **** body. This is the physique created by the ancient demon master. Physically, few people can compete with it.

"Junior Brother Shen, you"

Qi Hanlin was very uneasy, but he didn't know how to speak.

On the other side, Sanqing Daozi's face was suddenly gloomy, and a rare dignity appeared in his eyes.

They simply couldn't understand why the young man had such an astonishing improvement in his strength after he left for a while and returned.


"Damn ants!"

At this time, the ruins in the distance exploded in vain, and the violent demon spirit rose into the sky, shaking the earth.

The Tian Yaozi rushed out, her blond hair danced, her face was gloomy, and her whole body was overwhelmingly terrifying.

"Break with peace of mind, here I am."

Ye Hao smiled freely at Yun Miaoxuan, and immediately rushed out without fear.

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