Way of Immortal Sovereign

Chapter 540: Evacuation

The Tian Yaozi snorted, with his pride, except for the few people of the same name, why did he put the rest of his peers in his eyes?

But at this moment, there is a sense of absurdity in his heart. Facing this blow, if he is careless, he is likely to fall here.

"The ant, worm, vainly tried to guard the sky and die for me!" The demon screamed angrily, as if an ancient giant beast was awakening in his body, a burst of terrifying monster energy burst into the sky.

"The sky demon comes to the world!!"


The demon's eyes were mad, and his hands directly pinched the tactics. Suddenly, the entire world suddenly shook, the space shattered, the earth fell, and a strangely vague figure that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared.

The image of this body is a human figure, with a face that cannot be seen clearly. It is tens of thousands of feet high, with two horns on top of the head. The monstrous demonic air filled the sky, the mountains and the sea, shaking the sky, and it was extremely terrifying.

"this is"

"Sky Demon!"

"The demon is desperate this day!"

At this moment, even the faces of Sanqing Daozi and Qi Hanlin in the distance appeared astonished and solemn. Tian Yaozi's supernatural powers can be said to be the biggest assassin. Even if they face it, they dare not care about it, or even if they can accept it. The next is unknown.


The weird sky demon phantom condensed, without the slightest roar, and it was a little weird in silence, just like this, he reached out the illusory giant hand, and grabbed Ye Hao's bright fist mark.


When the two touched, the whole ruins seemed to shook suddenly, the world lost its voice, and then the earth-shaking roar suddenly broke out, like stars bursting, the universe born and died, and the aftermath of terrifying power surged in all directions, causing a shocking appearance in the void. Black holes are terrifying.



This force was too terrifying, and the aftermath of the overwhelming force swept through, causing both Ye Hao and the Tian Yaozi to be hit hard, spewing out a huge mouthful of blood.

Ye Hao's dark eyes tightened, his face was full of disbelief and amazement. The Tian Yaozi's supernatural powers were so terrifying that it was beyond imagination, and even the extreme supernatural powers could be blocked. It was unbelievable.

You must know that since the cultivation of the Immortal Golden Body Fist, this type of supernatural power can be said to be invincible, even the original Wang Shizheng can't resist it.

Tian Yaozi was the first person able to block the supernatural powers.

Ye Hao was breathing fast, his face was a little pale, but fortunately, he has now stepped into the domineering blood realm, and he won't be emptied of all his power by the Indestructible Golden Body Fist.

But because of this, there is not much strength left in his body, and the momentum of his body is rapidly declining, and even the supernatural figure behind him disappears silently.


Fortunately, the state of the demon child was also rapidly declining at this moment. In the violent storm of power, the demon-like phantom of the demon suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, strange and terrifying.

"Damn ants!"

The Tian Yaozi gasped violently, his face was pale, and the pale golden vertical pupils were even more shocked. He could never imagine that the punch of the young man could be so terrifying, that it could rival his strongest supernatural power.

You know, what he is using is the magical powers in the Demon Sacred Ancient Scriptures. Why can an ant be able to compete?

Ye Hao's expression is also extremely solemn, and every great realm of the extreme realm has a magical power. Although he has entered the domineering blood realm for the first time, he has never been consummated, and he can't display the magical powers of this realm.

The Indestructible Jinshen Fist can be said to be the strongest supernatural power he has now, but it still can't help the demon.


Even though he was an adversary, Ye Hao had to admit that these characters are indeed one of the peerless evildoers in the world.


At this moment, Yun Miaoxuan, who had been closed below, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and the void behind her was torn in vain, and a phantom that exuded endless divine light suddenly appeared, her dress floating, her graceful posture, although she could not see clearly The face, but it still resembles a nine-day fairy decayed, the grace is peerless, like Xianlinchen, exuding extremely detached and terrifying energy.

"The Heaven and Earth Law of the Yaochi Fairy Volume!"

"Sage Yun, finally stepped into the celestial state."

The sudden change made Sanqing Daozi's expression drastically changed, Tian Yaozi's expression was even more ugly, and Qi Hanlin's face couldn't help but smile.

Yun Miaoxuan just said that he could not defeat the demon child, but it was all because of his inferior realm. Now that he has entered the celestial phenomenon, he will never be inferior to the former.

"Li Hong, are you sure you are not leaving yet?"

Yun Miaoxuan got up and stood alone, her beautiful cheeks were cold, like a goddess of nine heavens, she had a more dusty and ethereal temperament than before.

Sanqing Daozi squinted slightly, surrounded by yin and yang, extraordinary, but before he could speak, Yun Miaoxuan took a step, a graceful figure appeared in front of him instantly, and shot directly.


After condensing the phenomena of heaven and earth, Yun Miaoxuan's combat power has soared unimaginably. Her whole body is ethereal and soft, exuding the sacred brilliance of dust, but the power fluctuations caused by gestures and actions are extremely terrible. It is not Li Hong. Dare to be careless.


After another hard blow, Sanqing Daozi retreated violently, looking at the crowd with a gloomy expression.

"Taozi, if you still don't leave, you must be prepared to be unable to leave."

Qi Hanlin smiled slightly, and the majestic awe-inspiring righteousness rose to the sky.

The corner of Sanqing Daozi's eyes twitched, and his face was rather ugly.

If it is one-to-one, whether it is Yun Miaoxuan or Qi Hanlin, he will not be afraid.

But at the moment, there are two evildoers who are equally famous with him. If they join hands, even he is in danger of falling.

In fact, if he didn't have that weird young man, he would still be able to join forces with the Tian Yaozi, but it was that young man who was most unexpected by Sanqing Daozi.

In any case, he couldn't think that a little-known kid who hadn't been in the Jixia Academy for a long time could actually fight the Tian Yaozi to this point.

The young man's strength, as well as Yun Miaoxuan's breakthrough, allowed the current situation to be completely reversed.

The situation was not complicated, so after the thoughts were transferred, Daozi Sanqing snorted and looked at Ye Hao with solemn eyes, "You are lucky today."

When the words were over, he no longer stayed at all, running the Sanqing Tour Tianbu, directly rushing to the distant sky.

The departure of Sanqing Daozi made Qi Hanlin and Yun Miaoxuan a little relieved, and the face of the Tian Yaozi on the other side was more ugly than ever.

At this moment, there are three evil spirits of Tianjiao who are equal to his strength, not to mention his current state, even in his heyday, he is incapable of being an enemy.

Tian Yaozi's face was blue, and a little bit of chill was filled up all over his body. He couldn't think of it anyway. He originally thought that the young Ant boy who could be easily solved would have such a terrifying strength.

If he had known this earlier, even if all the four evil spirits under his command would fall, he would never rush to take revenge.

Because even though he didn't want to admit it in his heart, the strength of that young man was indeed able to compete with him. It was one of the evildoers that could rival the immortal family.

"What do you want?"

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